A.I Michael - opinions

Can you try to restore TYLA?
tried doing that there actually, the AI hates it, even with the better quality source i have of TYLA. if someone with a better recording wants to contact me on twitter please do, i'd love to work on it, or any recording of any leak for that matter.
tried doing that there actually, the AI hates it, even with the better quality source i have of TYLA. if someone with a better recording wants to contact me on twitter please do, i'd love to work on it, or any recording of any leak for that matter.
Shucks. How about Dream Away then?
I can't believe I'm jamming to something that isn't even human lol
I recommend trying this but pitching the song down to a lower key. the original is female-key.
This high key explains why in several moments it seems that the child michael is singing lol
my dream was to use this technology to make abba sing 'i know him so well' and other post-abba B and B songs, I tried but I don't have the money to pay for this work on my computer
could this A.I. also manipulate vocals from Thriller / Bad to sound like (post-)Invincible-MJ?