A email I got 4 days before he passed


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
**fan correspondance removed upon request**
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why is this being posted when it expressly asks for it not to be published?
I doubt Karen would write that. maybe on the phone, but in documented email proof. no.
also Michael was 50 oh super michael jackson fan Marika and what is the ' i don;t care if Michael eats again' ??
this letter has hurt me .
and not for the reasons you think .
I think you shouldn't have posted this, simply because someone may get a hold of it and put a "media spin" on it. This is something that could've been PM'd to a few people, but I disagree with your choice to post it.

We assume everyone on here is an true fan, but if there isn't already, at some point someone who we DON'T want getting a hold of things or what is said on this site will and it'll just add fuel to the fire.

*and Mike was 50 not 51. It seems like no one can get the facts right!
WOW> Wake up call for sure....I wish it would have never have come to this....I know Michael professed a lot of being "invincible" - but really Michael was fragile....I look to songs like Someone Put Your Hand Out....or Will You Be There "but they told me, a man should be faithfull, and walk when not able, and fight to the end but im only human".....

My heart breaks for Michael......this didnt have to happen.....It's like he begged for help but wouldnt accept the help...Im just speculating, but thats how i feel. Michael does do what he wants.

Some of you... *sigh* nevermind. "a skeleton don't pass physicals"

You're right about that.

That is why something has gone terribly wrong. I keep going back to why is Michael dead if he were SO healthy as so many yelled to the rooftops.
what she says can't be taken in or out of context by another b/c it was very vague so ucouldn't infer anything. it's not like she said, ur right, mj needs to eat he may die. it just said sheknew.

and i think she wanted it private BEFORE the events on the 25th.

it just makes me question everyone around him. ortega, everyone. they all saw the big picture and figured it would be ok. and that's what is sad.

and he was TWO months shy of 51. so is it that big of a deal?
I seriously doubt that Michael suffered from Anorexia, however, I feel that this guy posted intelligently. I wasn't aware of the danger that Michael was in when he was alive. I really wish I had a time machine to at least try and make a difference. One thing is for sure, Michael did not have to die! And that is what hurts the most.
I dont know what to say. So this means that all the ppl. who were working with him knew then? like Kenny Ortega? so this is All about Money then? All about the rout of all Evil?

It would mean nothing to lose a job because of trying to help someone understand that their Life is MORE Important than them practicing and NOT eating. It would be good for the person if you just tell them what is it that you feel they're doing wrong and if they dont like it, and you get fired, Then at least you've done something to make them think. But I guess all the ppl. around him were their for their own purpose, to say "we have worked with Michael Jackson", for their own gain. This is...this is just....I don't know what to say.:no:

If this is true...then...

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Please read this:

I am only posting this email because I am just like you !!!! I want to know the truth !

Why do I post it now and not before ?? The person who mailed me this asked me to keep this private but Michael is gone now YOU and ME want to know the truth and nothing else but the truth.

Karen Faye: Karen is the most beautifull woman I have ever met and Karen was one of the few who realy, REALY cared about Michael. She did more for me personaly and for the fan community you can ever imagine. She desirves a statue and all the respect we have in ourselves for everythihg she did and still does.

The reason for posting this now is a somple fact:

I want to know what happend to Michael !!!! What did AEG do ?? What did the doctors do ?? I want to know it all and soon............

The fan mailed this is a 200% fan, even more then you or me so I know this is the truth.

We all loved Michael and now he's gone there will be a lot of gossip about a lot of things. This is no gossip, this is the TRUTH !!!


How the hell he passed the physicals if he was a skeleton? Why is he dead now if they said he was really fine? Something happened there and I want to know what...and why....
Some of you... *sigh* nevermind. "a skeleton don't pass physicals"

You're right about that.

That is why something has gone terribly wrong. I keep going back to why is Michael dead if he were SO healthy as so many yelled to the rooftops.

Yeah... it's all so very fishy. We really need those toxicology reports in.
I'm confused. Has Karen Faye released a statement since his death? I, too don't believe that it was possible to pass a physical if what this fan said was true.. I'm really confused, help :(

Are there any other fans that saw him a few weeks/days before his passing that can agree to what this lady is saying?
I have seen this already and I'm glad it was posted. I'm sure there will be people here who won't believe this, EITHER. But I do.

So how did Michael pass a physical, if he was in this condition? Good question. . . .

And I hope this answers those posters who have been saying the fans didn't try hard enough. Many people tried, ok? They really did. Fans didn't believe Halperin, and they shouldn't have. But what if fans had gone public with this? Would they have been believed? I think NOT.

I believe that MANY people knew and tried to help, as best they could. I also believe. . .and you don't have to believe ME. . that some people have lied and are lying still. So ask the question, what does anyone have to gain by lying? Who are they protecting? Surely not Michael. . . ... .

This board was of immense value to Michael during the trial, and never doubt it. Michael is gone, but we STILL can be of immense value to his children in getting at the truth. The truth just is not here yet. And for those of you who think the tox-report will resolve it? That is doubtful, to me. Drugs can be administered after death, to make it look like "something else." More than anyone, I trust the FANS' reports, because of everyone, fans have nothing to gain financially. At least think about this before responding off the top-of-your heads? WHY would staff be keeping the possibility open that there was foul-play? Just sayin'. . . . .
But here's the thing...how do you give a physical that will test if you can do 50 shows, hours on end? Sure, Michael may have been able to pass some sort of physical and testing, but if he wasnt eating properly (which it was obvious he wasnt) - and he was medicated - that will affect your stamina and endurance, and it doesnt seem like the tests they did were adequate. Im just saying.

Tests aside, propofol could kill an ox if administered improperly....

The whole system sucks damnit
I just don't understand... he was always skinny... In that horrible fire ad by Pepsi that has just been released, he looked way skinnier than in recent months... how is this possible...
How the hell he passed the physicals if he was a skeleton? Why is he dead now if they said he was really fine? Something happened there and I want to know what...and why....

Yeah I mean we all saw the pics and videos of him going to the doctor constantly in the past few months. If he was in such bad shape, how was he able to pass all those physicals? That's what AEG said anyway. It's very troubling.
But here's the thing...how do you give a physical that will test if you can do 50 shows, hours on end? Sure, Michael may have been able to pass some sort of physical and testing, but if he wasnt eating properly (which it was obvious he wasnt) - and he was medicated - that will affect your stamina and endurance, and it doesnt seem like the tests they did were adequate. Im just saying.

Tests aside, propofol could kill an ox if administered improperly....

The whole system sucks damnit

That is a good question that deserves careful and detailed thought.

Carry on,
