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Updated 9:04 AM
Apollo Theater Marks Anniversary Of Michael Jackson’s Death
By: NY1 News


Tributes are being held across the country today as fans remember Michael Jackson, on the first anniversary of his death.

The Apollo Theater, where Jackson and his brothers won Amateur Night as the Jackson 5 in 1967, is hosting a commemoration of Jackson's life and dedicating a plaque in his honor.

A moment of silence will also be held at 5:26 this afternoon, the time of Jackson's death, at the state office building in Harlem.

Barricades are set up at the California cemetery where Jackson's family and hoards of fans are expected today.

Jackson died at age 50 after going into cardiac arrest following a drug overdose. His doctor Conrad Murray has been charged with involuntary manslaughter.
i bought that magazine last week! havent really brought myself to read it all through yet
Just saw IAN HALPERIN on MSNBC pushing his documentary. He has reinvented himself. He has morphed into DAVID GUEST. He had the nerve to refer to MJ as "OUR IDOL." Ofcourse taking credit for every thing that has happened since MJ'S death. He is masquerading as MJ'S number one fan, clearing him of all wrong doing.
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Just saw IAN HALPERIN on MSNBC pushing his documentary. He has reinvented himself. He has morphed into DAVID GUEST. He had the nerve to refer to MJ as "OUR IDOL." Ofcourse taking credit for every thing that has happened since MJ'S death. He is masquerading as MJ'S number one fan, clearing him of all wrong doing.

Just WRONG!!!!!!!!
Stars Salute Michael Jackson a Year Later

"I think one of the coolest things he told me was never limit yourself; the fact that if people can whistle your songs -- then they can understand it all over the world," said LL Cool J. "No matter what you want to say about him, his career always mattered. You don’t tell out a hundred shows in England and all over Europe because you are not relevant."

"For a generation of people, they grew up with his ascension to stardom, people were affected by him when he was a child and they were affected by him as an adult and so we all kind of grew up with him," said director John Singleton.

"Everybody wanted to be like Michael Jackson. He's just that perfect," said Jennifer Lopez.

Aubrey O'Day observed, "He brought something nobody else did."

"There will never be another Michael Jackson," said Paris Hilton.

Celebs Remember Michael Jackson on One Year Anniversary of Death
Singer Jewel told Billboard, "Michael Jackson was an amazing artist whose footprints will never get filled." Rapper Bun B said, "On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 just passed away last summer. Everybody from here on out can only be 1 - 1.9," and singer, songwriter, actor, and dancer Jason Derulo confessed, "Michael Jackson was my biggest influence. He's the reason I started singing and dancing in the first place." Nick Jonas recalls a memory of Michael Jackson, drawing a comparison to his own family situation saying, "My personal favorite Michael Jackson memory is the first time I heard The Jackson Five's Greatest Hits. As brothers, I think it made a real impact on us anD Influenced us."
The Reverend added: "He was a good man and he deserved a lot more than he got and he gave a lot more than he received."

Ain't that the truth.

I just got this over my local shop..
I will post some pictures from inside soon.

Thanks for posting, I love the look of the pictures in it. Hope it might be in Australia but I'm guessing it probably won't be.
Michael Jackson by Marsha Ambrosius

I learned too much from Michael Jackson. Having the opportunity to be both observer and writer/vocal producer was too rich to put into so many words. Watching his breathing techniques, the vocal scales he would go over and over again before even stepping in the vocal booth at the studio every day we recorded. He was perfect. He was just so giving. He gave his all.

That would be the same thing that inspires me about him. He cared so much for everything and everyone. He gave his all in anything he did. His legacy is left for us to study. It’s evidence of how GREAT he was and always will be.

I wrote “I Want You To Stay” for Michael Jackson a few weeks before he passed away. I was going to be in London the week the tour started. A few weeks prior to the tour, I flew over to London and during my stay, I wrote it in my mother’s house on her piano.

I did a studio version which will be on Late Nights & Early Mornings – Michael Jackson’s influence can be seen and heard in not just the music I make but in most artists. I can’t help it! No Pun. Why not strive for greatness?

Marsha Ambrosius – “I Want You To Stay” (Live in London, July 2009):
(Click the link to hear the song)

I'm nervous. Excited but very nervous. It's a mild afternoon in New York City and I'm walking towards The Hit Factory studio to meet Mr.Michael Jackson. Today would be the first day recording his vocals on a song I wrote. A song called "Butterflies". Oblivious to pedestrians and loud traffic. Tuning out any sound interrupting my inner voice screaming "Calm down!!! You deserve this!!! You're worth this!!!".

I walk through the glass doors leading to a front desk. I was told to give my full name and ID was required. As expected, I was. A doorman walked me to the key operated elevator and was escorted to his floor. "Michael Jackson & Friends" was written on a white piece of A4 paper taped to the door. I was led inside.

My heart is literally beating out of my chest and I'm two breaths short of a panic attack. All I recall is the sound of a grand piano playing a harmonic scale, someone singing and seeing who that voice was coming from eye to eye.

It was him. The King of Pop. The Greatest Entertainer of All Time. From the live room, he smiled at me and threw up a peace sign. Continued to warm up his vocals as I stood in awe and then made his way to me. He said my first name and gave me a welcoming embrace. "Thank you," he said.

No Michael! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharon Jones Felt 'Heavy Silence' After Michael Jackson's Death

When someone's death changes your life, you remember the moment you heard the bad news. For soul sister Sharon Jones, that someone was Michael Jackson and that moment occurred while she was onstage, preparing for a gig somewhere in Michigan. Her friend called and interrupted sound check to deliver the news that Jackson had just passed away.

"I was so hurt; I was in tears," Jones tells Spinner. "We did two covers in his memory -- 'Who's Lovin' You?' and 'I Want You Back.' We worked those into our set for the rest of the tour to honor the King of Pop. There was such a heavy silence that hung in the air for days afterward; his death affected everyone, young and old, so we continued to cover them."

While Jones holds the popular opinion that nobody will ever be able replace Jackson or fill his shoes, she also knows that he passes at least some of his stardust on to the next generation. She recalls the way she fell in love with him when she little. "I was crazy for Michael like these young girls today and Justin Bieber," she says. "I never had the honor of seeing him live, but I remember when he won the award for 'Billie Jean.' I was watching on TV when he came out in his rhinestone-studded socks, the little white glove and the hat. He was just glowing in those lights and I remember just thinking how far he has come and what an amazing entertainer he truly was."

One year after his death and our appreciation for just how far he really did come, and just what an amazing entertainer he truly, truly was, has only grown.
Mario Says Michael Jackson is 'Unforgettable'
Posted Jun 25th 2010 11:00AM by Latifah Muhammad

The day that Michael Jackson died is arguably one of the most memorably occurrences in music history. When news broke that the King of Pop had been rushed to UCLA Medical Center, after suffering cardiac arrest, nearby fans stood outside the hospital to show their support. It wasn't until later that afternoon when Jackson was officially pronounced dead in a statement read by his older brother, Jermaine, that the impact was truly felt. We spoke with singer Mario, who recalled his response and where he was when he heard of the pop legend's untimely death.

"I remember exactly where I was. I was in the mall," Mario told the BoomBox. "I had a show that night and I was shopping. At the mall I was at they had a big TV screen and I just remember reading the headlines: 'Pop Superstar Michael Jackson Pronounced Dead' and I had to take a double take. People were crowding around. I felt like I was in a movie, it was crazy. The mall just went frantic. People [were] crying. I've never been to a Michael Jackson concert, to watch it on TV and see people cry is one thing but to see it in person and to see the effect that it had on all races of people... It was powerful."

As a young singer himself, Mario became a fan of Jackson's voice before the dance moves. The Baltimore native was struck by Jackson's ability to capture such emotion within his music despite being so young. "My first time seeing Michael and becoming a fan of his was when I was about 9 or 10 years old. He did a performance of the song 'Ben.' I later became a fan of the "Thriller Mike," crazy dance moves and his spontaneous style-I became a fan of his voice [when he was] a kid because I became a singer when I was younger. I had been singing since I was 4 years old, so I was inspired by him singing that song and how soulful his voice was at such a young age. That's when I became a Mike fan.

"To me Michael was one of those artists who was innovative in his music. He always reinvented himself with every album. I think he had an incredible ear for music. I think that music to him was such an art that he spent every day of his life getting to know music better. It was everything to him and I can relate to that love for music but I also relate to his theory and his formula of creating. [He is] unforgettable."
Mariah Carey on 1-Year Anniversary of MJ's Death: "We Miss You"

Friday – June 25, 2010 – 3:42pm

About a year ago, Mariah Carey sang a touching rendition of "I'll Be There" at the Los Angeles memorial for Michael Jackson.

On Friday -- the one-year anniversary of Jackson's death at age 50 -- Carey remembered her friend on Twitter.

"Watching 'You are not alone'..Love and Prayers to MJ 'King of Pop.' You will be remembered forever. We miss you," she wrote.

Carey performed with Jackson in concert several times, and said she was "heartbroken" after hearing he'd died. After singing at his memorial, she Twittered, "I could barely keep myself from crying."

Dancer Cheryl Burke told UsMagazine.com at the Roll Your Way Into A Sweat Free Summer With Revolutionary New DeoDry event that she's still affected by Jackson's death.

"This time last year I was in New York at this time... and I was driving in a taxi down the streets and hearing all Michael Jackson music. I knew that something tragic must have happened to him," she recalled. "It's really sad because for dancers like me, I have always looked up to me and he was and still is my idol. He is really amazing and he is surely missed."

Diddy made a montage of the King of Pop's music on his Web site.

If It Weren't For Michael Jackson by Lyfe Jennings

Words can't describe what Michael Jackson means to me, but his music will live in my heart forever! He has inspired me in more ways than one. Michael Jackson constantly tried to top himself on every CD and every tour.

He sang and performed from his heart, and what comes from the heart touches the heart!

My favorite memory of Michael Jackson is when he performed on Motown's anniversery for the first time as a solo artist and did the moonwalk. That was priceless!

His music provided an opportunity for me as an artist, because it was guys like Michael that brought soul music to the forefront and paved the way for other black men as myself to have a career and be on MTV and BET and be able to support our families.

Most of all, his music brought our people hope and let the world know that we are one!

- Lyfe Jennings | Follow me @Lyfeonline419

'Just Good Enough' Never Good Enough For the 'King Of Pop'

by Bruce Swedien

03:18 pm

June 25, 2010

The late 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson is shown onstage during opening night of his 1984 Victory Tour at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.
To me, the most memorable thing about Michael Jackson was the boundless passion that he always had for his music. His enthusiasm for the project at hand was like no one else I have ever worked with.

I think Michael’s legacy is that he set an extremely high example as one of the music industries true innovators.

Also, Michael understood the power of style and fashion. Everyone wanted to copy him. I do think that his fashion legacy in some ways rival’s his musical legacy.

I will always remember Michael Jackson as the most professional and the most accomplished artist I have ever worked with! And I have worked with the best the music industry has to offer.

Michael’s musical standards were incredibly high. When I worked with Michael, we never settled for a musical production that was “Just Good Enough.”

Michael was great fun to be with in the studio. He had a great sense of humor. He loved to tease.

Another thing that I want to mention is that Michael's work ethics were something that we in the studio took for granted but something that the rest of the world knows very little about. He even sang the lyrics from memory every time he stepped up to the microphone. Also the fact that everything was recorded straight through, there was no need for for “repairs” or “fix it in the mix” when it came to Michael.

I do miss him dearly.

As does most of the world.

Bruce Swedien is a five-time Grammy Award-winning music engineer. Swedien recorded and mixed most of Michael Jackson's epic releases, including albums "Off The Wall," "Thriller" and "Invincible."

When He Came Out With That Red Leather Jacket by Twista

I think Michael Jackson was ahead of his time. The influence that he has made in music period, made all artists step their game up and really make good records and not a collection of noise.

Michael Jackson inspired me as an artist, in that I made sure no one could touch me lyrically or copy my style, as MJ did. As a musician, i made sure to keep a close ear to the streets, in order to carefully choose what tracks I made my singles.

My favorite memory of Michael Jackson has definitely got to be the "Thriller" music video. I know it's probably everyone's favorite memory, but when he came out with that red leather jacket....BOOOYY, I tell ya, he set the bar for the rest of music history.

I can't even express what his music has done for me...for the music industry, in general. But what I can express is that without him, none of this – for anyone – would be possible.

- Twista |Follow me @Twistagmg
Anniversary of Michael Jackson's departure

Perceptive, courageous, gifted, iconic, and self-actualized are just a few of the adjectives that so inadequately describe Michael Jackson; a man whose untimely death has taken the world by surprise. Michael’s demise epitomizes the passing of an icon whose words continue to touch the very soul of the multitudes who dearly loved him. Then there are the many who join the ranks of those who were surprised at just how moved they were upon hearing of his initial hospitalization too quickly followed by the incredulous announcement of Michael Jackson’s death.

Michael’s international appeal was legendary. Personally, nothing is more indicative of this than his 1992 stellar performance in Romania before a spellbound crowd of tens of thousands. His “Man in the Mirror” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhKhGDqCeVg&feature=related#watch-main-area wasn’t executed as a song as much as an anthem appreciatively received by compatriots. Cameras scanning the massive crowd showed women and yes men crying unapologetically as Michael evoked emotions on what many believe was a cellular level, a level that penetrated deeper and deeper with every, “Ooh!” “Ooh!” “Ooh!” that would leave his mouth as he spun around and around before being totally consumed by his own musical genius and falling to what must have been an energy filled stage only to rebound with increased vitality; vitality that would further whip the crowd into a more intense frenzy.

Many understand the sentiments of the attendees holding the banner that read, “Michael A Gift from God.” His incredible talent and depth of compassion confirms this. Yet, there are those that also believe every human is a gift from God. Michael, however, had the discipline and sense of focus to remain true to his gift and not allow life’s distractions to take him permanently off course. Surely he experienced trials but it is his loving ways that many will remember and hold in their heart.

It has been said there are occurrences so awesome, so mind boggling that they could only have happened when the stars in the universe were perfectly aligned. Bob Beamon long jumping his way into the record books at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games is such a moment in history. His jump of 29’ 2 1/2” shattered the previous world record by almost 2 feet in an event where records are broken by the inch or part thereof. The election of Barack Obama to the White House is another point in time when the stars uniquely aligned and history was made. Michael Jackson has never competed in the Olympics nor has he ever sought political office. Yet, he has leaped into the hearts of a world-wide audience unlike any other performer in all of history with a music and presence so loved by his constituents they elected him the King of Pop. Of course no one can say when such an alignment of the stars will again take place. Yet all can express limitless gratitude to the celestial for doing so and gifting mankind with Michael Jackson.

To your journey!
Michael Jackson tribute from Jason Mraz, Miley Cyrus, Usher, Crystal Bowersox (VIDEO)
June 25, 1:46 PM Trina Yannicos

Jason Mraz praises Michael Jackson for his humanitarian efforts
AP photoMusicians including Jason Mraz, Miley Cyrus, Usher, Macy Gray, Bruno Mars and producer David Foster shared their thoughts with the AP on Michael Jackson's legacy to mark the one-year anniversary of his death on June 25.

(Watch Michael Jackson VIDEO tribute below) (click on article link ot watch)

Jason Mraz said: "Humanitarian... I felt like he spoke to the globe, he spoke to the entire human race, and he did it tirelessly from the time he was five years old until he departed, and that's really inspiring. It almost breaks my heart that the last 10 years of his life he wasn't credited as the real humanitarian that he is, as much as he cared for the environment and cared for children. The opposite was said about him."

Meanwhile, British singer James Morrison who performed a duet with Jason Mraz on the song "Details in the Fabric", performed a touching rendition of "Man in the Mirror" live from London this morning on the CBS Early Show.

I got the pleasure of meeting Michael jackson and it was an amazing experience. I was in LA and we got a call from Michael's Attorney and good friend Peter Lopez (R.I.P) and he said, "Hey man Michael wants to meet you."

I was just blown away. I didn't know what to do. I was like why would he want to meet me? LOL. I felt honored. So that day we went to his house in the afternoon. We walked in and we went into this room and it was like an actual casino. He had all the old slot machines and signs and blackjack tables from the Sahara casino in Vegas. It was the most amazing thing you've ever seen.

His butler came in and said, "Hey Michael wants to meet in the Gold Room." So we walk to this other room and there's nothing but gold everywhere.. the sofas.. the picture frames..he had gold coins on the table, it was crazy! We talked for hours because we had a lot in common. We both even love cartoons. He also told me his favorite song was "Bartender" which was pretty funny lol.

The crazy part was in the middle of conversating you could hear tour busses outside and people on the microphone saying "Hey everybody this is Michael Jacksons house!" Michael told me "This is crazy, this is everyday. People won't leave me alone. I can't even hang out in my yard." I can tell he was having a tough time dealing with it. It was a lot of pressure.

We ended our meeting on a good note though and planned to go into the studio and make records it just never came together. I wish it could’ve. It was truly an honor to meet the biggest artist in the world and it is a day I will cherish for the rest of my life. Michael and Peter thank you for the memory.

- T-Pain | follow me @nbtpain
The brazilian MTV exhibited all the morning clips of Michael. As entire week.

And today they exhibited the Making off Thriller

Yesterday one program that has Don't Stop Till Get Enough on its opening talked about MJ and exhibited images of him when he came to Brazil in 1996 to make the They Don't Care About Us video. They exhibited the images of Michael saying in a little interview for a journalist of TV channel: ''I love you Brazil.''

The brazilians tv's are more interested in the World Cup because our contry loves football. They exhibit matches all the day. As yet, no especials beyond these.
I don't know where else to put this.
Michael's bodyguard on facebook just wrote this:
MJs Bodyguards
Memories; One day while in a bookstore with MJ, as I was watching the kids I heard MJ arguing with a lady, she told him to stop acting like he's Michael Jackson, he said I am MJ, she said "u liar" he said I'm not lying and if u don't wanna believe me that's your problem., they were going back and forward, it was hysterical!!! (Good times)
I am not liking this CNN special. It's crap. The story line is "MJ the drug addict." with the usual suspects like the hideous chopras, father and son. No wonder the JACKSONS are on this show. CNN is pushing the JACKSONS agenda that MJ was a DRUG ADDICT.

John Legend Talks Jackson Tribute and Kanye at BET Awards
Posted Jun 25th 2010 5:30PM by Nadeska Alexis

On June 27, Michael Jackson's family will attend the BET Awards at Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium, where tribute will be paid to the late King of Pop, just two days after the anniversary of his death.

John Legend -- who will be on hand to receive BET's Humanitarian Award -- told The BoomBox that a year after Jackson's death, his legacy is stronger than ever.

"The important thing is his musical legacy and I think that's still going strong," Legend said. "People really recognize that he's one the greatest and one positive development out of such a tragic event is that the appreciation for his music grew even more. I'm not sure what exactly BET exactly is doing to honor him this time but I'm certainly a huge fan and can't get enough Michael Jackson, so anything recognizing his music would be fine by me."

On June 25, 2009, Jackson was pronounced dead after suffering from cardiac arrest and the news sent the world into shock. "We were rehearsing for my tour last year," Legend said, recalling the moment he found out about Jackson's death. "We were starting a summer tour and we were in Grand Rapids, Michigan rehearsing and we just couldn't believe it. It was surreal... there are very few moments in history that I can remember so vividly, and hearing the whole world talking about it like that."

Watch: Donny Osmond Remembers Michael Jackson (click link to watch video)

On the one-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, Donny Osmond shares his memories of the late King of Pop, and he opens up about his sister Marie's healing process following the loss of her son.

"My fondest memory with Michael, we were both 14 years old, and it was right after the first American Music Awards; we presented an award," Donny tells ET. "And we thought, 'We're hungry!' So we hopped in the back of my limo, drove to Jack-in-the-Box, and we were sticking our heads out the moon roof eating tacos and driving down Sunset Blvd. We were both laughing our heads off."

"It's still hard for me to imagine a year after his death that he's still gone, that Michael isn't with us," Donny adds. "But his music lives on. Michael will always be with us."

Of course, Donny, a father of five with grandchildren, often thinks of Michael's children, who are now in the care of their grandmother Katherine Jackson.

"She is such a loving woman. I've known her a long, long time. Anytime a child can be raised by grandma, you can't go wrong," he says.
Michael Jackson Remembered by Some of Biggest Stars

Some of biggest names in today's music industry recalls how they remember the King of Pop Michael Jackson on his 1st year anniversary. Nice video compiled by Billboard.com.

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Re: Michael Jackson Remembered by Some of Biggest Stars

Thanks you for this.
Re: Michael Jackson Remembered by Some of Biggest Stars

Hahaha um these are today's biggest stars..I not heard of most or at least not heard alot of their music..But many of them are mediore at best good..Not biggest stars..If this is how people feel then we in a bad state.

However they are v insightful in their comments as alot of human beings could be in these situations no matter who they are.

bun b said a great thing

''On a scale of 1-10, 10 passed away last summer, so everybody from here on out can only be 1-9.9.''..Love thatt lol

''If god gave us anything close to perfection in the music industry, It was michael jackson.''

Mj changed the way black artists were seen..Before him black artists were guest spots in white people's music..After mj , you had people like Paul Mcartney being a guest in his show...Bojangles, Sammy v and james brown broke down barriers..Mj learned from the greats and became greater