A Change of Heart..... A NEW interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Actually Debbie DIDNT testify against Michael. She was called as a witness by the Prosecution. The media made it out like she would be "the final nail in the coffin" for Michael and then when she got on the stand she said the exact opposite of what the prosecution and the media made it out that she would say. I remember all the "speculation" about what Debbie would reveal and what damage she would cause him, and then BAM she blind sided the DA and Tommy Boy Sneddon. It was classic. Not a huge fan of Debs but I gotta give the woman credit when it came down to it she brought the truth. It was rather funny too how after she testified a good amount of the media turned on her and acted like she was "forced" to say the stuff on the stand because she didnt want to loose the kids, etc. Crap like that. As if Michael was holding that over her head. Kind of like he was saying 'Either say nice things or never see the kids again.' Total BS. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I do remember something like that going around. It was pathetic at how every time something else came out that would shatter the preconceived notion the media created they either swept it under the rug or would try to turn it on its head and spin it to fit their agenda.

It was disgusting and sick, AL OF IT! THE LAST 15 YEARS! The media can all go suck an egg...Michael had to have been the strongest person I have ever known to have withstood all the BS he went through. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

Anyway, I appreciate Ms. Jones honesty and admittance that she was in the wrong and I do believe she has seen the light. I am in the midst of reading her book and I am loving it. I knew most of the stuff (thanks to reports from fans/friends who were in the court room, etc.) but it's lovely to see the truth coming out like it is.

Debbie Rowe was one of those witnesses that the Prosecutors seemed like they expected to lie. When Debbie Rowe went rogue, they had nothing to counter her with. No evidence. No previous statement that would contradict what she was saying. It was very strange.
What exactly did Debbie say?

Anyone got a link or something?
Actually Debbie DIDNT testify against Michael. She was called as a witness by the Prosecution. The media made it out like she would be "the final nail in the coffin" for Michael and then when she got on the stand she said the exact opposite of what the prosecution and the media made it out that she would say. I remember all the "speculation" about what Debbie would reveal and what damage she would cause him, and then BAM she blind sided the DA and Tommy Boy Sneddon. It was classic. Not a huge fan of Debs but I gotta give the woman credit when it came down to it she brought the truth. It was rather funny too how after she testified a good amount of the media turned on her and acted like she was "forced" to say the stuff on the stand because she didnt want to loose the kids, etc. Crap like that. As if Michael was holding that over her head. Kind of like he was saying 'Either say nice things or never see the kids again.' Total BS. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I do remember something like that going around. It was pathetic at how every time something else came out that would shatter the preconceived notion the media created they either swept it under the rug or would try to turn it on its head and spin it to fit their agenda.

It was disgusting and sick, AL OF IT! THE LAST 15 YEARS! The media can all go suck an egg...Michael had to have been the strongest person I have ever known to have withstood all the BS he went through. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

Anyway, I appreciate Ms. Jones honesty and admittance that she was in the wrong and I do believe she has seen the light. I am in the midst of reading her book and I am loving it. I knew most of the stuff (thanks to reports from fans/friends who were in the court room, etc.) but it's lovely to see the truth coming out like it is.

You are spot on about DEBBIE and the trial.!! Debbie was a hostile witness for the prosecution. She came through bigtime for MJ. I wanted MICHAEL to make peace with DEBBIE right away. DEBBIE truly loved michael. I never heard her trash MJ, unlike LISA MARIE who went on OPRAH with her hideous mother PRISCILLA and condemned MJ.
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I remember Tom "MAD DOG" Sneedon trying to explain Debbie testimony away on CNN Puala Zann show after MJ won! Saying he knew she was gonna be a difficult witness lol yea right sorry but, he was stunned and so was the media especially Nancy (tweety bird) Disgrace when Debbie did that lol!

If Tom knew she was gonna do that then he wouldn't have put her on the stand lol he also said that u can't pick your "victims" when talking about Janet Arviso crazy ass and how outrageous she was on the stand!

Really, Tom... u can't pick your "victims?" Cause when u slid your business card under her door, it seems to me that u sure did pick Janet Arviso and fam, your so called "Victims!" LMAO!
I don't like at ALL what she said about Debbie. For someone who was there she doesn't seem to have great skills of observation on this point...
Debbie Row HAD to testify for the prosecution. She wasn't doing it to be malicious. If anyone has even read her testimony you can see she doesn't for one moment imply any guilt on Michael's part or give anything away to Sneddon. All she did was express that she wished to see her kids and that she would always be there for Michael but his entourage were too good at blocking others out and doing deals behind his back. She was on his side.

Other than that I guess it's a good interview.
Rather she'd have this elightenment now than never.
I remember Tom "MAD DOG" Sneedon trying to explain Debbie testimony away on CNN Puala Zann show after MJ won! Saying he knew she was gonna be a difficult witness lol yea right sorry but, he was stunned and so was the media especially Nancy (tweety bird) Disgrace when Debbie did that lol!

If Tom knew she was gonna do that then he wouldn't have put her on the stand lol he also said that u can't pick your "victims" when talking about Janet Arviso crazy ass and how outrageous she was on the stand!

Really, Tom... u can't pick your "victims?" Cause when u slid your business card under her door, it seems to me that u sure did pick Janet Arviso and fam, your so called "Victims!" LMAO!

"It must be a strange feeling, though, to know what the first line of your obituary is going to be. To know that it will involve, of all people, Michael Jackson. To know that it will be about a case everyone watched, and how you lost it. "(washingtonpost)
lol indeed!
"it must be a strange feeling, though, to know what the first line of your obituary is going to be. To know that it will involve, of all people, michael jackson. To know that it will be about a case everyone watched, and how you lost it. "(washingtonpost)
lol indeed!

Ha Ha Ha love it! :D so damn true, what a fool!
"It must be a strange feeling, though, to know what the first line of your obituary is going to be. To know that it will involve, of all people, Michael Jackson. To know that it will be about a case everyone watched, and how you lost it. "(washingtonpost)
lol indeed!

Ha ha brilliant! :D

Tom Sneddon must feel like a right loser! Pathetic old man!
Ha ha brilliant! :D

Tom Sneddon must feel like a right loser! Pathetic old man!

yes, Michael acquited the case, but how many people believed he was 100% innocent. The damage was done, and we lost him because of those damn allegations. That evil man just wanted to destroy Michael, after the case Tom Sneddon was still the "hero" in those media and haters' eyes. He totally ruined Michael's life. so who is the final "winner"?
yes, Michael acquited the case, but how many people believed he was 100% innocent. The damage was done, and we lost him because of those damn allegations. That evil man just wanted to destroy Michael, after the case Tom Sneddon was still the "hero" in those media and haters' eyes. He totally ruined Michael's life. so who is the final "winner"?

I know what you mean. It felt like the whole world was against Michael. The trial didn't start and most people thought he was guilty. I felt like I was the only one who knew he was innocent. That was how that time was like for many of us. Even though he was acquited and even now we still have to defend Michael because people still believe those allegations. There was a lot damage done.
Michael is forever and the people who tried so hard to take him down will be forgotten! Tom Sneddon can act all he wants as the "winner" but his ass was truly embarrass when he lost! LOL Those interviews he gave he was just so pist off it was very amusing to see him defeated! No matter how hard they tried MJ still remained No.1. That's why they tried so hard, the haters were his biggest fans and the most obsessed! And they called MJ & us crazy! lol It's so pathetic!
stunning she said
it well its jus heartbreaking to
thinkk of the pain he went
threw with that trial:/
Miss Jones may have once said horrible things about Michael..But she eventually admitted she was wrong...and for that, I respect her..Unlike the other haters, Miss Jones did her research...and she discovered the truth..At least she is trying to make amends..