A Change of Heart..... A NEW interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.


Hi guys, me again wanting to share another great interview that Deborah Campise Kunesh have done for her great webpage (http://www.reflectionsonthedance.com).

This time it's with Aphrodite Jones, who convered the 2005 case for Fox News and how she changed her mind about Michael Jackson and this case. Great reading. Please read it and spread it.

The interview is long so I wont post it here but please go to the link.

Enjoy and let's let the world know about this.

Oh yea... There is only ONE King =)

Much love to all of you.

Ps. Please show Deb some love on her page, she's done so much and is still doing it. I talk to her every now and then and she is working so hard to let the world know the real Michael Jackson, this web page does that.
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Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Wow, good read! It's sad that the media and others judged him on the 93 allegations to make up their minds on the 03 allegations that were 10yrs apart! lol Yet, people seem to not notice that among other things!
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Thank you for posting.
I agree it is a good read.. but it is also heartbreaking...
For me it is really painful to read all this after the fact.
I can't even begin to imagine what he felt or how he dealth with this day in and day out.
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Oh, please let her know how much I LOVE her site. And how much I appreciate the thorough research. Whenever I have people who just don't "get" why I'm so into MJ I refer them there. :yes: Tell her thank you so much and keep spreadin' the L.O.V.E. =)
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Thank you for posting!
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Don't know what to make of APHRODITE JONES. Don't know whether she is smart enough to figure that negatives books about MJ don't sell, so to get in the good graces of MJ'S fans she conveniently had a change of heart.

Just can't erase her vicious, gleeful reporting during the 2005 trial.
How can you sit through the entire trial for months, and at THE NOT GUILTY VERDICT miraculously change your mind.??
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

She has an absolutly wonderful site and I will always admire Aphrodite Jones for the way she admitted she was wrong about Michael. I bet a lot more changed their minds about him, its just they were afraid of what career repercussions would happen if they did come out and say which is so sad to think we live in a world like that.
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Don't know what to make of APHRODITE JONES. Don't know whether she is smart enough to figure that negatives books about MJ don't sell, so to get in the good graces of MJ'S fans she conveniently had a change of heart.

Just can't erase her vicious, gleeful reporting during the 2005 trial.
How can you sit through the entire trial for months, and at THE NOT GUILTY VERDICT miraculously change your mind.??

So you will throw stones at anyone who changes their mind from Michael being guilty to not guilty?? Are you going to get mad at anyone who comes to the conclusion that we all want them to see? Without Aphrodite's book, many people who were on the fence would remain there!

At least Aphrodite had the courage to change her mind infront of the media and her journalist peers and carry out real, authentic research based on FACTS which shows why exactly she changed her mind to Michael being innocent!

Don't get angry so quickly! The more people find out the truth, the better!
AJ also mentions in her interview that some of her other media friends also changed their minds so that's good! I wish that the redemption book would get this much attention, I think people are more aware of AJ book then GH book from the 93 case! But, they both need the attention equally! One without the other is ain't gonna do nothing but get people to do what the media did on TV believe one and not the other and that's ridiculous, cause both B.S cases go hand in hand!

I know that GH also got interviewed by this same website but, I'm talking about other kind of attention her book needs to get, just like AJ book would be nice!
The step to change their minds and admit to be wrong all along,is a very powerful message in itself.
I think in 10 years from now general public will radically change opinion on MJ,just like it happened to others controversial artists and focus almost entirely on the music...I have a collection of articles about freddie mercury and they kinda demolished him back in the days,not to mention how much speculation there was about him being ill and having aids,they FORCED him to come out and tell, and waited like vultures for him to die outside his house....after almost 20 years nobody even mentions aids anymore when speaking about him....art will prevail eventually.
I love her site. I cried all over again tho' But thats the way it'll always be because I'm always so touched by the person mj is/was.

Thanks for the post.
The step to change their minds and admit to be wrong all along,is a very powerful message in itself.
I think in 10 years from now general public will radically change opinion on MJ,just like it happened to others controversial artists and focus almost entirely on the music...I have a collection of articles about freddie mercury and they kinda demolished him back in the days,not to mention how much speculation there was about him being ill and having aids,they FORCED him to come out and tell, and waited like vultures for him to die outside his house....after almost 20 years nobody even mentions aids anymore when speaking about him....art will prevail eventually.

I will have to agree, except for the really hardcore haters, in 30 years I think that opinion will change for MJ and people when a new gen comes, Mike would be known for his music and many things.
Great read indeed. Hopefully there will be more people such as Aphrodite who will see the light about Michael and have a change of heart. As someone mentioned, once a new generation comes, Michael's music and the other great things he did will be remembered in the way that it should and nothing else.
Thank you for posting this. My heart is pounding - Speechless. This is man's inhumanity to man carried out on Michael. Thank-you Aphrodite Jones for standing up for Michael and telling the truth.
I do remember when she would spew garbage about Michael. It was horrible! However, that being said, it takes a lot for someone to stand up and say I was wrong about him and to call others out too. I actually respect her for that. It cant erase what was said but she has helped many change their mind with her book, which I recently bought myself after much debate. It also says a lot that T-Mez wrote the intro to her book. She's helping bring more light on how much injustice was done to Michael. This is how I see it.

If she is true and has seen the light then wonderful. That's one less ignorant jerk out there. Also it takes a lot for someone to while on shows call others out on how Michael was treated which I have heard her do. She was on the Joy behar show and was defending Michael and saying that basically all journalists had made up their minds BEFORE the trial. She called the other mofos out on the show. So I think that says something.

This is all just my opinion too, but it's true.

Anyway, glad to hear it. And thanks for this!
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

So you will throw stones at anyone who changes their mind from Michael being guilty to not guilty?? Are you going to get mad at anyone who comes to the conclusion that we all want them to see? Without Aphrodite's book, many people who were on the fence would remain there!

At least Aphrodite had the courage to change her mind infront of the media and her journalist peers and carry out real, authentic research based on FACTS which shows why exactly she changed her mind to Michael being innocent!

Don't get angry so quickly! The more people find out the truth, the better!

Do not assume, i am angry, or mad, because i refuse to throw bouquets at MS JONES. I am a tough sell. I am skeptical of all media, not just MS JONES.
I am not holding my breath waiting for the unenlightened to see the light.
Reading this interview just makes me so angry all over again. Michael never deserved any of this, and the people who treated him this way are the scum of the earth! :angry:
Wasn't it actually that during the 2005 trial she noticed how biased the media was? That they would only report negative news and whenever MJ had a very good day at court,they wouldn't report it? I didn't know she also blasted him during the trial....

What i think is the case is that...when the not guilty verdict was reached. She started to look into this, decided to do some real research,contact Thomas Mesereau and eventually wrote a book about it.
But come to think of it..in the book she admits to her wrongdoing, she admits she was one of them during the trial. Exactly what kind of things would she report though? Cause basically..the media....didn't know shit during the trial. and that's why they started to report on what he was wearing...sigh.
Wasn't it actually that during the 2005 trial she noticed how biased the media was? That they would only report negative news and whenever MJ had a very good day at court,they wouldn't report it? I didn't know she also blasted him during the trial....

What i think is the case is that...when the not guilty verdict was reached. She started to look into this, decided to do some real research,contact Thomas Mesereau and eventually wrote a book about it.
But come to think of it..in the book she admits to her wrongdoing, she admits she was one of them during the trial. Exactly what kind of things would she report though? Cause basically..the media....didn't know shit during the trial. and that's why they started to report on what he was wearing...sigh.[/QUOTE

Had not heard of her before MJ'S trial. She was a regular on BILL O'REILLY'S cable show in the USA. He is a hate peddler and huge MJ detractor. They were MJ'S judge, jury and executioners. They crucified him relentlessly.They lied, laughed, joked, made fun of him not caring his life was at stake.

All this holier than thou crap coming from shameless BILL O'REILLY who had recently settled a MULTI-MILLION sexual harassment lawsuit.
Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Don't know what to make of APHRODITE JONES. Don't know whether she is smart enough to figure that negatives books about MJ don't sell, so to get in the good graces of MJ'S fans she conveniently had a change of heart.

Just can't erase her vicious, gleeful reporting during the 2005 trial.
How can you sit through the entire trial for months, and at THE NOT GUILTY VERDICT miraculously change your mind.??

I totally understand how you feel, back in 2005 I was watching her and felt like decking her real hard.
But with everything she's done after the verdicts, the book, all the interviews where she was up in arms defending Michael, the lengths she'd gone to explain things to the non-believers at book signings - I've changed my mind. I believe she saw the error of her ways. I mean - journalists are people too, some of them DO have conscience.
Even Mez started trusting her in the end, and we all know how suspicious this guy is of the media.

I say good on Aphrodite. Keep fighting the good fight, girl!:clapping:
It's terrible that the book publishers don't want anything "pro-Jackson".

Re: A Change of Heart..... An interview with Aphrodite Jones about the 2005 case.

Don't know what to make of APHRODITE JONES. Don't know whether she is smart enough to figure that negatives books about MJ don't sell, so to get in the good graces of MJ'S fans she conveniently had a change of heart.

Just can't erase her vicious, gleeful reporting during the 2005 trial.
How can you sit through the entire trial for months, and at THE NOT GUILTY VERDICT miraculously change your mind.??

I have to disagree with this. If good things about MJ sold, then the rest of the world would not STILL be trying to portray him as some kind of paedo monster, would not STILL be referring to him as ***** ***** etc. Bad news sells. Aphrodite had trouble getting anyone to publish her good news book - she had to end up self publishing.

No matter when the defining moment happens, if someone genuinely realises their mistake and changes their mind, I will never judge them for that. Lots of people only discovered their mistake once he passed. Sad for them for missing out on all that we had years before, but great that they woke up and saw the truth.
Debbie testified against him? I didnt know that. There are a lot of things I dont know about that case.

When the case was going on I partially believed that he was guilty. Even though I used to think 'How could Michael do something like that? He seems so sweet.' The media and all of the bs that was thrown out there made me believe that maybe it was true. But when he was found not guilty I came back to my conclusion that Michael would not do something like that. I know that many of you have always believed Michael innocence but some people unfortunately didnt. Without the real facts it is hard to truly decide. But even many of my friends now are starting to realize that he wasn't guilty. We shouldn't think less of those who changed their minds after the trial.
Debbie testified against him? I didnt know that. There are a lot of things I dont know about that case.

When the case was going on I partially believed that he was guilty. Even though I used to think 'How could Michael do something like that? He seems so sweet.' The media and all of the bs that was thrown out there made me believe that maybe it was true. But when he was found not guilty I came back to my conclusion that Michael would not do something like that. I know that many of you have always believed Michael innocence but some people unfortunately didnt. Without the real facts it is hard to truly decide. But even many of my friends now are starting to realize that he wasn't guilty. We shouldn't think less of those who changed their minds after the trial.

Actually Debbie DIDNT testify against Michael. She was called as a witness by the Prosecution. The media made it out like she would be "the final nail in the coffin" for Michael and then when she got on the stand she said the exact opposite of what the prosecution and the media made it out that she would say. I remember all the "speculation" about what Debbie would reveal and what damage she would cause him, and then BAM she blind sided the DA and Tommy Boy Sneddon. It was classic. Not a huge fan of Debs but I gotta give the woman credit when it came down to it she brought the truth. It was rather funny too how after she testified a good amount of the media turned on her and acted like she was "forced" to say the stuff on the stand because she didnt want to loose the kids, etc. Crap like that. As if Michael was holding that over her head. Kind of like he was saying 'Either say nice things or never see the kids again.' Total BS. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I do remember something like that going around. It was pathetic at how every time something else came out that would shatter the preconceived notion the media created they either swept it under the rug or would try to turn it on its head and spin it to fit their agenda.

It was disgusting and sick, ALL OF IT! THE LAST 15 YEARS! The media can all go suck an egg...Michael had to have been the strongest person I have ever known to have withstood all the BS he went through. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

Anyway, I appreciate Ms. Jones honesty and admittance that she was in the wrong and I do believe she has seen the light. I am in the midst of reading her book and I am loving it. I knew most of the stuff (thanks to reports from fans/friends who were in the court room, etc.) but it's lovely to see the truth coming out like it is.
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