_____ cursed on record or live and it shocked me

^^ Yeah that's a bit of generalizing. Some do it just to look cool, some others (like Richard Pryor, Stevie, Marvin, Michael, etc.) use it as a necessity to explain what went on in their lives.
if i understand ur question correctly id say michael jackson in his song morphine...your dog's a b**ch baby!!! ...whoa!

I know...when I first heard that ..I was like...noway Michael swore....then I was like....go Michael..:lmao:
mizzneneluvzmj;1870110 said:
if i understand ur question correctly id say michael jackson in his song morphine...your dog's a b**ch baby!!! ...whoa!

Agreed – that was the first song that popped into my head when I saw the thread title!
I don't consider words like 'bitch' or 'ass' to be profane. A bitch is a female canine and an ass is another term for a donkey, lol! Of course, people can twist any word and make it profane, etc., like the word 'gay'. The original meaning of it means HAPPY and/or MERRY.

The only artist I was surprised by was Michael, dropping the F bomb in Scream. Mind you, I was surprised that he'd record himself dropping it, not the fact that he used it.

When I first heard it, I gasped, was pleasantly surprised, then yelled, "MY N*GGA!!" I'm Black and can say that, lol...