9/11 10 years later where you was at when it happen?

I was nine years old at the time, and I was at my grandparents house when it happened. I remember watching the news about it, and thinking it was an accident.. that is.. until the second plane hit. It's still very devastating thinking about it even today.

I will never understand how some people could have so much hatred in their heart. Why would you want to hurt and kill a bunch of innocent people? I can't image what it was like being in those buildings, and on those planes knowing you're about to die.

My heart goes out to all of those who lost their lives on that fateful day, and all of their loved ones who were left behind to grieve.
Not to mention those brave souls who stayed behind to help others get to safety, and inturn lost their own lives. They are heroes.
I was at my grandma's... I had a 'lucky escape' as you might say... I visited her to babble about the trip to NY and MSG... I just got home on the 10th... My grandma was watching TV and I saw the mayhem... I of course thought about my friends I left there :no: and Michael... OMJ :doh:
I did go back in 2002 with friends and we were so 'scared':swoon:
Watching all the memorial ceremonies today and all the coverage of 9/11, it's so draining but I had to immerse myself into that horror all over again because it's the least I can do for those who lost their lives. It does not feel like 10 years has passed. It feels like it just happened.

There was an image I saw on TV the day of the attacks of this firefighter. It's an image I have never forgotten and I think about it all the time. In the footage, the firefighter throws his helmet on the ground in anger over what has just happened. Then he falls to his knees and buries his head in his hands. In all the documentaries and news coverage of that day I have watched in the 9 years since I have not seen that image shown again anywhere. And yet, it was one of the most profound for me. I wish someone would show it...

But life goes on. From my Brooklyn apartment I can see the new growing One World Trade Center tower. It is illuminated from the bottom up in red, white and blue but I can only see the upper blue part. It's very beautiful at night and it gives me hope for the future...
Was Michael in New York when it happened? He had concert in NY day before.

Yes, i do not know where he was exactly but in his book Slash mentions 9/11. At one point he says:
Michael and his immediate entourage had left the building and were safely on a plane out of the country, I believe. But we were stuck in a city turned upside down. I thought the safest place to be was where we were, but Perla (wife) thought differently. She wanted out of there. She was convinced that the air was filled with toxins, but we couldn't get a ride out. And for some reason, a lot of Michael's dancers and background singers had convened in our room, because everyone was trapped in Manhattan with no way out.
Michael was able to get out by car before the city went into lockdown. He and some of his entourage went to Hoboken, NJ.
Some great Tributes and in Memory...as well as photos from 9/11 2001 The page is full of photos and Tributes ...Memorials etc.


New York City, New York September 2001

Paris, France September 2011

London, England September 2011

Ground Zero September 2011
^^I really want to go see the reflecting pool memorials at the WTC in person. It's so peaceful looking. I hear reservations are booked until November.

In an interview with Billy Bush I saw earlier (below), Jermaine said Michael had a meeting scheduled at the top of the World Trade Center on the morning of 9/11/01. Wonder if that is really true...

Hey one on Sep 11, 2011 me & my family went to see the WTC lights that lit up the night sky here's a pic:

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Sorry you folkes it's a little too bulry... because it was kinda windy by the river.

That's a better picture than I could get from my apartment window. I saw the lights briefly when they were testing them and I took some photos but with my cell phone camera it's kind of hard to capture properly. The next day it was so cloudy I couldn't see any of it. I love the tribute in light and find comfort in it every year.
One more thing I will never forget from that time 10 years ago. The post traumatic stress. The next couple of weeks every night I would have nightmares that NYC was at war and that more planes were falling everywhere. I would go to bed terrified that more planes would crash. It did not help that my office building in Manhattan was evacuated over false alarms of bomb threats, etc. It took me a long time to feel normal again. Probably a good year...
^^I really want to go see the reflecting pool memorials at the WTC in person. It's so peaceful looking. I hear reservations are booked until November.

In an interview with Billy Bush I saw earlier (below), Jermaine said Michael had a meeting scheduled at the top of the World Trade Center on the morning of 9/11/01. Wonder if that is really true...

Is that true :O