9/11 10 years later where you was at when it happen?

Ms.MJ Fan2007

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newark, New Jesery U.S.A
Hi there everyone this that time of the year again the Sep 11 & it's been 10 years since 9/11 have made it history when WTC collapsed. When did you saw the news when wtc collapsed? Well it happen 10 years ago when I was only 14 years old in the 9th grade when someone just turned on the news :bugeyed :( :cry: :eek: & thats changed the country's life forever.
It was evening in Russia and I was at home watching TV... I remember they were broadcasting live from WTC when the second plane crashed into the building and it was horrifying to watch.
I watched it live from Russia too. I and whole my family were gathered around the tv watching the news and it was hard to believe what we were seeing was real. It was looking like a movie. I remember we were speculating what might have happened when, suddenly, the second plane hit :eek:. It didn't look like an accident anymore. It was eerie.
I was at home when the news broke into a program I was watching. The rest is as you know.
It's interesting that when things like this happen it sticks in your mind where you were and what you were doing. I was at home waiting for my friend to come over. We were preparing for a math exam and we were about to study maths. So I was waiting for her. Meanwhile I was surfing TV channels as I surfed through CNN. At first I didn't really think anything. I thought it was some Hollywood movie that I saw. Then suddenly I realized it was CNN so I got back on CNN. This was after the first plane hit the building, so nobody knew anything and CNN were only guessing too. I thought it was an accident. My friend arrived so we were watching the second plane together live. Then of course it became clear it wasn't an accident.

The other day I was watching 9/11 videos on YouTube. The most horrible thing is how people were jumping down - because that was the better option than to burn alive. Horrible:

I was in high school, I believe I was in Phys. Ed. class that time happened. We got an announcement about it.
Driving home from the hospital after some tests.
I was in my first year of nursing...I heard the news at my university :(
My mom was driving me to school when we heard it on the radio. Thought it was an accident first, and soon after that is when the second tower came down. Then I learned it was a terrorist attack. We just watched the news on TV at school. It was surreal.
I was at a friends house. We wanted to watch TV cuz we were bored and we saw it. :(
I was at home watching tv. Still thinking about that MJ concert the night before. And wishing I could had been there. When I had heard the horrible news. I couldn't believe what I was seeing on the tv then. Especially since I still clearly remember the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center. Those buildings I had always L.O.V.E. seeing them. Especially since they were one of my favorite buildings in my country. Every single time I saw them I had always imagine myself being on top of those buildings. And just looking out at how far I could see. And it also makes me all the more glad that I took that 8th grade class trip to the Statue of Liberty. Back in early April of 1995 and took these pictures of the World Trade Center:


This first picture is my favorite. Cause it was my closest shot that I had took of the buildings. And that the American flag is right above the towers. I was on my way out to see the statue when I had took that picture.


I was still on the ferry when I took it.



The last 2 pictures I was on Liberty Island when I took them.

Every single time I look at those pictures I still can't believe that those towers are no longer there.:( And all these years later I am still shock whenever I see those home movies that those people that were there took when it was happening. I was only a few hours away in my home in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania when this happen.:( And the thing is that first night after it had happen. I had totally forgotten about the pictures I had taken of that field trip. Until my mother reminded me about them. And we were both in the kitchen looking at those pictures that night.

On that day I can't remember what I was doing during day. I guess I wasn't doing much, but I do remember what I was doing as the night (It was almost morning in America) No one expected this to happen. I was playing on the net for a bit, my internet was playing up so I turned the computer off and went to watch my favourite show, at 10.30 pm (Australian time) I was watching the news, I thought I will watch the news and go to bed at 11.30 pm, The news read had said Breaking news a Plane has crashed into one of the New York TowersI thought Ahh it's just an accident But as I was watching the news and they were showing the Twin Towers I saw something flying, thinking it was a bird. OH NO It was a Plane going toward the other Tower, My thought had changed to This is worse than an Accident. I just sat there watching the whole thing unfold. My stomached turned when the Twin Towns went down. I could not believe what I was seeing. I'll never forget where I was that day.

I got up to get a drink as I was thirsty and was getting sleepy thinking it was 11.30 pm. Went to my kitchen to get a drink, I looked to see what the time was, I was looking at my clock about 3 or 4 times thinking It's That the right time. It was 1.30 am when I went to bed.

I believe I've shared my story on here before so I won't repeat myself, but it seems so surreal that it's been 10 years now. Over the past week I've been reflecting on everything that's happened in that period of time. :(

A steel beam from the WTC is going to be installed in my local park on Saturday, as part of a 9/11 memorial garden. If I am able to go and take pictures, I will post them on here.
To be perfectly honest, I can't remember what I was doing or where I was during the attacks, but I was only eight at the time :(
I was asleep and I awoke to my older step brother shouting "Wake Up! We're under attack!" ..and I got up and came into the family livingroom at my parents home and saw the second plane hit the tower and I was shocked ..it started to slowly unfold...
I was 24 yrs. old around that time. I still have a journal that I wrote about this in that and have the Extra PM Newspaper that came out the very same day.

Very sad tradgey no joy at all. :no:

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Cant believe it happened just 10 yrs ago. The event drastically changed our world. It such a cold world now. Ppl feel unsecure snf unsafe, they fear Islam, the wars, the killings, the bombings in London, Madrid and Bali... :( so horrific

At that day I were out shopping with my father.. then a salesperson ran out from their staff-room at told the customers that "someone had attacked the US". We all were like whaaaaaat... jumped into the car, put on the radio and heard everything there and rushed back home to watch it on TV..

so surreal to watch the news-coverage...

... i also remember the next day our school wanted us to have a minute's silence and honor the one who lost their lives.. it was such a controversial decision for many pupils.. because they said ppl die all the time and some ppl made a reference to a earthquake in Turkey a yrs before when almost 3000 ppl lost their lives but nobody cared to honor them.. or why did not we honor the lost lives stemming from the war in Rwanda?? Why only honor some lives?

one student at another school was sent home by the principle because she refused to participate in the minutes silence.. (she told the principle she will only honor the lost lives from 9/11 if they would also honor victims from other tragic evens in other parts of the world)
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I was going to work. When I arrived my work colleague said something about it. I went to CNN website and there was a huge red headline saying US was being attacked.
Firs year in university, I was preparing to go. I think we have the same time zone of New York.

I was exited because in that morning I heard good critics in the radio about MJ concert from last night, I was thinking "great, this day I'm gonna hear a lot about that concert, I can't wait"

An hour later I turned on the tv and I saw the first plane in the tower, I thought it was an accident, then we realized what really happened, it was awful.
I was at work. When a fellow employee came out of the break room announcing the WTC had been attcked. our Boss allowed us to take a break and go watch it on TV. Everyone was pondering what happened and thinking it was an accident. Then we all watched in shock as the 2nd plane flew into it right before our eyes :bugeyed Everyone went nuts in there .. some quiet and in shock, some were screaming, the men were cussing. the ladies were crying. Ill never forget that day :cry:
I was at home. I still remember my sister and I crowding around the tv, horrified as we saw that second plane hit the tower. The images of people jumping out of those high windows still haunts me from time to time. Such a sad day :(
The night before the attacks took place, same as on Sept. 7th, i pretty much kept awake all night long stayin' online on MJ message boards trying to find reactions about Michael's concerts at Madison Square Garden. I slept during the day and woke up really late in the evening and when i turned on CNN the news was unbelievable...for the next few months i would be glued to the tv trying to see all the reports and because of the time difference there were very many nights when i would sleep a short few hours.

Ever since i can remember i have been fascinated by America. I've always been in awe of its capacity to build a whole nation based not on blood and genealogy as we, Europeans had done, but on common values. At the same time, i couldn't help but regret that its two great 'original sins' - the plight of slavery and the near extinction of the Native Americans - have yet to be properly recognized. I still have an extremely hard time understanding how such a civilized country, developed in so many ways can stand to be one of the last few nations in the world using the death penalty. I guess it's true of everything and everyone we truly love in this life - we have to admire the beauty and the good and not be afraid to criticize when due.

I believe ALL nations and all people are beautiful and have something worthwhile to share with the rest of the world - it can be anything from art, to cuisine, to costumes and all else that makes up human heritage. But, like the French headline went ten years ago 'Today WE ARE ALL AMERICANS'.

You wouldn't be human if you wouldn't sympathize with the pain and fear that was on the faces of all those people fleeing for their lives a decade ago, the mourning of an entire nation, but most of all the loss of all those families affected in the most devastating way. May the good Lord grant them the strength they need at this trying hour of need when i'm sure many of them are overwhelmed by memories of loved ones and regret over opportunities that could have lay ahead of all of them had their dear ones survived.

I can very well imagine orphaned children wondering why they had to grow up without a mother or a father, husbands and wives wondering how they could conceive life without their spouse by their side, parents who lost children and never got to attend the weddings of their sons and daughters or feel the joy of playing with grandchildren, friends who have lost companions of laughter and tears, co-workers who no longer can depend on the helping hand of those they used to share responsibilities, triumphs and at times defeat with, be it on Wall Street, at the Pentagon or at a police station in New York...so many lives lost and cut short.

Recently i returned from what i hope to be my first of many visits to the U.S. I was not disappointed by what i discovered. America was every bit as open and welcoming a melting pot as i expected it to be and all of the people i've met made me feel welcome and at home, with the exception maybe of some zealous immigration officers in Chicago. Considering these attacks and the measures that were put in place after them, i understand they were only doing their job. But then again, i don't exactly look or act like a threat to the security of any given nation on earth, least of all America that i love so much. The pictures at Abu Ghraib are a stark reminder though about the real abuse of human rights which has been committed in the name of the fight against terrorism.

A lot has happened during the last decade and many people are quick to blame the U.S. for everything from being the world's policeman to the economic crisis that has engulfed us all. Many are also quick to dismiss its perspectives as a global superpower, but i wouldn't be so quick to count America out of anything. I wouldn't want to bet against the determination, the grit and the ability of the American people to rise above any circumstance, however difficult.

Many people may not be great fans of American foreign policy, but since we are on an MJ message board let me remind you all that the good ole' or young (depends on how you view History) U.S. of A. gave us and the world one of its greatest treasures, Michael Jackson. At least for that, if nothing else, we ought to respect and appreciate this great nation.

GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD BLESS THE WORLD - today and every day
I was walking from my college to my mums work when my cousin rang me and told me the news.
I didn't believe him untill i got home, turned on the tv and saw the horrific scenes for myself. I broke now in tears instantly. What I saw will never leave my memory, i will never forget.
My heart goes out to all those people who lost their lives, anybody who lost some1 they love, anybody affected by the events that day.
I was at home in Brooklyn sick with a cold. I had called in sick from work. I had fallen asleep with the TV on as I always do. My mother knocked on my door and told me a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Since my TV was already on all I had to do was look up to see the nightmare begin. Then I watched on live TV as the second plane struck the other tower. The horror continued from there. I never imagined that those two buildings would fall. I spent so much time in that area and have so many memories. My mother and I were in such shock. And for a while there was word that another plane was headed to NY and I wondered what could be next, the Brooklyn Bridge? As I watched all of this terror unfold I thought, what have they done to my city? Phones were not working so I could not reach some of my relatives for a while but eventually we found everyone was okay, thank God. For me, the horror of 9/11 was not just a day or a week, but was stretched into an entire year of reading about all the memorials and funerals for the fallen. The fires burned in the wreckage for over 90 days. I will never forget that traumatic year...

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y259/supanyc/World Trade Center 2001/
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Today We Remember All the Heros from 83 different countries who left this earth on September 11th, 2001

~¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♪★_♥_♥_ ♥_ *United We Stand*_♥_♥_ ♥_¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♪★~


:angel: :heart: :angel:​

I was just 10 years old when it happened. My Catholic school (in Brroklyn, NY) principal took the whole school downstairs to the auditorium/gym and told us the news. I didn't quite understand what happened yet but everyone awes crying the principal let some people go home. I was crying, too b/c my mom worked in the city and I didn't know where. Thank God she was safe. My heart and prayers are with the families and friends who lost their loved ones in the tragic event. RIP Joe.... Never forgotten ? Psalm 23
i had just come home from school and was eating while watching the news. they had reported the first one as an accident but in the middle of the broadcast bam.......the second plane hit. at first it felt as a joke, but then everything inside me froze. i'm originally from Iran and people see this day being used as propaganda. but the truth is this wasn't just an attack on USA and people forget that it wasn't jus Americans who lost lives on that faithful day. it was global.......it's still is!