
It's not a 'crazy' theory. 11:11 has been a theme of my life. There is hardly a day when I do not look to the clock twice exactly at 11:11. I am just trying to figure this out. Sorry to show off our math skills. ;-)

You should start writing down the exact time every time that you look at the clock. Then, at the end of the day, count the number of times when you looked at the clock and it was 11:11 and then count the times that you looked at the clock and it was something else. Compare these numbers to see if looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 is more rule or coincidence (i.e. 2 times versus 14 times leans more towards coincidence; 2 times versus 3 times is a more impressive result). Do this every day to confirm that you in fact see 11:11 almost every day (for more conclusive results, at the end of the month count the days that you saw it and the days you didn't). Also, when you do this for a long time you can start to look for other patterns. There might be other combinations of numbers that have been following you around that you haven't paid attention to as they're not as noticeable as 11:11. Keep in mind that you should try not to change your clock looking habits or it might affect the results.

And there you have it, a daily dose of math excitement.
Hmmmm that sounds familiar...

Here's some info I found:

Characteristics of Numerology Number 7

Below you find a list of the main characteristics of the number 7. There are thousands of different human characteristics and each of them is represented by one of the numbers between 1 and 9.

The following list presents only a subset of all possible human characteristics, but it's nevertheless a good starting point and it should enable you to match specific personality traits with their corresponding numbers.

Number 7 is the most spiritual of all numbers.

You most likely have some of the following strengths and talents at your disposal if the number 7 appears in your numerology chart:

You are analytical, intellectual, focused, scientific and inventive, contemplative, meditative, spiritual and enigmatic. You are a seeker of truth and an accumulator of knowledge and wisdom.

You prefer working alone and you need space and privacy. You enjoy solitude, but you also like to display your knowledge in public. You are an abstract thinker, you are self-oriented, a perfectionist and you possess great mental strength

Here are some of the career choices that might suit you particularly well if the number 7 is predominant in your chart:

Scientist, religious leader, philosopher, scholar, preacher, sage, teacher, inventor, researcher.

Some of the following weaknesses, which are associated with the number 7, could slow down or even prevent your progress. But don't worry, it's very unlikely that all of the listed characteristics are part of your personality.

Most probably, only one or a few of them will belong to you:

Intimacy might be difficult for you. You can be cynical, selfish, egocentric, withdrawn, aloof, lonely, overly reserved and suspicions.

Maintain your independence, but be careful not to become too inward and isolated.
You should start writing down the exact time every time that you look at the clock. Then, at the end of the day, count the number of times when you looked at the clock and it was 11:11 and then count the times that you looked at the clock and it was something else. Compare these numbers to see if looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 is more rule or coincidence (i.e. 2 times versus 14 times leans more towards coincidence; 2 times versus 3 times is a more impressive result). Do this every day to confirm that you in fact see 11:11 almost every day (for more conclusive results, at the end of the month count the days that you saw it and the days you didn't). Also, when you do this for a long time you can start to look for other patterns. There might be other combinations of numbers that have been following you around that you haven't paid attention to as they're not as noticeable as 11:11. Keep in mind that you should try not to change your clock looking habits or it might affect the results.

And there you have it, a daily dose of math excitement.

My sister always says she looks at the clock at this time (11:11).. i thought she was just saying it but then a few times she has said and i have looked at the clock and it is indeed 11:11.. it is purely sporadic that she looks as well as we are doing something at the time and she just happens to look at the time. What does this mean?! thanksss :)
I find this comment out of line. Not counting? WTF. That was Mrs. Jacksons child, he counts.....:mello:

No, the 8th of 10.

He was the seventh IF you don't count Brandon, who died at birth.........
In the Scream video, towards the end when he's smashing the vases, he actually has the number 7 plastered on his outfit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is the number 7.

yup, it is a big number 7 on his outfit. he also wore the numbers 777 on his band
They ran an article in the norwegian press about the coincidence of nr 7 and MJ.
I find this comment out of line. Not counting? WTF. That was Mrs. Jacksons child, he counts.....:mello:

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying Brandon didn't matter. I was just keeping the idea of 7 together. In actuality Michael was the 8th born. Just 7th surviving child.
That would play into the Japanese idea of "8 is beautiful" though.

John Lucas
No we need to stop this thing, its just numbers! What does it matter now, nothing matters when MJ is gone. Don't dig in this crazy stuff.
It matters to some people, that's how they cope. Sadly sometimes scepticism can be a great obstacle.