
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's number: 7.

Not counting Brandon, Marlon's twin who died stillborn, Michael was the 7th child of the Jackson siblings. Hell, who knows maybe Brandon was supposed to come back AS Michael which is why he didn't live at that time. Marlon & Mike grew up like twins when they were younger & in the Jackson 5 Marlon was compared to Michael especially in dance. Marlon became the 2nd best dancer of the group when at one time he couldn't get the steps & almost was thrown out of the group by his father (thanks to Katherine for straightening Joe out).

His primary names Michael and Jackson both have 7 letters in the English alphabet. The Jackson 5 became icons of the 1970s. 70s.

It was Motown 25 which sent Michael's fame onto another orbit.
2 + 5 = 7.

He was born August 29, 1958.
9 – 2 = 7.

He left his earthly body June 25, 2009.
2 + 5 = 7

Michael was vindicated on June 13, 2005.
June = 6th month.
6 + what = 13
2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 7

His memorial and funeral is held on July 7, 2009.
Check this out:

7th day of 7th month. 2 + ? = 9
The zeroes inbetween look like eyes begging us to look in the ignored spaces.
7 - 7 - 7

I'm not an expert at numerology not even a novice really but I notice some patterns here.
You could say they're coincidences & perhaps they are but to me I see the number 7 as being symbolic for Michael's life.

Michael is the name of one of the Archangels. One of the SEVEN Archangels. 7.

I think I heard of Michael wearing 7-7-7 on his trademark armband.

We've heard of the term "7th Heaven." And I've heard of the number being seen as Godly or heavenly itself.

Share your thoughts on the meaning of 7 in Michael's life.
John Lucas
have you seen that movie 21? or it might be 23. not the one with the kids card counting, the jim carrey one where he sees the number 23 everywhere. if you look for something, chances are you'll find it. trust me, after watching 23 I saw that number everywhere. For example, my science class was in "Lab 3". I thought "B is the 2nd letter in the alphabet, so b 3 gives 2 3 gives 23. you will find stuff like that the harder you look, so this 7 thing is just coincidental, but in the process of looking for it I know it feels scary and real, but it's not really.
this thread has all ready been played a couple of days ago by someone else, :)
there was this famous physolopher Pythagoras that used to say "the whole world is a number".

"Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you cannot conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless." Brandon Lee
Okay...someone explain this one to me, but I am not going to say why. I just want to see what you all think.

Okay...someone explain this one to me, but I am not going to say why. I just want to see what you all think.


Interesting question.

If I'm not mistaken it's something to do with angels and/or spiritual awareness, right? It came to mind when I was trying for my This Is It ticket and was desperate for a seat in the 111 section...which was close but not quite.
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Guys are you trying to show us your mathematic skills? :D
This numbers theories omg...
The July bombings in London happened today 7/7 in 2005... 2+5 = 7... 7/7/7 the memorial for all the people killed is today also.
I know about all the 7's but what about 11:11?

I know maybe it's irrelevant but for days before his death every time I would look at the clock I would see it show: 11:11, 21:21, 17:17, 10:10. To be honest I started to freak out because I didn't know what was happening, but I had a feeling it wasn't good...
U know how I said the bombings in London were on the 7/7 2005... well iv just heard 52 people died. - what is it with this number 7?!
7 IS the weirdest number on earth. It's creepy yet interesting at the same time.
Here's some info I found:

Characteristics of Numerology Number 7

Below you find a list of the main characteristics of the number 7. There are thousands of different human characteristics and each of them is represented by one of the numbers between 1 and 9.

The following list presents only a subset of all possible human characteristics, but it's nevertheless a good starting point and it should enable you to match specific personality traits with their corresponding numbers.

Number 7 is the most spiritual of all numbers.

You most likely have some of the following strengths and talents at your disposal if the number 7 appears in your numerology chart:

You are analytical, intellectual, focused, scientific and inventive, contemplative, meditative, spiritual and enigmatic. You are a seeker of truth and an accumulator of knowledge and wisdom.

You prefer working alone and you need space and privacy. You enjoy solitude, but you also like to display your knowledge in public. You are an abstract thinker, you are self-oriented, a perfectionist and you possess great mental strength

Here are some of the career choices that might suit you particularly well if the number 7 is predominant in your chart:

Scientist, religious leader, philosopher, scholar, preacher, sage, teacher, inventor, researcher.

Some of the following weaknesses, which are associated with the number 7, could slow down or even prevent your progress. But don't worry, it's very unlikely that all of the listed characteristics are part of your personality.

Most probably, only one or a few of them will belong to you:

Intimacy might be difficult for you. You can be cynical, selfish, egocentric, withdrawn, aloof, lonely, overly reserved and suspicions.

Maintain your independence, but be careful not to become too inward and isolated.
Sometimes you don't need science to confirm things for you though. It's what you feel it's right. I remember a discussion I had with friends... scientists should not be worshipped as modern-day gods. They don't have all the answers (I'm a scientist by the way). Who knows what the future holds...
Also another weird thing is that....:doh:

Michael Jackson signed his last will on 7-7-02, 7 years to the day he will be memorialized and buried.


source: from tmz.
Guys are you trying to show us your mathematic skills? :D
This numbers theories omg...

It's not a 'crazy' theory. 11:11 has been a theme of my life. There is hardly a day when I do not look to the clock twice exactly at 11:11. I am just trying to figure this out. Sorry to show off our math skills. ;-)
have you seen that movie 21? or it might be 23. not the one with the kids card counting, the jim carrey one where he sees the number 23 everywhere. if you look for something, chances are you'll find it. trust me, after watching 23 I saw that number everywhere. For example, my science class was in "Lab 3". I thought "B is the 2nd letter in the alphabet, so b 3 gives 2 3 gives 23. you will find stuff like that the harder you look, so this 7 thing is just coincidental, but in the process of looking for it I know it feels scary and real, but it's not really.
I don't believe in numerology.
In the Scream video, towards the end when he's smashing the vases, he actually has the number 7 plastered on his outfit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is the number 7.
I think there is already a thread about the Michael and #777 that started few days ago... Anyway, I find this very interesting, because I also have a lot of #7 in my life...