4 Sept08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

It's all a joke to them....they don't care they humiliated Michael. That was the POINT!

...pff, I'm sure they would give him the "Artist of the Millenium Award" AGAIN....bastards...

MTV as it once was, is no longer salvagable or redeemable...they should rename it to CTV (Crap Television)
They have to implore a lot of !!!!!!!! Mike,baby, take care of children and the new album! -_-

Don't go,please! :bow:

ps:Hello,misshass!!! *.*
i remember watching thinking 100% if was an award, wtf this is the 1st thing i've heard about it being just about his birthday.

so if you f... up presentation and organising an event, you don't apologise to the person for the mix-up you make a joke.............. what losers.
I'm glad I didn't watch the show last year and the year before (I only watch Britney's "performance" online) and I ain't about to watch it this year. Last year brought in one of their lowest ratings. Since no one knows this Brand dude, it'll be lower.
Michael apparently got confused, not understanding the concept of his birthday or the big birthday cake on stage, and instead thought that MTV was honoring him with an Artist of the Millennium award. Uncomfortable hilarity ensued as Jackson accepted the non-existent honor with a stirring speech about his childhood in Indiana. For this priceless moment in VMA history, we've been trying to give him the Awkwardness of the Millennium Award ever since, but he never shows up to get that one.

These people at MTV are crazy. So, MJ was confused? These clowns are idiots. I hope MJ never comes on their show again. MTV should be grateful that MJ is the reason they lasted this long.

That's what it came to last year, which should have been two clear signs to MTV that it's time to bury an old friend. Now that the 25-year milestone has been reached, let's hope that after Sunday, MTV will pull out the coffin.

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Michael apparently got confused, not understanding the concept of his birthday or the big birthday cake on stage, and instead thought that MTV was honoring him with an Artist of the Millennium award. Uncomfortable hilarity ensued as Jackson accepted the non-existent honor with a stirring speech about his childhood in Indiana. For this priceless moment in VMA history, we've been trying to give him the Awkwardness of the Millennium Award ever since, but he never shows up to get that one.[/b]
This is just one of the many reasons why I loathe MTV. They refuse to take any responsibility for THEIR wrongdoings and have shown time-and-time again that they have absolutely no respect for any of the artists that MADE them into a network in the first place. The bigger the controversy and the more humiliated the artists appear on stage, the more attention they receive so that's all they care about.

Michael Jackson would NOT have had a fully prepared speech and written letter of those to thank had he not been told by MTV that he would be receiving such an award. News outlets would NOT have been tipped off by MTV days beforehand stating that Michael was going to receive an award, had that not been the case. I wish more people would understand the impossibilities of Michael just "making a mistake" that night, he did not. Then of course MTV did everything in their power on their 25th anniversary to de-emphasize the extreme impact that Michael had on the network, when they were just getting started.
I hope MTV implodes. Pieces of sh**. Michael made them and nobody is going to remember them when they're gone, but everyone will remembr Michael. So who cares. Let them continue to lie about themselves, everyone knows they're a joke as it is.
One of the ONLY reasons MTV got famous was because of Michael Jackson. But you know something? Every time someone gets big off somebody, they overlook the pioneers so I don't sweat it. They're just another b.s. channel now.
One of the ONLY reasons MTV got famous was because of Michael Jackson. But you know something? Every time someone gets big off somebody, they overlook the pioneers so I don't sweat it. They're just another b.s. channel now

Exactly. Who in their right mind gives a eff about that trashy channel? These people had the nerve to air trash like that Tila Tequila nonsense and promoting that ever annoying Miley Cyrus. The channel is a joke. As we all can see, no one is taking that trashy award show seriosuly.
Exactly. Who in their right mind gives a eff about that trashy channel? These people had the nerve to air trash like that Tila Tequila nonsense and promoting that ever annoying Miley Cyrus. The channel is a joke. As we all can see, no one is taking that trashy award show seriosuly.

Um, Miley Cyrus is never on MTV. She's a Disney channel star.
Lauren Conrad Excited To Present AT MTV VMA's

The 2008 MTV VMA's are right around the corner and all of tinsel town is buzzing about the big show and what surprises MTV may or may not have up their sleeves.

So far we hear Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Michael Phelps will be making cameos.

"I’m going and I’m presenting and I’m really excited. I just got my dress today,” Lauren Conrad gushed to Hollyscoop.

Who is she excited to see? "Michael Jackson! When do you get to see that?" Good point! This year the VMA's definitely have a lot of big names attending. Who are you excited to see?


sneaky crap article WILL NOT FOOL me you treacherous writers!! hahah oohhh nooo...MJ will NOT BE THERE. wasn't that confirmed???

to He** with this article...lies, LIES!
ok i thought he wasnt....so he really is????
^^ No he isnt going to that award show..thank god.
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No. They are just using his name to get ratings.

Why would Michael show up for MTV and miss the BMI award with his brothers?