3 July 2008 ~~From BILLBOARD: HMH to be on both Akon and MJ's Albums

It doesn't have that MJ seal on it. While I love the song (mainly for MJ's vocals), I really can't see him putting this on his album as is. Usually my favorite part of his songs are the last minute, where he just lets loose and does his jazzy ad-libs! It sounds like he's holding back on this one though.
If the song ends up on Mike's album, I really hope there will be another version of it.. A version that has more Michael singing in it :D Or even better; a album version with both MJ and Akon, and a version included on a single or somethin, with Michael singing solo^^
i reckon this is strictly a rough cut....leaked purposely to get everyone talking about it. it's been removed from every site i've seen it at so it shows the label is taking many precautions in guarding it after the 'accidental' leak
Wow, I am just amazed at how critical some fans are towards Michael. What exactly is it that constitutes a "good song"? When you really look at HMH, this song is straight up Michael Jackson. From the tight harmony to the high lyrical content to even the note it is sung in. It is soooo Michael. So if any fan doesn't like this song, IMO, they don't like Michael's style and they want him to sing something else. Maybe they want him to conform to today's acts out there....like his sister is trying to do....run with the current flavor. But we all know that Michael will not do that.

nope. what HMH actually presents is in fact, a conformity to the current. As Michael-ly as HMH may sound, it isn't pure MJ. and is in fact very modern R&B usherish. There's a reason why after 25 years, thriler still sounds fresh and current. I don't think I can say that of Hold My Hand. It's stamped with the current trend of music.

When the Godfather said "clean the music", i think he meant more. and I truly believe that MJ is perfectly capable of writing, singing, producing songs that are able to withstand the test of time, and be truly innovative, and rejuvinating.

This song is not going to be a world wide hit because it was better than anything else out there now. It is going to be a world wide hit for one reason and one reason only....


Plain and simple, people are gonna pay attention to the song JUST BECAUSE the legendary Michael Jackson is on it. We have already seen this happen when the song was first leaked on the net solo Akon it didn't get hardly any attention....there were no news articles or web blogs written about it. But as soon as the duet version was leaked, we saw folks paying attention from everywhere. And the hits went through the roof.

My prediction is that the song will be released and that it will be downloaded to the hilt and reach at least the top 5 on the charts. I also would not be surprised if it won a Grammy for best colab since there have been no memorable colabs this year as of yet.

So keep the faith. :flowers:

This is a completely different idea to producing a good song. I can say that I competely agree with you on this. and I will be very happy. i'm currently overjoyed by the fact that it is well received. It's great.

But what I was trying to say is that regardless of how popular the song is, or the impact that it has, I believe and hope that MJ's own album will be of a higher standard then just producing songs that very much sing the same tune as so many contemp. songs.
I don't hear any songs out there right now that sound anything like Hold My Hand. If you know of one, list it here.
Awww that was my old school graduation dance song. :wub: I cried.

JMO; But the only think that strikes me that it sounds like HMH, is just the beginning.. and the intro of Vitamin C's song is similar but different also in notes. Also goes with another song that sounds like the beginning (but is not the same) is Pacabel's Canon in D. LOL I really don't wanna start comparing this song now to others. :hysterical:
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The vast majority of the media and many younger peoples seem to view Jackson as some sort of "joke" whose musical talent is surpassed by him being a "molestor' or a "freakshow."

And this statement is not fact, it is your opinion, that you think. It is not my experience with music lovers. Furthermore why do you care to even post it. And anyone who believes that in the first place are people who cannot think for themselvs. Sheep. Fickle people. Whatever way the wind blows.

Agree Mello and Wannabee on your posts!

Regarding Akon, I like Akon and MJ on this song. I personally never bash any artist. If you don't like their music, fair enough, but that doesn't mean they are not talented or are beneath any other artist. I don't care who Michael works with. I enjoy listening to the outcome of collaborations. Variety is the spice of life.
I remember being in a classroom in which everyone was talking about how much Fall Out Boy sucks, are sell-outs, etc. The teacher had Fall Out Boy stickers that he was offering because the company gave it to our school for some promotional thing, and literally no one wanted one. Someone said they'll use it for firewood.

Moral of story: does this mean Fall Out Boy isn't one of the biggest bands in the United States today? Does a classroom calling MJ a freak and a molester mean he still wouldn't be huge with a new album? Ask the average young male what he thinks of Justin Timberlake. Chances are you'll hear the word "fag" a lot. Is Justin Timberlake not one of the biggest stars in the country? Ask the average ANYONE what they think about Zac Effron and you'll probably hear that. Is Zac Effron not one of the biggest teeny bopper sensations today?

Maybe the poster who brought this up should listen to herself and other fans rather than students who she presumably should be smarter than. Michael Jackson had a re-release of a 25 year old album, which outsold his sister's NEW album. To imply that young people calling him a freak equates to lack of awesome career possibilities is ridiculous.

Hypothetical scenario: Michael Jackson's new CD is #1 all over the world, breaks everyone's expectations, and includes the most played singles on the radio; he is the #1 current recording artist in the world, again. He'll get dissed even more BECAUSE of that. Popularity is not popular, if you get what that means.

P.S. the firewood comment was from me. Even though it made no sense, but high schoolers are easy to impress, so I got a laugh.
Great post Grand Master S. Exactly.

That's why I couldn't care less about polls. Small percentage of people compared to the amount of people in this world. More often than not it is a bunch of 15 year olds behind a computer who answer these polls majority of the tiem. It's like Diane Dimond and her buddies, a couple of people who get themselves on every documentary and television spot when it is to do with Michael Jackson. They are only a couple of people who spread their hate through mass media. They are just on every damn show. Propaganda. I am just talking about putting things into perspective and looking at the bigger picture.

A bunch of teenagers or the media can never change my mind on Michael Jackson. I have been lucky enough as other artists have stated to have been around and grown up with this man. He will always be one of the last living legends.
I remember being in a classroom in which everyone was talking about how much Fall Out Boy sucks, are sell-outs, etc. The teacher had Fall Out Boy stickers that he was offering because the company gave it to our school for some promotional thing, and literally no one wanted one. Someone said they'll use it for firewood.

Moral of story: does this mean Fall Out Boy isn't one of the biggest bands in the United States today? Does a classroom calling MJ a freak and a molester mean he still wouldn't be huge with a new album? Ask the average young male what he thinks of Justin Timberlake. Chances are you'll hear the word "fag" a lot. Is Justin Timberlake not one of the biggest stars in the country? Ask the average ANYONE what they think about Zac Effron and you'll probably hear that. Is Zac Effron not one of the biggest teeny bopper sensations today?

Maybe the poster who brought this up should listen to herself and other fans rather than students who she presumably should be smarter than. Michael Jackson had a re-release of a 25 year old album, which outsold his sister's NEW album. To imply that young people calling him a freak equates to lack of awesome career possibilities is ridiculous.

Hypothetical scenario: Michael Jackson's new CD is #1 all over the world, breaks everyone's expectations, and includes the most played singles on the radio; he is the #1 current recording artist in the world, again. He'll get dissed even more BECAUSE of that. Popularity is not popular, if you get what that means.

P.S. the firewood comment was from me. Even though it made no sense, but high schoolers are easy to impress, so I got a laugh.

Thats so true. Basically none of my male friends like Justin Timberlake. They do call him a fag! No teenage males like any of those male pop singers who the girls go crazy for. (or atleast very little) The funny thing is that Michael Jackson is more well liked among teenage males then lets say JT or any other modern pop singers. I think its because Michael is seen as a legend and a true musical genius. Like I remember last year at my grade 12 graduation as each kid crossed the podium getting his or her diploma...we were asked a series of questions. One of those questions were "MJ or JT?" and out of 500 kids who graduated I took note of all their responses. 400 said MJ and 100 said JT....out of the 200 males who graduated, 170 responded MJ.

I remember one time in my grade 11 english class one of the most popular kids in the whole school asked to listen to my i-pod. I let him and he went straight to MJ and started playing Don't Stop Til Ya Get Enough and said "this song is f*ckin dope man" and he blasted it so loud the whole class could hear. And everyone started singing and one girl was like "woo i love Michael Jackson" then the kid changed the song to Beat It and blasted it again, then changed it to Thriller. The teacher had to tell us to turn it down because the whole class was focused on the music lol.

Sure there is always the idiots who don't open their mind beyond the small box in which they were raised. however the majority of realistic people understand and appreciate the immense talent of Michael Jackson. You just need to put them in the right position and you will see that Michael Jackson is very well liked. I've just seen too much love for him to believe anything else.
Thats so true. Basically none of my male friends like Justin Timberlake. They do call him a fag! No teenage males like any of those male pop singers who the girls go crazy for. (or atleast very little) The funny thing is that Michael Jackson is more well liked among teenage males then lets say JT or any other modern pop singers.

Totally accurate. Generally speaking, Justin Timberlake is much more of a guilty pleasure than MJ for a male listener. Who the hell CAN'T get down to Billie Jean or Beat It or Bad? It's much more embarrassing to have a thing for Justin Timberlake, who typically sounds like he's tailor made for teenage girls to squeal to. I'd go far enough to say that the majority of teenage girls don't necessarily like JT, since a lot of them are split up into listening to different genres, but there are enough females who love him for him to have a massive girl demographic. You don't need the majority to have the success.

Which is really the point. What if 30% of the world bought a Michael Jackson album? Regardless of what that other 70 says, MJ would be the biggest shit on the planet.
I didn't read through the whole thread but, if this is true, Michael's album should be released around the same times as Akon's album will be released.
It would be weird if Akon puts this song on his album in august and then, Michael would release his album somewhere in 2009 with a song that was released 6 months before its release, right?
So I think this is wrong information or Michaels album will come very soon:)

(I hope I made myself clear, I still have to work on my english :blush:)
Maybe the poster who brought this up should listen to herself and other fans rather than students who she presumably should be smarter than. Michael Jackson had a re-release of a 25 year old album, which outsold his sister's NEW album. To imply that young people calling him a freak equates to lack of awesome career possibilities is ridiculous.

Awesome posts, Grand. :)

I love everyone's posts (except you know who) on this thread. You guys madse some great points. :)

ATLF - Thank you gurl, for the comment. I was gonna say more, but I felt I said enough. Let that poster talk to himself/herself. LOL.
i reckon this is strictly a rough cut....leaked purposely to get everyone talking about it. it's been removed from every site i've seen it at so it shows the label is taking many precautions in guarding it after the 'accidental' leak

LOL, that's the only way to explain why it keeps getting taken off.
Gawd,I lissen to each day. It such a beatifull song=)