29 of July News and Mentionings Update PG1: L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

Today in MJ History - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!! WHEEE!!! I am 50!! One month older than MJ!!

Happy Birthday!!! yes you are exactly one month older...very cool...
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

so nothing about "HOLD MY HAND" .....

:scratch:.....it would be best if you forgot about 'Hold My Hand' for awhile until some official light is shed on it.

Happy Birthday and Happy Belated Birhtday you guys!:clap:
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

Thanks a bunch you guys!! And MJ....it really isn't that bad. Hell, I was a basket case after the big THREE OH...and I hate to think about how I felt after the big FOUR OH!!

Linda Happy Birthday!!! Actually, I call them anniversaries...lol when asked how old I am, I say that I'm 5yrs old :)
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

BRAVO To Publish Special On Michael

(29-7-2008) The German BRAVO magazine, one of the the biggest teen magazines in Europe, will publish a special on Michael Jackson in celebration of his 50th birthday.

According to Alex Gernandt, assistant chief editor, the special will be about Michael's life, his unbelievable career and the many meetings with BRAVO.You can definitely expect a positive story since BRAVO has always been very supportive to Michael.

BRAVO plans to publish the special in 4 parts - starting July 30, 2008.

Source: BRAVO
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

BRAVO To Publish Special On Michael

(29-7-2008) The German BRAVO magazine, one of the the biggest teen magazines in Europe, will publish a special on Michael Jackson in celebration of his 50th birthday.

According to Alex Gernandt, assistant chief editor, the special will be about Michael's life, his unbelievable career and the many meetings with BRAVO.You can definitely expect a positive story since BRAVO has always been very supportive to Michael.

BRAVO plans to publish the special in 4 parts - starting July 30, 2008.

Source: BRAVO

IF that's true... :woohoo:
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

OH JOY! :woohoo:
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Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings


The Top 20 Albums of All Time (For Real)
Posted Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:21pm PDT by Robert of the Radish in The Y! Music Playlist Blog

I completely understand the frustration of "best of lists", and I can assure you that I read hundreds of comments here on the Yahoo Music blogs whenever we post one. Many times our "best album" lists generate thousands of comments. And although many of the remarks are ridiculous, many are valid in a subjective sort of way.

For this playlist I wanted to find the true top 20 albums once and for all, but to do this I needed to clear my mind of all opinion and approach it as a science. My own personal taste did not influence this list in any way. In fact, I would have made many different choices, but the time I put into collecting the data and crunching the numbers leaves no doubt in my mind that this is the most accurate top 20 album list in existence.

To begin with I had to set the parameters, and I have set them as follows:

1. The list is based on the American market - I did this only because I had mounds of detailed data on the American music market at hand- to include the whole world or even Europe would increase the complexity of the analysis
greatly - So this is really the "Top 20 Albums of All Time (To Americans)"

2. "Greatest Hits" albums and live albums were not eligible. The idea here was to identify the very best true albums, not compilations that cherry pick the best songs from an artist's career.

3. The following mathematical formula was used:
"Album Staying Power Value + Sales Value + Critical Rating Value + Grammy Award Value"

Now if you wish to argue, I welcome intelligent comment on how to hone the formula further, but please try to control the passionate fan-speak that drives so many of the comments. Remember, the idea is to completely remove your personal opinion from the process.

To offer a bit more detail on the components of the formula:
The initial group of albums selected was based solely on sales. Please know that I believe sales alone are probably the worst measure we have of an album's quality and I will speak to how I addressed this problem in a few. But as a starting point sales made the most sense. Sales are by no means the only measure of a "great album", but without big sales an album doesn't have much footing on which to claim the moniker "greatest". A vote with a dollar is a much stronger indicator than any other.

I looked at the biggest selling albums of all time in America based on actual RIAA data - this produced 71 non-Greatest Hits/Live albums that have all sold over 10 million units. Any of these that sold more than 10 million units received a 1% Sales Multiplier for every 1 million units sold over 10 million.
Sales Value = Sales Multiplier X Staying Power Value

Next, I determined what the Staying Power Value (SPV) was of all 71 albums. To determine Staying Power Value I looked at used CD sales data to determine how well each album's value has held up over time. For example, in the secondary market you can expect to pay around $9.50 for a copy of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, but you would only pay $1.38 for a copy of Cracked Rear View by Hootie and The Blowfish. The Staying Power Value is important because it shows what the current value of the album is in the marketplace. So it's a good reflection of supply and demand. Rumours sold 19 million copies and Cracked Rear View sold 16 million. Rumours gets more points for selling more units, but even more important than the higher overall sales figuresis that people want to hold onto their Fleetwood Mac CD, but don't mind parting with their Hootie CD. SPV captures this. In simple terms, Staying Power Value reflects current supply and demand for each album. *Please note that for double albums we reduced the SPV to align with a standard-length album.
So if we take the previously mentioned SPV of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album and multiply it by that album's Sales Multiplier of 9% (1% for each million sold over 10 million) we get $10.38. But this only shows us how much people still desire the album + how many have sold at retail.

The next part of the formula takes into account critical acclaim.
I would agree with anyone who says a critical review means nothing, but when you start to see a pattern among the critics the data becomes much more reliable. If ten out of ten reviewers give an album 5 stars chances are good that the album is a winner. Basically the more reviews you average the more reliable the rating.

For the Critical Rating Value I looked at multiple reviews for each album from a diverse cross section of music magazines, newspapers and music review websites to come up with the average review number for each based on a 5 star scale. From these ratings I assigned a Critical Rating Multiplier to each album ranging from 0% to 10%.
So now our formula has factored in critical acclaim making the end result more reliable.

Ratings Value = Sales Value X Rating Multiplier

The final portion of the formula is the Grammy Award Value and it simply looks at how many Grammy Awards each album has won. Our formula already has the voice of the people (Sales Value) and the voice of the critics (Critical Rating Value) so the only missing component is the acclaim each album holds among it's peers. The Grammys are an industry specific award and are the best reflection we have of how the music business itself feels about an album. I would agree that this is the least important of the components in our formula, and as such each Grammy award adds only a .5% bonus. So an album that wins 4 Grammys would receive an extra 2% to it's value. This in my estimation is a fair weighting to give for a Grammy award.

So now I give you The Top 20 Albums of All Time based purely on the analysis provided above and devoid of any personal opinion. If you would like to see the complete analysis you can download the Microsoft Excel version here: (Top Album .

#3. Thriller - Michael Jackson
Play Album
Year: 1982 Units Sold: 27 Million
SPV: $13.49 Rating (Stars): 4.5 Grammys Won: 4Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $17.39.

#2. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd
Play Album
Year: 1973 Units Sold: 15 Million
SPV: $16.08 Rating (Stars): 5 Grammys Won: 0
Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $18.57.

#1. Songs In The Key Of Life - Stevie Wonder
Play Album
Year: 1976 Units Sold: 10 Million
SPV: $16.84 Rating (Stars): 5 Grammys Won: 2
Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $18.71

Dude got the number of Grammys "Thriller" won wrong though. And honestly, I think more of Michael's albums should have made the list, based on the criteria he used. Oh well.
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Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

happy bday linda! i wish u all the best :heart: and 50 is the new 30 today for real. look at all those 50 year old celebs who look and feel better than 25 year olds
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Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

happy bday linda! i wish u all the best :heart: and 50 is the new 30 today for real. look at all those 50 year old celebs who look and feel better than 25 year olds

Aw gee thanks Roxanne!! I got a little too tipsy yesterday...I'm sober today...lol
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

BRAVO To Publish Special On Michael

(29-7-2008) The German BRAVO magazine, one of the the biggest teen magazines in Europe, will publish a special on Michael Jackson in celebration of his 50th birthday.

According to Alex Gernandt, assistant chief editor, the special will be about Michael's life, his unbelievable career and the many meetings with BRAVO.You can definitely expect a positive story since BRAVO has always been very supportive to Michael.

BRAVO plans to publish the special in 4 parts - starting July 30, 2008.

Source: BRAVO

That is GREAT news! Alex Gernandt is such a sweety... really, I hate journalists in general, especially the ones 'interested' in Michael, I always get into fights with them,
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Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

I'm looking forward to these magazine(s)! :clapping:

1st part:


L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MSNBC.com[/FONT]



Not sure if this has been posted anywhere - but it is good for all celebrities - including Michael and his family.

The Associated Press
updated 12:57 p.m. PT, Wed., July. 30, 2008

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LOS ANGELES - The paparazzi keep taking their shots, but not always the kind they’re after. Lately it’s a jab from a star’s bodyguard — or his surfer pals — or the metallic pinch of handcuffs slapped on for lingering too long.

And more push-back may be coming.

Weary of the scrums of photographers chasing celebs at the airport, on the beach and through the streets, some Los Angeles-area leaders are contemplating tougher regulations against the people who make their living by catching celebrities off-guard.
Officials from celeb enclaves in and around Los Angeles such as Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Malibu and Calabasas are convening Thursday for the first time to discuss ways to combat shutterbugs, whose tactics have grown more aggressive and confrontational in the past few years.

Their goal is for each city to adopt its own ordinances to punish aggressive paparazzi, while keeping the rules uniform in the places where celebrities live, work and play.
“This is a response to their lack of responsible behavior,” said Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine, an outspoken paparazzi critic and organizer of the task force.
Zine proposed a “personal safety zone” around celebs earlier this year that police officials said would be virtually unenforceable. He’s also floated the idea of legitimizing the paparazzi — who are freelancers by definition — by giving them credentials, and in turn, clear rules.

The paparazzi have provided plenty of fodder for scrutiny of late.
Last week, Halle Berry said she’s seeking criminal charges against photographers who she says trespassed in her backyard to get shots of the Oscar-winning actress and her four-month-daughter. The same day, guards for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got into a bloody tussle with a pair of camouflage-wearing paparazzi near the couple’s home in France.

And in June, a group of Malibu surfers fought with photographers who were trying to get shots of Matthew McConaughey on the waves last month.

Photographers still routinely swarm Britney Spears, including at Los Angeles International Airport, where police in June had to break up the group to allow her to pass. And earlier this month, Los Angeles police said they warned a pair of shooters to leave a fire access road near Spears’ house, then arrested them when they returned 45 minutes later to find them still lingering.

Zine and other civic leaders say they’re concerned that left unchecked, the aggressive photographers will either drive away entertainers, or worse — harm them or an innocent bystander. A recent inquest partially blamed pursuing paparazzi for the 1997 deaths of British Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed in France, a scenario Zine and others say they hope to avoid in Los Angeles.

Malibu residents often complain about aggressive photographers, from high-speed car chases to photographers lurking outside schools or blocking store exits, said Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Conley Ulich, who is also a task force member. Some photographers have even mistaken a non-famous resident for a celebrity, creating confusion and fear.
Malibu already has strict guidelines for film shoots, and similar regulations may be necessary for photographers, she said. In other words, the paparazzi frequently are not gathering news, she said, but rather “creating entertainment.”

For the paparazzi’s part, Zine’s idea of registration is one the shooters themselves have considered.

“Certify photographers to work as paparazzi,” suggested Arnold Cousart, a co-founder of photo agency JFX Direct. That way, he said if they get into trouble, police will know who is legit and who isn’t.
Cousart said he has considered compiling a handbook so fellow paparazzi know their rights and don’t exceed them. But he predicted that any broad rules enacted by the task force would miss the mark.
“There is a better way,” he said. “They just need to sit down with the proper folks.”

As erratic and dangerous as the scrums appear to outsiders, some paparazzi lament the lost days of shooting celebs surreptitiously with telephoto lenses. They’re now within arms-length of other shooters, and stars or their bodyguards.

During the June scramble at LAX, a photographer accused one of Spears’ bodyguards of pushing his camera too hard into his face. Other photographers have accused actors Woody Harrelson and Pierce Brosnan of rough treatment in civil suits; both cases remain unresolved.

Zine said he wants to solicit input from the paparazzi, but the task force’s likely roster is comprised mostly of law enforcement officials, prosecutors and politicians.
Los Angeles-area law enforcement officials so far have preferred to use existing laws — such as the loitering statute used to arrest the photographers near Spears’ house — rather than endorse new regulations.

“As it stands today, the sheriff’s department is confident and comfortable that the laws that exist provide enough to ensure the safety and security of residents,” said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca.

Baca is expected to participate in the task force because he prefers to be involved in discussions about new regulations, Whitmore said.

He noted that enforcing current regulations can be difficult, as the Malibu surfer melee revealed: Despite numerous online videos of the altercation, Whitmore said neither the paparazzi nor anyone else has yet to present investigators with an unedited version that could reveal what really happened. No arrests have been made.

For their seemingly divergent interests, Zine and Cousart agree on one point: something has to change.

“It hasn’t been the same since 2003,” said Cousart, who said he would much rather shoot stars from a distance. But online video, which has become as lucrative as still pictures, requires close-ups of celebs and, in many cases, engaging them in unwanted conversations.

“If you don’t, you’re practically letting these guys take you over,” he said.
Zine likened any likely solutions to enforcement measures that average citizens would understand.

“You can smoke, but you can’t smoke in certain areas,” the councilman said. “You can go 55 miles-per-hour, but you can’t do it in a school zone. So we’re not saying you can’t take the picture.”

© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Re: L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

well about time for LA officails to make SOME step towards this issue
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

wondering why another fansite has done an inteview with stu backerman and is kissing his ass. dont they have a clue as to the games he played after he was sacked or i guess they were one of the clubs that were suckered in by him
Re: L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

Great news!!
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

I think it's incredible that there are still no real regulations for paparazzi...every single human being has the right to privacy, whether they're a celebrity or not shouldn't matter.
All these people do is enforce our society's obsession with snooping in celebrities lives by stalking them and endangering them while doing so, the dozens of paps chansing around Britney are a major accident waiting to happen and it doesn't take a genious to realize it.

Can you imagine what Michael's life would have been like without all those nasty leaches always following him around?
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

Lenny Kravitz sings Billie Jean on his show.

The video is posted on an image hosting site that I'm not familiar with, so you have to go to this link to watch the video:


Also, I make visuals for nightclubs, special parties and fashion parties in London and sometimes they ask me to film events and make a music video style promo out of it. I used Michael's Threatened for the last one I did. Everybody has been telling me the same thing..."It's a killer track"! Just thought I should share it:

EGG - Naked Zoo


Please go to the link to watch it in HIGH QUALITY. Thank you, hope you guys like it!*

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Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

That's a really kick ass video, Roger Spy. You should make a video for my boyfriends band to use at one of their concerts;)

It's been ages since I've listened to Threatened. This video made the song somehow much more interesting. Cool stuff!! =)
Re: L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MSNBC.com[/FONT]



Not sure if this has been posted anywhere - but it is good for all celebrities - including Michael and his family.

Thanks for posting. I think it is indeed good news for all the celebs. Not just them, but for us as well. Sometimes when I read gossip I ask myself, do I really want to see what kinda underwear she's wearing? The paparazzis makes us dumb. For real, imagine all the stupid and unimportant gossip that it out there.

Sure we want to see how they look like and such, but it should be limits for how close they are allowed to get. I think it would be difficult to clean this paparazzi mess up, but something has to be done, don't you agree?
The only time the paps should be allowed to take pictures of celebrities or to be around them is when the celebrities say so, or want them to. Otherwise, f*** em.
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings


The Top 20 Albums of All Time (For Real)
Posted Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:21pm PDT by Robert of the Radish in The Y! Music Playlist Blog

I completely understand the frustration of "best of lists", and I can assure you that I read hundreds of comments here on the Yahoo Music blogs whenever we post one. Many times our "best album" lists generate thousands of comments. And although many of the remarks are ridiculous, many are valid in a subjective sort of way.

For this playlist I wanted to find the true top 20 albums once and for all, but to do this I needed to clear my mind of all opinion and approach it as a science. My own personal taste did not influence this list in any way. In fact, I would have made many different choices, but the time I put into collecting the data and crunching the numbers leaves no doubt in my mind that this is the most accurate top 20 album list in existence.

To begin with I had to set the parameters, and I have set them as follows:

1. The list is based on the American market - I did this only because I had mounds of detailed data on the American music market at hand- to include the whole world or even Europe would increase the complexity of the analysis
greatly - So this is really the "Top 20 Albums of All Time (To Americans)"

2. "Greatest Hits" albums and live albums were not eligible. The idea here was to identify the very best true albums, not compilations that cherry pick the best songs from an artist's career.

3. The following mathematical formula was used:
"Album Staying Power Value + Sales Value + Critical Rating Value + Grammy Award Value"

Now if you wish to argue, I welcome intelligent comment on how to hone the formula further, but please try to control the passionate fan-speak that drives so many of the comments. Remember, the idea is to completely remove your personal opinion from the process.

To offer a bit more detail on the components of the formula:
The initial group of albums selected was based solely on sales. Please know that I believe sales alone are probably the worst measure we have of an album's quality and I will speak to how I addressed this problem in a few. But as a starting point sales made the most sense. Sales are by no means the only measure of a "great album", but without big sales an album doesn't have much footing on which to claim the moniker "greatest". A vote with a dollar is a much stronger indicator than any other.

I looked at the biggest selling albums of all time in America based on actual RIAA data - this produced 71 non-Greatest Hits/Live albums that have all sold over 10 million units. Any of these that sold more than 10 million units received a 1% Sales Multiplier for every 1 million units sold over 10 million.
Sales Value = Sales Multiplier X Staying Power Value

Next, I determined what the Staying Power Value (SPV) was of all 71 albums. To determine Staying Power Value I looked at used CD sales data to determine how well each album's value has held up over time. For example, in the secondary market you can expect to pay around $9.50 for a copy of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, but you would only pay $1.38 for a copy of Cracked Rear View by Hootie and The Blowfish. The Staying Power Value is important because it shows what the current value of the album is in the marketplace. So it's a good reflection of supply and demand. Rumours sold 19 million copies and Cracked Rear View sold 16 million. Rumours gets more points for selling more units, but even more important than the higher overall sales figuresis that people want to hold onto their Fleetwood Mac CD, but don't mind parting with their Hootie CD. SPV captures this. In simple terms, Staying Power Value reflects current supply and demand for each album. *Please note that for double albums we reduced the SPV to align with a standard-length album.
So if we take the previously mentioned SPV of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album and multiply it by that album's Sales Multiplier of 9% (1% for each million sold over 10 million) we get $10.38. But this only shows us how much people still desire the album + how many have sold at retail.

The next part of the formula takes into account critical acclaim.
I would agree with anyone who says a critical review means nothing, but when you start to see a pattern among the critics the data becomes much more reliable. If ten out of ten reviewers give an album 5 stars chances are good that the album is a winner. Basically the more reviews you average the more reliable the rating.

For the Critical Rating Value I looked at multiple reviews for each album from a diverse cross section of music magazines, newspapers and music review websites to come up with the average review number for each based on a 5 star scale. From these ratings I assigned a Critical Rating Multiplier to each album ranging from 0% to 10%.
So now our formula has factored in critical acclaim making the end result more reliable.

Ratings Value = Sales Value X Rating Multiplier

The final portion of the formula is the Grammy Award Value and it simply looks at how many Grammy Awards each album has won. Our formula already has the voice of the people (Sales Value) and the voice of the critics (Critical Rating Value) so the only missing component is the acclaim each album holds among it's peers. The Grammys are an industry specific award and are the best reflection we have of how the music business itself feels about an album. I would agree that this is the least important of the components in our formula, and as such each Grammy award adds only a .5% bonus. So an album that wins 4 Grammys would receive an extra 2% to it's value. This in my estimation is a fair weighting to give for a Grammy award.

So now I give you The Top 20 Albums of All Time based purely on the analysis provided above and devoid of any personal opinion. If you would like to see the complete analysis you can download the Microsoft Excel version here: (Top Album .

#3. Thriller - Michael Jackson
Play Album
Year: 1982 Units Sold: 27 Million
SPV: $13.49 Rating (Stars): 4.5 Grammys Won: 4Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $17.39.

#2. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd
Play Album
Year: 1973 Units Sold: 15 Million
SPV: $16.08 Rating (Stars): 5 Grammys Won: 0
Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $18.57.

#1. Songs In The Key Of Life - Stevie Wonder
Play Album
Year: 1976 Units Sold: 10 Million
SPV: $16.84 Rating (Stars): 5 Grammys Won: 2
Calculated value per unit based on the formula: $18.71

Dude got the number of Grammys "Thriller" won wrong though. And honestly, I think more of Michael's albums should have made the list, based on the criteria he used. Oh well.

lol..how can anything be void of personal opinion if crtics are involved?

Happy birthday, peeps!:)
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Well and as someone else pointed out, an albums longevity shouldn't have been based on it's re-sale value but on how long it spent on the charts and on how consistantly it still sells. Not how much it goes for.
Re: L.A. officials set sights on limiting paparazzi

When taking a photo of someone becomes dangerous to everyone in the area, something needs to be done....Zoom lens were annoying, but at least you couldn't get killed, didn't cause traffic accidents, paps didn't have their foot ran over constantly - the worse thing besides an invasion of privacy, would be if the photographer fell out of a tree....and the ones who chase the celebrities in a car, ignoring all traffic laws and crashing into anything in the way - is beyond annoying....

and it's the magazine's faults too, for paying thousands, millions of dollars for THE SHOT...whatever it may be, whomever it may be, is what spurs on the photographers to do what they do - the money.
Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

That's a really kick ass video, Roger Spy. You should make a video for my boyfriends band to use at one of their concerts;)

It's been ages since I've listened to Threatened. This video made the song somehow much more interesting. Cool stuff!! =)

Thank you very very much! Glad somebody from here watched and liked it! Thank you very much indeed!

I've always loved Threatened! It became one of my fav from Invincible right away. I find the song to be very visual...such a shame Michael didn't lay his hands on it to make a video. What a visual feast it would've been!

Thank you!*

Re: 29 of July News and Mentionings

Also, I make visuals for nightclubs, special parties and fashion parties in London and sometimes they ask me to film events and make a music video style promo out of it. I used Michael's Threatened for the last one I did. Everybody has been telling me the same thing..."It's a killer track"! Just thought I should share it:

EGG - Naked Zoo
that's quality, cheers for posting.
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