2006 Article- IS IT BECAUSE HE'S BLACK?: What They Don't Want You to Know About Michael Jackson

Thanx for posting. Haven't seen it before. From start to finish, so powerful and true.
Most MJ fans know about this. What's the point of posting this article here?
It's the public that need to read it!
I'm gonna post this powerful article elsewhere. Esp. when I meet some haters and their hate seems to come from ignorance.
(going to the first post to save it)
Good luck to you...Lord knows we need more people who are not afraid to speak their minds. They are out there, and I am grateful for them, but they're few and far between unfortunately. Uncovering the truth sometimes comes with a heavy price many aren't willing to pay depending on the situation. Those who don't want it out, get in the way.

Thanks, but if I ever do it I hope that I can at least get a chance to report the truth. Since I really don't want to be a Journalist on a mainstream media station (esp. Faux News and HLN) because they tend to put only what they want on television and Mostly for ratings and money.
I've posted the article on my FB account, trying to reach more people to know about this.
great to read this again!! thnx for posting!! makes me smile and a bit sad too...
YES! it is because he is black, and bigger than Elvis and Beatles.
I guess its ok to post around if you don't mind making Mike out to have married Lisa Marie only to throw it in peoples faces. Personally, I don't go with that theory.
Most MJ fans know about this. What's the point of posting this article here?
It's the public that need to read it!

Iilsusie the article is already at FB hopefully many will get to read it. Remember its all for LOVE:)