20/20 on ABC tonight

Then that ho bag Walters said that "At one point during the ceremony, Blanket took his program and covered up his face, just like Michael used to. You have to wonder how those kids are going to turn out."

Horrid!!!!! Ugh. That woman is supposed to be so civil and classy.... my ass.
I'm glad I didn't watch this. It's no surprise with ABC. Despite this beautiful and unforgettable memorial service for Michael, people still have something negative to say and try to downplay his impact on the world somehow. They can't appreciate and celebrate the joy that Michael Jackson has brought the world. The only reason I could think as to why they do this is because they never truly felt what joy really feels like. They never had someone that inspired them or maybe they didn't have someone that believed in them. It's truly ashame. It doesn't matter what these naysayers have to say because the outpouring of love and admiration for Michael Jackson outweighs them by a trillion percent.

I'm just upset that Barbara Walters was invited to sit with the family during the memorial and she still goes around spewing bs. The family trusted her. Seeing little Paris crying for her father, and Blanket clinging on to a doll of his father, and then for BW to go out and say that Blanket is going be messed up just like Michael is beyond insensitive. These children are grieving for their father, I don't know how people could judge them at a time like this. Sick world we live in. A really sick world.
I agree
...and for those that still think that Barbara is a wonderful person might like to fast forward to Al Sharpton's speech when he's saying "wasn't nothing strange about your daddy".
As you see every single person in the room standing up, she's the only one that refuse to stand up neither clap her hands, and she has these biggest grin on her face.

If you can't locate her, she's sitting right behind Latoya...

ABC is one of the worst television networks out there with regards to Michael Jackson coverage; always an agenda to paint him in poor light. Not surprisingly ABC was also the network to hire Bashir after his farce of a documentary in 2003, and they appointed Martin Bashir to anchor the coverage of the memorial yesterday on that network :rolleyes:.

Barbara Walters wasn't the only two-faced opportunist to make her way into the memorial and mingle with Michael's close friends and associates. That disgusting, bookwriting creep Ian Halperin was also there and even posed with Frank DiLeo and others for pictures--clearly they weren't aware who he was or what he said about Michael in the past six months.
...and for those that still think that Barbara is a wonderful person might like to fast forward to Al Sharpton's speech when he's saying "wasn't nothing strange about your daddy".
As you see every single person in the room standing up, she's the only one that refuse to stand up neither clap her hands, and she has these biggest grin on her face.

If you can't locate her, she's sitting right behind Latoya...


I watched again... I'm shocked! And so close to the family...
What a piece of ****

but that picture made my day!
...and for those that still think that Barbara is a wonderful person might like to fast forward to Al Sharpton's speech when he's saying "wasn't nothing strange about your daddy".
As you see every single person in the room standing up, she's the only one that refuse to stand up neither clap her hands, and she has these biggest grin on her face.

If you can't locate her, she's sitting right behind Latoya...


I saw that! if she is one of those haters of Michael. No one would like her to come, why would she come if she didn't truly come to express mourning for Micahel? Out there, there are so many fans try their best to join the memorial but try in vain

When I saw the face of that ABC producer when she taped the children
I can't believe on that occasion, someone's doing a nasty thing like this
they taped and decided to put that footage on her show
Gosh..it's horrible, dame sick...what they did make me chill

so i think that's why Michael's been delivering love messages to the world
cause he knew there are still some people live without love in their heart
he wanna the person like Barara can make a change, change the way she does
but it's unfortune that she seems doesn't listen a word from this wonderful memorial
That woman is a disgrace, I wish she'd get canned. Her stupid fake emotional voice just pisses me off even more.