17 Apr08: MJ News and Mentionings : 2 Sony ATV articles mentioning Michael

Re: 17 Apr08: MJ News and Mentionings


Sony/ATV seeks songs, may expand into touring

Sony/ATV is a traditional music publisher which makes money every time a piece of music is used on a variety of outlets including radio, movies, live performances, advertising as well as a share from recorded music sales.

The company owns rights to classic songs by the Beatles and newer songs by artists like Akon and Fergie.

this is the sweetest part of the article for me.. and one that should be pinned on every MJ fan website.. so its etched...

loving it
oh I experienced the same thing in K-mart a couple of weeks ago this girl had pyt as her ringtone the origianal and they took a minute to answer the phone her and the little girl she was with just danced to the song...then she picked up the phone...it was so cool to see
So it looks like the most money generated from a song is from the times that businesses pay royalties for playing it, so my question is: what is the number one most played (valuable) song of the modern era? Either for Sony/Atv or anyone else.

I wonder if theres a chart somewhere that shows the placings and how much money they've generated. Its very interesting and really shows to me that Music will be free to consumers soon but paid for solely by business.
So it looks like the most money generated from a song is from the times that businesses pay royalties for playing it, so my question is: what is the number one most played (valuable) song of the modern era? Either for Sony/Atv or anyone else.

there was some poll or article about this in the uk a few years back. the most played song was a beatles track. cant quite remember which one it was though.
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Thanks for the articles they're more than amazing reading. I knew the catalogue was doing well but to see Michael acknowledged as a great partner will be a kick in the teeth for so many lol I love it.
IDK if it's just me BUT....

I get really excited when MJ gets money off of the Beatles catologue etc.. Like this itunes venture they're wanting to do. But at the same time I get this little nudge like, I don't want the Beetles to sell more than they all ready have.. lol!

IDK, it's a little part of me that just wants Mike to outsell the Beatles.

I know Mike wins both ways, but it's that LITTLE voice in the back of my head.

anyone else?