100 Reasons We LOVE Michael Jackson ! What Are Yours ? Post Here !

his loving nature for our planet, the children of this world, the message he spread across the world. to heal this wounded planet we live in, without the care from humanity this world's days are numbers. we have to heal our wounded planet, before it's too late, the emotion he Had giving his speeches of love and togetherness, Michael is and forever will be, heaven's most gifted angel. :heart:
I could write an encyclopedia series with ten books about Michael Jackson,and it still couldn't be put into words how much he means to me in my life.
Michael Jackson rescued me from a dark time in my life.I owe him my life pretty much.He is my father,my brother,my uncle,my lover,my companion,my mentor,my teacher,and my universe.
If I could pick a reason out of the unfathomable amount of reasons I have for why I love him,I'd say that the way he cared for his fans would be one my biggest reasons.He showed them equally as much love and compassion as they showed,and I always loved that about him.
If I had been able to tell him how much he means to me,I'd been the happiest person in the universe.

I can so relate to the BOLD stuff :blush: Makes me feel :better: cause a lot of peeps just don't get it WHY Michael is such an :angel: and the 'light of your world', do they? :unsure:

My reasons to :wub: Michael Jackson :wub:

24. Even when Michael resides in heaven now... He's still there to rescue you from the dark and he pulls you into the light...

20 IDIOT (I never say the BLAH number :beee: )
Michael taught me to let my own light shine... He showed me how STRONG I really am :unsure:

20 SIGH (Even that number is banned :scratch:)

Still he's the SILENT POWER behind me... When I feel the dark closing upon me... I listen to Michael's voice on my "life saver" aka my MP3 Man :cheeky: and the dark clears up again...

27. I FEEL like I always have 'back up'... Like an :angel: watching over me, making sure I'm okay... Helping me to 'cope' and 'shine' through every 'ordeal' :blush:

28. Learn to :love: the simple and elementary things in life... Live off memories and NOT always the 'bling bling' things that is just 'Material stuff' :smilerolleyes:

29. The Love for Nature... When I do 'gardening' I talk to every bug I come across with... They all have a mission... All have a reason to live... The earth is a place for them as much as it is for me...

30. Thanks to Michael :wub: Live is NOT a struggle... Not chaos... I live... Don't exist! Life is a BIG adventure with roller coaster rides and stuff...

This was the top 24- 30 presented by Daryll :D
His Love of God :angel:
His love for children
The way he used his amazing talent to bring joy and hope to the world.


Because he makes me feel like nothing and no one has ever been able to.
I would lists more reasons but I'm afraid I would be repeating myself here :blush:

The ONLY thing I learnt yesterday and what me :wub: Michael even more is Michael's 'determination' to shine and 'entertain' :bow:

Whatever you believe, you become :angel:

:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 4l- 50 :heart::pray::heart:

41. The way he held his peace and kept the FAITH! In a world that few people truly understand the injustice of what he went through ! Is mind blowing to me everyday :pray:

42. How he was the perfect example of modesty and humbleness in times of great pain and strife! :pray:

43. How he was so solid in his convictions that God would turn all his suffering into triumph ! Until the end when God blessed him with the vindication, he believed and he knew would come and it did ! :pray:

44. The way he was able to be unmoved and consistantly called on God to make everything right has inspired me and strengthened my faith to rely on a God that created and loved him ! :pray:

45. I have loved Michael most of my life and he has never let me down ever ! To know that no one can take away from him anything that God gave to him and this planet makes me so over joyed and happy in my soul! :pray:

46. Everyday I see things that Michael would see and enjoy That are mundane and simple to us, we often take for granted ! I think about how with all his creativity and ingenuity would make these very things exciting and fun and re-invented just for the love of it ! :pray:

47. How much did Michael manage to make spirituality and faith healing look so gorgeous ! He put standards and limits upon himself because he believed so much in his morales ! Not because of what he did but because of who HE WAS ! You can't buy that trait into a person, they have to do it in their actions just like Michael did through out his entire life ! !:pray:

48. Michael's fight for children from all over the world when he had none and then for his own, was awesome in it's intent to not leave anyone's child out! He was made to accomplish that goal and I know he would have if given the time ! For the simple fact with his pure heart and I know he has already created the spark in the Fans that will carry the torch forward for him for the children and the dreams he had to heal them ALL ! "If not us then who ?" :pray:

49. There is something to be said for being so happy to just see him on stage ! There is something more powerful then what you create in a moment for a lifetime ! That is what will you leave behind for others to remember your contribution to this planet ! There is so much Michael love and energy in the world and you have to do is stop be quiet and listen.. to the music.. he is always there in every word, note and in the smallest of his cry.. it is will always be there.. each one different each one giving you more of him in every way and in every key of LOVE ! :pray:

50. I love how much LOVE I having Michael in my heart which spreads to all facets and emotions of my life ! I truly feel I have grown in so much LOVE because of how deeply I love Michael ! I hve to say if it weren't for Michael how would I know about the deepiest desires and longings of my heart? How will I know how my greatest gift is how deeply I can and are able to LOVE ! Michael is LOVE and I love LOVE's LOVE ! :pray:


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I've discovered yet other reasons why I :love: Michael :blush:

I was so drained this noon at College and Michael gave me the courage to get up, excuse myself from the group so I could pop in here if only for a few minutes but it lifted my spirits and I was 'recharged' :cheeky:

A new boy/man at College has the same long curly hair as Michael in BAD/ Dangerous :blush:

The teacher must have wondered why I squinted my eyes a few times cause his hair 'confused' me. I thought it was Michael and he had to wear a red T-shirt and blue Jeans hey :cheeky:
:clapping: :heart: :dancin:

I've discovered yet other reasons why I :love: Michael :blush:

I was so drained this noon at College and Michael gave me the courage to get up, excuse myself from the group so I could pop in here if only for a few minutes but it lifted my spirits and I was 'recharged' :cheeky:

A new boy/man at College has the same long curly hair as Michael in BAD/ Dangerous :blush:

The teacher must have wondered why I squinted my eyes a few times cause his hair 'confused' me. I thought it was Michael and he had to wear a red T-shirt and blue Jeans hey :cheeky:
I L.O.V.E. Michael Jackson because of his artistry and because he was a great humanitarian, also because he was not only a great star, but he was also a great and caring human being.
He loved his fans and we loved him back.

Watch MJ fans from 1988 waiting to see the BAD Tour Concert.
I have a lot of reasons, but for me, the most importants are:

1. The way that he changed me and made me a better person. He taught me to love animals, children, to respect nature...
2. He taught me that bad people will always want to hurt you and bring you down.
3. When I listen to his music, I feel I can do anything.
I love Michael for everything what he did, for being who he was and just for being. He will forever stay on my mind, in my heart and soul :heart::heart::heart:
I love his beautiful eyes, his fantastic smile his enormous talent his kindness to those less fortunate. His crazy laugh, the beauty that he saw in the smallest thing around the world, and in the heavens. MAGIC
I think his film Earth Song should be screened around the world once a year to remind us all the state of our planet which he so loved:timer:
i think i used to post "how i noticed michael,and how i fell in love..."
but why?? why i notied him at first glance? why i have loved him so much,and for so many years??
maybe it's my first say,
yes, i know the reason , because i think michael and me are in the same world.

maybe others don't understand, maybe you will laugh at me.
but... that's the only reason.
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What was a quite BLAH day today cause I had to say goodbye to College, turned out quite not so 'scary' at all cause I decided to wear my NEW fedora today! Just as a 'pick me up' !

I loved the way how people smiled, said hello and let my cross the road today!
Though my :heart: was bleeding and my mind was all :blink: today, it was once again Michael that made me shine by wearing his fedora and yeash, I do wear a bandana under it too cause then the hat doesn't slip besides the fedora feels warm and save :blush:

Definitely, ONE of the IMPORTANT reasons why I love Michael :wub:
He makes me shine even on days when I should have fallen apart, he keeps me glued together with his :love: and his wonderful voice!

How can I EVER thank this wonderful soul :angel:
when I think about it I don´t need a reason to love Michael.
I just do it.