100 Reasons We LOVE Michael Jackson ! What Are Yours ? Post Here !

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3
100 Reasons We LOVE Michael Jackson ! What Are Yours ? Post Them All Here !

100 Reasons To LOVE Michael Jackson !
What Are Yours ?

I saw this on Youtube by a

Michael Jackson Fan , and it got me thinking

How many amazing Posts can we share here ! :wild::heart::wild:

How many reasons do we as Michael Jackson Fans have ?
(The video has some goodies I must admit) :swoon::bow:


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His Love of God :angel:
His love for children
The way he used his amazing talent to bring joy and hope to the world.

:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 1-10 :heart::pray::heart:

1. How he saved me every single time when I couldn't talk about my feelings with anyone :pray:

2. How just hearing him sing transported me to a a place of complete and utter peace within :pray:

3. How he taught me to understand and learn what REAL music was :pray:

4. How he taught me that LOVE is not a possession, but an ever growing EXPRESSION :pray:

5. How he remained who he was and what he was, no matter what the world tried to do to him :pray:

6. How he never used bad language, or negative responses in every attack against him to defend his innocence :pray:

7. How he blazed a path of his own personal fashion expressions that no one else could copy or imitate to this day :pray:

8. How truly beautiful and breath-takingly he was to be hold in every shape form and vision :pray:

9. How he could make me fall in LOVE with every word, tone and key he created in an instant, but lasted a lifetime :pray:

10. How he danced, and practiced for hours in his little studio, for days relentlessly beyond human capacity and limits to bring me something so magical and phenomenal words could never describe :pray:

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These are my 7 reasons why I love Michael...

1. Michael always kept his word and promise...

2. Michael posseses the power to turn tears into laughter... He really can change your mood from sad, scared, worried to a happy and save bliss.

3. Michael taught me to NEVER give up... Only quitters lose...

4. Michael showed me it's okay to be DIFFERENT and be PROUD of your UNIQUE identity...

5. Michael's mission was to spread LOVE and not HATE...

6. Michael insisted that I should BELIEVE in my dreams... Whatever you believe, you become...

7. Michael knew how to become IMMORTAL... Bound your SOUL to your work, your talent and your soul lives on...

Thank you, sweetheart Michael :heart:
He gave me the confidence to be myself

He gave me courage to say I love You with out feeling vulnerable

He Loved the world unlike anyone I've ever known/heard of!

He cared for Children with all his heart and soul!

He always kept strong through every ordeal, when others would've given up!

He kept his innocence in this world!

He was very intuitive, inttelegent, smart, quick, Funny, Honest and etc...

He was sensitive to others feelings!

He brought all of us and More together. And taught us to love and respect each other and others!!!

He gave me the strength to follow my dreams...

Also, He Made us LOVE HIM MORE, WithOUT even trying&#8230; :heart:

Last But NOT least, He Loved God and did not put himself above anyone!


:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 11-20 :heart::pray::heart:

11. His quiet but unbreakable strength in understanding, patience and perseverance in matters of life :pray:

12. I never really grasped the concept of what it really looks like to truly love a child unconditionally until I saw Michael do it with ease to every child around the world in all colors and cultures :pray:

13. How he makes me see life in it's most beautiful and simple state. I don't think I have ever seen the details of a beautiful sunflower before Michael surrounded himself with them :pray:

14. How he has made me see what being connected and loved by millions of people I haven't personally met can change your day, your week , your year and your life because of L.O.V.E :pray:

15. For reminding me daily that L.O.V.E is state of mind not a dream one that one day I will have it, but instaed you can have it NOW if you just think of Michael at any time and any moment of NOW :pray:

16. Being grateful to have my heart fly and skip a beat by just closing my eyes and seeing Michael in my mind, how much do I appreciate being emotionally able to feel this much, and love this much because of him :pray:

17. How I have a new mission everyday in life and that is to be the Michael Jackson in someones life, to make it better, to make it count and to make it last :pray:

18. I have a new found passion for children, the environment, the earth and healing others with L.O.V.E that Michael infused within me without limits or judgements :pray:

19. I have a new found quality to my life by just knowing Michael Jackson was apart of this world, by actually seeing what one man, with so much love and kindness in this vicious and cold world could truly do from within his heart and radiate it to the world :pray:

20. I love the fact that every LIE that was told about him he proved each and everytime that it was wrong every single time ! I love how he exemplified HUMBLENESS, TENDERNESS and PURE LIGHT, when the world only saw his MONEY, ASSETS and POSSESSIONS :pray:

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Michael Jackson , had such a caring heart and so much kindness in His soul , He always shared Gods Love for everyone , and made everyone feel important and loved , His music has always been in my life and means so very much to me , im grateful to Michael for all the love and care and intrest He had in peoples lives ,and help that he gave to thousands of familys and people , im also grateful for the beautiful amazing music He gave us :huggy: these are just a few of the reasons why I love Michael xx
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heres why i Love Michael...

he had a beautiful soul

his voice was angelic and pure

he meant what he sang

he was cute & sweet :heart:

i LOVE his Curls!

his beautiful smile

his laugh

his eyes :swoon:

his Dance style ( i love his dancing soo much!! )

the list could go on forever....:heart: :girl_sigh:

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:ciao: MJ_Rocks My World :bow:

:scratch:Why stop there..let your List go on forever :bow::clapping:


heres why i Love Michael...

he had a beautiful soul

his voice was angelic and pure

he meant what he sang

he was cute & sweet :heart:

i LOVE his Curls!

his beautiful smile

his laugh

his eyes :swoon:

his Dance style ( i love his dancing soo much!! )

the list could go on forever....:heart: :girl_sigh:


:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 21-30 :heart::pray::heart:

21. His controlled sexual aura and energy, often created an even more over-powering reaction to him. He was raised to be the utmost gentleman of his time. Which was like the most sexiest thing about him, because you knew he did allow himself fully when involved with only one woman he was devoted to completely ! :pray:

22. I could never really grasp the concept of what it was really like for him to be called ugly by the very ones who said they loved him. Yet by instinct he knew exactly what his loving Fans male and female would think was BEAUTIFUL about him. This is not conceit this is CONFIDENCE, the ultimate magnet ! :pray:

23. How he makes me fall passionately in love with everyday Trees ! Never before have I seen in my life the most beautifully simple trees could really be. I find myself mesmerized by them ! They are not just for shade or for furniture ! They live, they breath and they bleed ! And no matter hwat happens around them, no matter how bad the world erodes, they never stop reaching their branches to the sky ! :pray:

24. Michael had a habit of writing his hopes, desires, wishes and dreams behind pictures, frames and mirrors in his homes ! Everyday he surrounded himself in the energy that one day he would touch people with his words and change the world with his songs. He became THE MOST FAMOUS person on the entire planet ! Never once did he ever believe that he would not sell a million records, what he was really proving was that he could affect billions with LOVE ! :pray:

25. For living his life in a way no one could ever duplicate. How he begged to be painfully normal like everyone else ! How he maintained his simplicity in the height of his meteoric rise to greatness ! :pray:

26. How Michael made penny-loafers look like million dollar equipment and how he felt so relaxed and secure enough to dance complicated routines in these shoes for hours on end, only to do it again everyday from studio to to stage ! :pray:

27. How I crave the moments Michael would take the microphone with such power and confidence ! How masterful he was when he held that microphone in his hand ! I have seen many performers act out their styles on microphones and all I can do is compare them to Michael. They don't have the conviction or the experience that Michael displayed from childhood when a hairbrush took the place of the microphone that was first placed in his hands. :pray:

28. I used to feel like I could never be a parent. I didn't think that I was a good enough, role model or example for them until Michael taught me differently ! Michael loved all children in the world regardless of race or culture ! He opened his heart, wallet and often his home to these children that were not his own ! I realized I don't have to be a parent, all I really have to do is love them when they need me and that is more important to them then how I think they think about me :pray:

29. Michael has radiated so much LOVE out into the world and has taught my heart to grow and experience what that feeling truly is ! Some people never know LOVE like Michael Jackson in their lifetime ! Some people never fully could ever grasp the full extent of what this emotional expansion can really do to change the world we live in ! Michael never let anything get in the way of his SOUL purpose, which was to share all his LOVE unconditionally :pray:

30. I have seen the cruelest and hurtful attacks on him over the years and still he smiled. I have seen Michael's raw courage and strength serve to rise him above the insurmountable ! I watched Michael chose to LOVE and not hate after so much lies and falsehoods meant to destroy him at every cost. HE CHOSE not to hate ! :pray:

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Wow Tinkerbell, you said it right there, I agree so much and more. The first.. this: 21. His controlled sexual aura and energy, often created an even more over-powering reaction to him. He was raised to be the utmost gentleman of his time. Which was like the most sexiest thing about him, because you knew he did allow himself fully when involved with only one woman he was devoted to completely! I've never ever seen anyone say it better.
:bow: :heart::pray: Thank you so much mj angel Virre :bow: :heart::group: Please don't forget to add YOUR reasons :heart:

Wow Tinkerbell, you said it right there, I agree so much and more. The first.. this: 21. His controlled sexual aura and energy, often created an even more over-powering reaction to him. He was raised to be the utmost gentleman of his time. Which was like the most sexiest thing about him, because you knew he did allow himself fully when involved with only one woman he was devoted to completely! I've never ever seen anyone say it better.
I :heart: this thread... I really do... It's so 'UPLIFTING' :bow:

I thought I'd add this to the list...

I was changing my MJ calender to November and it has a piccie of Smooth Criminal and instantly I began to sing the tune of Smooth Criminal and it made me :D...

This is the MAGIC of Michael... Just a Piccie can give you a 'pot pourri' of memories and sounds... :angel:
I 'bumped' into another reason WHY I :heart: Michael :blush:

The MOST IMPORTANT reason of all... Michael's music 'energizes' me... It 'charges' my battery :blush: It makes my 'brain' work...

Well, yesterday was grocery day and I 'overslept' so I had to rush... NO time to 'charge' my battery... Only time for breakfast and getting 'presentable' :smilerolleyes:

I was a Zombie... I hardly remember what I needed from the store... I was dizzy... I had a splitting headache... I couldn't concentrate... ARGHHHH....

In the afternoon, I 'plugged' myself in for an hour and I was charged again :doh:

See; what Michael can do to you, hey
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:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 31 - 40 :heart::pray::heart:

31. How Michael facilitated, incorporated and infused so much of his LOVE in everything he did and said ! EVERY WORD, EVERY DEED AND EVERY ACTION in this world from inside out ! You cannot give that much LOVE away unless it is in you deeply, endlessly and limitless to offer others of every different race, color or culture ! :pray:

32. How he was the poster child for "THE GOOD SON" ! He was raised to do as he was told and he DID every time ! He did what his mother told him ! He did what his father told him ! He did what GOD told him to do ! He did what his management told him to do ! He did what his press agents told him to do ! He did exactly what HIS FANS told him to do ! He did it all for LOVE ! Never questioning what cost it would be to him personally ! :pray:

33. How he was so squeaky clean for the world to see ! How hard did he fight to make sure the children that looked up to him all over the world, not in just in his home ! He fought with such ferocity and guts to stop the media from feeding them lies that they would cry to Michael and tell him what they said about him ! Michael fought for THEIR protection and innocence not his own ! :pray:

34. For holding onto his childhood essence ! He had such a way and manner about him right after being pushed fully clothed in a swimming pool or utterly smashed in the face by an impromptu pie fight he may or may not have started ! How he never took himself so serious that the pie thrower had nothing what so ever to fear, even if the aim was perfect yet deadly even if he had lightening tough security guards on payroll ! I saw the pie tin sharp and metal directed at his beautiful face ! I saw blood and scars and possible skin damage evident ! I was terrified one of those food fights would scratch his beautiful skin or his eyes and face one day !! Then I saw Michael jumping around squealing in delight ! I could hardly miss him with the biggest super soaker chasing everyone around as he screamed in laughter ! I could not miss the twinkle in his eyes as he grinned from ear to ear at how free to do just that he really was feeling, in those moments ! :pray:

35. I have turned of the lights in my room, I had locked the door against the crazy world I lived in called my childhood. I laid there in bed for hours searching for the meaning to life that I could understand and would make everything no matter how bad, ok once again ! Every single time Michael serenaded me to comfort, understanding, strength, reassurance and peace ! The tears would come and then before you knew it they were stopped, he freed them and wiped them until they were all gone so I could move on ! Every time, everyday, every minute Michael would come they never stayed ! He told me he would be there, and I call his name to this very day! He has been doing this for others before and after me since 1958 and today he has set many of us free, and free we will forever stay this way ! :pray:

36. I take the time to see him ALL now in his full color glory ! When I watched his every move I was so tuned into zoning in on him and nothing else ! What he wore and how he moved, there was nothing else I could see I inhaled it all ! He taught me how to never miss any details that he made look easy but he practiced for hundreds of hours ! So much perfection was there for the eyes to see when he had it in every molecular from his hair to his shoes to the white tape tip of his little pinky! :pray:

37. How greedy I was as a TRUE FAN ! I realize now how what ever I got from him was never gonna be enough when I know he gave his all every time ! I could never stop watching him, I never wanted to turn the channel when he was on even for 60 seconds ! Everyone had to shut up if his video was playing on MTV ! NO ONE COULD MESS UP ONE SINGLE WORD OF ANY OF HIS SONGS AROUND ME !! Yeah I was greedy, I wanted to breath and live only him ! He never knew I existed by sight but he knew I was always that close in his mind and in his heart ! :pray:

38. When it was his time to be a father, his children never left his side ! How he would read bedtime stories to them every night with milk and cookies ! I was raised in the old school ways of loving and cherishing your child because you love them so much ! They never knew a harsh word directed at them, they never felt the ache of abandonment or loneliness, until God called him home ! Nothing less would ever have gotten between him and his babies ! :pray:

39. Endurance is a marathon that may never end ! How long did he hold his head high as he walked through the valley of darkness alone ! How many times did he go into his closet and chose an outfit that his fans would want to see him in when the haters laid in wait to rip him to shreds with their every word ! Knowing they were there waiting for him only whenever he left his front door ! Knowing they would use every tactic and trick in the book to turn and destroy the very ones he came to bring love and light to ! Knowing he could do nothing to stop them, understanding that when we saw him beautifully dressed, his confident charm dazzling and brilliantly blinding smile beaming, how that would bring our spirits up from our pain ! He knew we needed to see him, he had to show they weren't getting to him, they weren't going to change him no matter how much they tired had the many times they had failed ! He would not let them win ! He would not let them wipe the smile from his face when he saw us , looking at him ! To me he won the war, before they even cried battle ! No doubt in my mind, I am a witness to his gracious reign and will always be a greatful and loyal subject ! :pray:

40. I love how much LOVE I have in my heart because of him ! You could never really thank someone so much for "growing your heart from the inside out" like that ! Your entire life ! I have learned from the best of what a truly beautiful song should sound like ! I know how much work, love and passion goes into a voice ! It is a gift to the soul that enters through the ear ! I understand now what it took to make me feel all this love from just him singing one note to me ! I know now how hard he worked I can feel his blood, sweat, love and tears in every chorus and verse ! No one has worked harder to make me happy just because they loved me they made it look easy like it was no problem ! Like he did it just for me before I even asked ! He was there with the answers, to questions I didn't have the words to say ! I owed him nothing and he was just honored to do what God had given him to share ! :pray:


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okay let's play this fair :cheeky: and add some MORE reasons WHY I love Michael :wub:

8 till 14 :angel:

8. Just a piccie of a song can give you a potpourri of memories of Michael... In either a tune that pops into your head or a quote or a lyric... :blush:

9. Should exactly be the most IMPORTANT reason is that Michael makes my brain work... :doh:
I was staying at my folks for the Christmas days so the routine of Michael music got mixed up again... Yep, there it was... I NEEDED to pop in my headphones with BAD25 as I got the biggest headache again and NO painkillers can solve it though... They make me even more ill :puke: So, some Michael magic pumping into my ears and headache whoosh gone :blush:

10. my :wub: for books and knowledge... Michael really sparked it... I love Book stores... I feel like Michael is browsing there still... I can get really 'lost' in a book... Like Michael said... Reading books is like travelling when you don't have the money to go to all the places... Indeed, you browse into an art book or a city guide and whoosh... You're on holiday...

11. Michael knew that talent came with a certain sacrifice... ONLY then, you can succeed... Indeed, so true... I sacrificed stuff too so I can write and create and let people enjoy my light...

12. I recently read a quote "Ego can kill your talent" :blink: Hell yeah... It made me think of Michael cause Michael was a humble as kid even caring for bugs... Michael didn't have one ounce of Ego in him... Michael didn't like to brag about his talent cause if it's natural... You think everyone has it...

13. Michael did everything with PASSION... NOT I have to do this for fame, rep and a roof over my head... But out of sheer passion like breathing... Indeed, a Passion should be like that otherwise it's just another hobby to pass the time here...

14. Michael sees in every situation good or BAD... A positive quirk and spin in it... I remember reading that Michael said he loved the sirens of the ambulance when he was rushed to the hospital... I wanted to experience this once...

Awwww, our Michael :blush:
Because he loved ALL the children equally, even as much as his own children. Because of him, no child went unloved.

Let the Magic continue :angel:

15. I'm HOME everywhere there is NET access :cheeky: Well, college means a WHOLE day in the BIG BAD world :blink: and whenever I feel my energy 'leaking' faster then expected... I POP in here during 'cookie breaks' :D It only has to be "15 minutes" and I'm 'recharged' again :clap:

16. Michael gives us Special SKILLS... 'cause through our 'devotion' for Michael :wub: we know a lot about PC stuff like 'forum use' ; 'photo editing' ; 'programs' like Word, Wordpress, Powerpoint, ...

17. Michael even 'breaks' through the language barrier :bow: Dutch should be my 'native' language YET... It's 'English' due to Michael's influence :blush:

18. We even see the WORLD through :heart: Michael... I went to places that I would have never thought of visiting like Prague or London :dancin:

19. We live our lives with PURPOSE and a MISSION to full fill to make Michael PROUD :agree: To take care of the planet, the children, the sick and deprived... We know that only :heart: survives

20. Through Michael :wub: we BELONG to the BIGGEST and BADDEST Family ever that has 'stronger' ties than any family would have cause it 'breaks' down all barriers of age, race and religion...

That was the 15 to 20 count up brought to you by Daryll :tease:
For me, the tops ones are:

His inner strength and hope
His belief in God
The endless love in his heart
His strict dedication to his art
The Beautiful energy that he brought to this whole world, Michael's love & light is wonderful.

:heart::pray::heart: My Reasons for Loving Michael Jackson 41 - 50 :heart::pray::heart:

41. How Michael in his beauty in times of pain ! How majestic he was when he reached his peak in LOVE for others he didn't know but knew loved him ! :pray:

42. How everyday I see the perfection Michael must have seen to give him strength to smile in the face of a world that threatened to destroy him and itself !

43. How every detail I used to not be concerned about it in my everyday life means so much more to me now because Michael is not here to see it himself ! I see for him now, I let myself be carried away by the smile on my face when in that moment I bring Michael in my heart and it is even more beautiful then when I first thought !

44. For every single tear that rolls down my face thinking of the ache I feel everyday I thank Michael ! Because every single one of them lets me know how much Michael in alive and kept bright in my heart and soul and I am thankful to know how much love that takes in those moments of expansion to LOVE him even more ! Because we can anytime we want and need it !

45. I am so humbled and great full that Michael left places around this world that I can go and touch every brick, wooden frame and grass blade of where he stepped, walked and danced his way into the very being that I am today ! I may not have touched anything he touched yet but the blessing is that one day I know I will and I will never be the same ! I am great full to Michael for leaving me that, which he knew I would need !

46. I thank God everyday that I was born in his lifetime ! I take back all those times where I said I wished I could start ll over again or for other things in life not really thinking that if I was younger or older would I have had him for 45 long glorious, and steady climb onto the the Thrown of a crown he was to modest to wear accept in photos and paintings ! Everyday was a gift to me that he lived and I was a witness and always will be !

47. How perfect was his absolute need to not take credit or the spotlight when that is all the world wanted him to live under ! How mny times had I seen and heard him reflect and deflect praise that came his way ! You could compliment him and he would give you 3 back in return ! Without fail without ego without a hesitation or thought ! He never knew how not to recipricate compliments and worship when everyone was there for the very reason to honor him ! To many times to count guaranteed !

48. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Michel would have quit the business and raised his babies in peace and harmony ! The very reason he existed was to give them all he had to give ! He was so blessed to have 3 pieces of his heart walk around him everyday to give him joy, purpose and completeness of which only babies can give a father with no reservations or thoughts about it ! It was instant and it is forever ! He deserved them and all the love they gave him ! Everydy their smile moved him, everyday their laughter pleased him and every minute and every hour they were always a hug or a kiss away from bliss on earth ! That will never fade or be forgotten as they walk among us today they still are !

49. I have never been more thankful then I am when I see Michael's mom Katherine ! I see the strength, the love and the consistent source of pure LOVE Michael so needed and had for him to be exactly who he was ! He did have a divine mother, she could never be anything else because it is who she is not what she is ! When I see her I feel more for her then ever because she was created to love Michael with all she had, no hesitation, no holding back no question about it ! He needed all she had to give and more and she gave him that to ! Endless was her devotion to him, tireless was her battle to protect him, fiercely did she always rise to defend him ! Proudly did she walk beside him as the sickiest forms of humanity came out specifically to throw insults and disgust at him , she walked taller in front of him to shield as much as her love could to cover him and distract him from it ! Her hand, her shoulder her arm ever ready to offer him ! Her love against the world and I thank God she succeeded in her LOVE for him !

50. I love how much LOVE I have in my heart because of his fans he gave to me ! I have Michel -sisters and brothers all over the world ! There hearts in tune with mine on the Michael-ism ! I know that if I go to Russia, China and Africa and play any one of his songs I will have kindred universal connection with people who don't understand the language I speak but they will know my heart ! Most importantly I will know theirs as well ! Universal LOVE that is what Michael created for every fan that he ever touched spiritually ! No one can take that from us ! No one can seperate us from this universal love we share for Michael Jackson ! They cannot take way something they never gave us ! God had given him to that to share as he was destined to do ! He did it as well as he Moonwalked and sang notes like an angel, because God created only one of him and shared him with us the world as well ! I love you all MORE .. :heart: :pray:


Just WOW :clapping: :angel: :blush:

You picked the 'right' day to 'bump' this thread, Tink :friends:

Such a heartfelt post :blush:

Let me see if I can add stuff here...

21. Thanks to Michael's vision, I'm more FOCUSED and more RESILIENT... While my neighbour runs around like a headless chicken :scratch: I TRUST in Michael :blush: Trust in FACE the problem... TALK it out... EXPLORE a PLAN B... :cheeky:

22. TRY to act in the way Michael did... Do NOT judge and slander peeps... Don't blame them and stuff like that... That's the lame way of thinking and acting...
THINK TWICE of how the other one feels and BELIEVE in the GOOD... When you think POSITIVE... GOOD stuff will happen to you :clap:

23. Always LISTEN to that inner voice... He knows the TRUTH... He's your BEST :friends:

Daryll :blush:
I don't think I have 100 reasons on why I love Michael Jackson but I'll give out a few I can think of:

1. His love for God
2. His love for children
3. His amazing talent he has/had and shared it all around the world.

Another reason I love being a Michael Jackson fan is because Michael has taught me to be a better person. And what has he taught me, you ask? Well, he has taught me these things:

1. Love people and help them the best way you can.
2. Face hard challenges everyday, no matter how tough it is.
3. Be strong.
4. Don't give up on your dreams.
I could write an encyclopedia series with ten books about Michael Jackson,and it still couldn't be put into words how much he means to me in my life.
Michael Jackson rescued me from a dark time in my life.I owe him my life pretty much.He is my father,my brother,my uncle,my lover,my companion,my mentor,my teacher,and my universe.
If I could pick a reason out of the unfathomable amount of reasons I have for why I love him,I'd say that the way he cared for his fans would be one my biggest reasons.He showed them equally as much love and compassion as they showed,and I always loved that about him.
If I had been able to tell him how much he means to me,I'd been the happiest person in the universe.
I love him because of a number of reasons. One of these reasons is how he carried on smiling while everyone was trying to leech from him throughout his whole life. Everything he went through and he still smiled at the end.