1 unknown fact about you

I hum when I eat cold cereal with milk. lol :p
I can't brush my teeth just standing in the bathroom....i have to walk around...i usually wander the entire house :lol:
I have a middle name that no one else has...at least not that I know of. ;)
it depresses me that people age.
thats one of the many reasons that I admire Michael..he was forever young!
I'm a figure skating fan. I loved to skate very much when I was a child/teenager :)
I'm an extremely messy person, i always spill stuff and I can't eat a meal without making lots of crumbs or spilling something. lol.
i like watching those stupid vh1 reality shows lol
hhhmm more than 1 but theres alot I want to post: I have to sleep laying on my stomach, it has to be completely dark for me to sleep, I have seasonal allergies, I have a shy bladder.
:wild: me too me too!!:wild: im a fan of Evgeni Plushenko!!! hes the BEST!!!! :punk:
:wild: Yes, he is great! I do not have current favorite among single skaters. Since 2002 pair skating has been my favorite discipline :)
I'm in love with a man who's older than me by 40 years.

:heart:Love Is Blind:heart:
I can't brush my teeth just standing in the bathroom....i have to walk around...i usually wander the entire house :lol:

My mother should read this!
I thought I was the only one :hysterical:
I talk to my dogs aaaalll of the time... but I also do voices pretending they answer me :ninja: