Who is more hated amongst the fandom, Bashir or Oprah?


Proud Member
Mar 19, 2023
I genuinely want to know, false accusers aside who is the most disliked person amongst MJ fans.
Like the list of people who exploited and screwed Michael over is really long.
Bashir and Oprah are horribles both. But the difference between the two is fame. Bashir is no longer credible in the eyes of the public while Oprah... Many admire her and believe her with their eyes closed.

I like Oprah even less personally because there have been very serious accusations about her. First, she opened a school (or orphanage) for young girls and there was sexual abuse within the establishment. She doesn't even seem to care which is very serious.
Secondly, she is friends with Weinstein... I will let you measure the degree of danger that this woman represents in her country knowing that many admire and respect her. She is the most influential personality in the USA. I think she can turn anyone's brain...

Well, anyway, many people betrayed our Master :c
Bashit, Oprat, Rob-son, Safecheque and the like all have the same motive which is explained in History track "Money".
Are you infected with the same disease of lust, gluttoney and greed?
Then watch the ones with the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...
Cuz they're the backstabbers
Both backstabbed him but Bashir caused the most damage by far.
Michael Jackson himself should have avoided certain things in the first place (during that documentary).

For example, it was Michael Jackson himself who appeared on camera to be under the influence of drugs in Berlin.

It was also Michael Jackson himself who admitted on camera to sleeping in bed with many children.

It was also Michael Jackson himself who appeared on camera to tightly hold Gavin Arvizo's hand while the boy rests his head on the singer's shoulder.
Bashit, Oprat, Rob-son, Safecheque and the like all have the same motive which is explained in History track "Money".
'Money' had been written and released years before Michael Jackson first met Martin Bashir for the 2003 documentary.
And it was Martin Bashir that encouraged that
Martin Bashir must then have encouraged him also to dangle his nine-month-old son over a fifth floor hotel balcony.

Note that Michael Jackson during that period used to behave in an irrational way (such as, standing on the top deck of a double-decker bus so as to protest against Sony Music, publicly wearing tapes on his nose, and so on).

It was unwise of Michael Jackson to choose that particular period for appearing in a documentary with the intention of being portrayed like a normal guy.
Martin Bashir must then have encouraged him also to dangle his nine-month-old son over a fifth floor hotel balcony.

Note that Michael Jackson during that period used to behave in an irrational way (such as, standing on the top deck of a double-decker bus so as to protest against Sony Music, publicly wearing tapes on his nose, and so on).

It was unwise of Michael Jackson to choose that particular period for appearing in a documentary with the intention of being portrayed like a normal guy.
Tabloid nonsense. Get out
It's a good thing MJ had his  OWN cameras rolling for the Take 2 special. It let the world know how misleading (at best) Bashir was. Botched, biased "journalism" at its finest. Unfortunately, the damage was already done by Bashirs hit piece.

It's honestly wild and sad thinking about the domino effect of this situation. If Bashir doesnt forge his credentials, he doesnt get the Diana interview, he isnt referred to MJ. Mj gets a real journalist, LWMJ is a hit, Arviso trial never happens.
It's a good thing MJ had his  OWN cameras rolling for the Take 2 special. It let the world know how misleading (at best) Bashir was. Botched, biased "journalism" at its finest. Unfortunately, the damage was already done by Bashirs hit piece.

It's honestly wild and sad thinking about the domino effect of this situation. If Bashir doesnt forge his credentials, he doesnt get the Diana interview, he isnt referred to MJ. Mj gets a real journalist, LWMJ is a hit, Arviso trial never happens.
Michael really should have just made his own documentaries, but the conspiracy behind the media lead to nobody wanting to hear any positive depiction of him, there was intent to ruin his life and help the DA get more leads to continue their investigation and get another OJ media circus trial
It's not the thread question but I'm going for Sneddon.

"ARCHIVES: Geraldo discussing the unprecedented repeat raids on Neverland including just 1 month prior to trial.
"This the most obscenely excessive prosecutorial fishing expedition probably in the history of the country...Over 100 search warrants already asked for and received."

EDIT - and also this:

"In 1993, when Sneddon reached out to the FBI, he wanted their guidance on how to use the Mann Act to prosecute MJ. The Mann Act was a racist law created in the early 20th centure to take down black celebrities, including boxer Jack Johnson and Chuck Berry."

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Tabloid nonsense. Get out
What is exactly tabloid nonsense about these things?

Keep in mind that even some of Michael Jackson's closest confidants at that time (such as, Reverend Jesse Jackson) did not like Michael Jackson's erratic and irrational behaviour during that period.

You clearly live on another planet.
It's a good thing MJ had his  OWN cameras rolling for the Take 2 special. It let the world know how misleading (at best) Bashir was. Botched, biased "journalism" at its finest. Unfortunately, the damage was already done by Bashirs hit piece.
Regardless of that, Michael Jackson should have demanded to watch and thus approve a copy of the final version of that Martin Bashir's documentary (right before its official TV release).

But he never did that, which made the singer also greatly responsible for the later, negative consequences of that Martin Bashir's documentary.
Wtf man.

Like, have you ever heard of somebody called Michael Jackson?

Do you know anything about him?

At all?

He was the embodiment love and caring. His message was to spread peace and goodwill around the world.

Seems like your username and all your threads are about hating on everyone. So bitter and twisted. It's the complete opposite of everything MJ stands for.

Take a long hard look at yourself and think about what it is that makes you so negative and hateful.
Yeah, probably more productive things to do than create threads on here trying to get people to talk about who they hate.
Martin Bashir must then have encouraged him also to dangle his nine-month-old son over a fifth floor hotel balcony.

Note that Michael Jackson during that period used to behave in an irrational way (such as, standing on the top deck of a double-decker bus so as to protest against Sony Music, publicly wearing tapes on his nose, and so on).

It was unwise of Michael Jackson to choose that particular period for appearing in a documentary with the intention of being portrayed like a normal guy.
Are u a mj fan or a hater???
I think both Bashir and Oprah are disliked, but Bashir was the most destructive to Michael’s career because his documentary set off the child abuse trial - so I think Bashir is more disliked. I think Oprah’s posthumous attacks on Michael are making further damage but it was Bashir who treated Michael very badly, perhaps worse than the deposition do’ers.
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Regardless of that, Michael Jackson should have demanded to watch and thus approve a copy of the final version of that Martin Bashir's documentary (right before its official TV release).

But he never did that, which made the singer also greatly responsible for the later, negative consequences of that Martin Bashir's documentary.
Where were his super professional managers with 7-figures salaries? Or maybe there were only incompetent and greedy people as usual?