You know you're obsessed with MJ when...

lol I wear tape on my finger just to show im a fan and cuz it goes wit my outfits
You end up buying mens trousers cause Mj wore them and even buying a magazine in a foreign language even though you don't comprehend it:)
And here I thought I was pretty unique, well after reading this thread I now know that I am most definitely not unique!! I do nearly all of the things on that list, plus many thing s people listed later on.

Keep Michaeling! ( I'll use the innocent one now)

I guess your obsessed when you are thinking to or will be naming your kid after him. I know i will if i have a son oneday, i will use Jackson as his middle name.

Lol with this one a friend of mine called her son 'Jackson.' She did it as she likes the name but every time someone asks his name they always ask her 'did you name your son after Michael Jackson?' Now every time anyone asks his name she has to say 'his name is Jackson and before you ask no, I did not call him after Michael Jackson.'
My family think I have gone nuts, yes I have and do a hell of a lot on this list, I have oil paintings of MJ in every room, And yes I must confess I have a framed picture of him on my bedside table, so I can gaze deeply into his eyes every night :) I act like I'm 13 instead of 38 because of him. :heart:
Love u forever Michael.
ZOMJ! Behold the magic of secret cameras/wiretapping. I knew SOMETHING was going on!

Lol, JK. Seriously, though, I do pretty much about everything on this list, except stealing the cardboard TII figure, as I am too much of a law-abiding citizen (coward) to do that. I also scream every time I see Michael's picture on a magazine/book/poster/merch in a public place, or hear his music being played at a store, etc. The last time that happened was on Friday. I went to Wendy's with my bff, and as I was ordering my food, "Beat It" started to play. I screamed and jumped from the excitement in mid-sentence of my order. I was pretty monotone before that (as I am a generally unemotional person). I am sure I scared the cashier by my sudden outburtst of emotion lol. She looked at me like I was crazy... -shakes head- It doesn't help that I did that on the day I decided to wear my sparkly glove, mirrored aviators and MJ shirt lol. Well, that's one more place I can never eat at again lol...

Oh, there's also the dressing up as MJ thing. You didn't put that on the list!! I dressed up as Michael on 90's day back when I was in school (meaning a few months ago). I had my fedora, my aviators, my military jacket, black pants, and surgical mask. I have naturally curly hair so I just tied it back in a ponytail to have the HIStory look. I was so happy that day. Michael had wicked style and I absolutely LOVE incorportating it into my wardrobe (or dressing up as him on days like 90's day). Anyway, I got loads of compliments and I was even told I look like him. =D

One of the things in the list: Talking to posters....
.... .... .... >.>
....GUILTY as charged lol. Michael is my best friend when it comes to talking about my problems. Such a good listener. xD

Oh, I also have a locket with his picture in it. That's part of my way to cope. I like to have him close to me for comfort...and lockets are so pretty. He is such a part of my inner (real) world...a locket really illustrates that idea. It's so romantic too.

Oh, and I don't stay up till 12 AM doing MJ-related stuff. Try all night lol. Then again, I'm an insomniac, so I stay up all night at least twice a week anyway. : /

...and here we go again. Oh, but I am not obsessed.
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Here's one--

You listen to Someone In The Dark and when you hear "Wherever you may be, I'll look up and see Someone in the dark for me" you look up to the sky and find the brightest star and just get lost in it!
You say "Michael" instead of "My Girl" when you sing-along to the song "My Girl" (by Little Mike), even though you are a guy.

"I guess you'll say, what can make me feel this way about Michael, about Michael".
........ I have been doing it for more than 10 years now.
You know nothing about James Brown, Chuck berry & Jackie Wilson's music, but you claim that you are a fan coz Mike was one.
You know nothing about James Brown, Chuck berry & Jackie Wilson's music, but you claim that you are a fan coz Mike was one.

Omg, I can relate to this one :D

You know you're obsessed when one of your friends mentions his name & you go completely insane, & start bragging about him.
You know you are obsessed with Michael Jackson when you spell L.O.V.E. like this L.O.V.E.

To me it is definitely best way to spell L.O.V.E.

You know you're obsessed with MJ when you see slash and you think of Michael instead of guns and roses :p

When you accidently crease your poster of Michael... have a fit & say "Ohh sorry Michael, honey" the poster!! hahaa.
When you meet someone for the first time and say very proudly "Oh one thing you should know about me is, im a huge Michael Jackson fan!"

Most of this is so true…( photo in purse, check!) and I can add some more:

* When you no longer have any spare wallspace. Or shelf space. Or cupboard space.
* Or cash.
* When you don’t actually wear/use your mj T shirts/ mugs/ calendars etc because you don’t want to spoil them.
* When you are already planning where to visit, when you travel to California / Indiana in ooooh 5- 25 years time. (Ref 2 above)
* If someone asks you where you would find the elephant enclosure at Neverland, you could probably draw them a sketch map.
* When you can hold a conversation with a complete stranger for 2 hours on the subject of mj, without hesitation, deviation or repetition.
* When you search the TV schedules for anything mj-related, but conclude there is ‘nothing on’ if not.
* When you own at least one fedora.
* When 29/8 is more significant than your own birthday
* When every 25th is a date to keep
* When you are convinced that you are ‘not alone’.

You know you're obsessed with Michael when... your grandmother told you 9 years ago that you will be fed up of Michael's music if you continue listening to it 24/7 and after all those years you're still listening to it 24/7.
Hehehe. :lol:

You know you're obsessed with Michael when... everytime you listen to one of his songs it feels like you're listening it for the first time in your life but at the same time you feel that you couldn't have lived without that song.

You know you're obsessed with Michael when... before going to sleep you say "Goonight, Michael" and you throw a kiss to the sky.

You know your obsessed when... the majority of pictures on your phone are not of your friends, family or self...but of Michael! lol. Thats me! :)

You know your obsessed when... you stare at an MJ pic on your wall for so long because you cant get enough of his beautiful face & wishing that it would come alive! :)

You know your obsessed when... you defend him waay too much & people say to you "he's only a celebrity!!" and your screaming in your head "OMG, he's so much more than a celebrity!" & give them evils (tehehehe)

When you don't give a damn being broke for buying Mike's stuff.

You say "Michael" instead of "My Girl" when you sing-along to the song "My Girl" (by Little Mike), even though you are a guy.

"I guess you'll say, what can make me feel this way about Michael, about Michael".
........ I have been doing it for more than 10 years now.

You know nothing about James Brown, Chuck berry & Jackie Wilson's music, but you claim that you are a fan coz Mike was one.

All that sounds so much like me :)))

You know you are obsessed with MJ when ...... while writing business email you start with word "Dear", which is then automatically followed by word "Michael". Then you have to erase Michael and put the right name, but you accidently write Michael again instead.
when u watch another celebrities film clips and they do a dance similar to michaels and u say-i wonder where they got THAT from hehehe
...when you walk into KFC and the first thing you do is think about Mike lol
*Going one day without Michaeling gives you some serious withdrawal symptoms

Omg! This thread is actually quite freaky because it relates to me so much :S

Ok heres some more; which shows i am obsessed.

- Leaving your alarm for ages before turning it off just because its an MJ song
- Laughing to yourself whenever someone says "This Is It" in a random conversation not meaning to relate to Michael.
- Thinking of Michael whenever you see the smallest thing related to him- i.e. The Green Giant advert!!
- When most of your 'favourites' list on your internet browser is full of Michael related websites. (seriously, ive got too many!)
- Thinking about him as soon as you get up & before you go to bed.
- Knowing all the words to the raps in Black Or White & Jam
- Walking into a shop because you know theres an MJ related piece of merchandise in there just to see it, even though you dont necessarily need to go in the shop to get anything! (Oh yes, im a regular at HMV!)
- Liking things all of sudden when you didnt like them before just because Michael likes them.
- When the majority of your facebooks statuses are MJ related!
- Hearing the TII trailer or an MJ song on the TV & suddenly rushing into the room just to catch a glimpse of it (even though you've seen it a million times before)
- Persuading others to watch MJ vids because you want them to see what we see.
- When watching an MJ related programme, that is seen as your highlight of the week :)
- Wanting to buy every piece of merchandise humanly possible.
- Saying "I love you" randomly because you think Michael is listening & saying it back.
- When your friends raise their eyebrows because you've told them you've never cried so much when Michael died. ( :( )

You see 'MJ' on a cars registration plate, and it reminds you of Michael...

whenever you wipe your mouth you think of MJ in the 'Bad' short film and sometimes replicate. hahahaha.

You know you're obsessed with Michael when you give advice based on his quotes or his song lyrics heeh

You know you'are obsessed with MJ when you thinking about him everyday non stop :p

I've pretty much said yes to everything!!! :D But I've picked a few out lol!!!
Whenever you buy yourself some new shoes you always make sure that you can do the toe stand with them
Bohemian Rhapsody reminds you of Michael,after all Freddie Mercury and Michael worked together.
OMGG THESE ARE SO TRUE LOOOL I DO ALMOST EVERYONE OF THEM SPECIALY THE UM '' 23.) You spaz on anyone who says anything negative about him, then launch into a gigantic rant with EVERY FACT that ever existed '' LMAO I GOT KICKED OUT OF SCHOOL FOR THAT !! AHHA X