Paris Jackson, Tinashe, Aimee Mann Help Raise Awareness for Linda Perry’s EqualizeHer at Troubadour Event


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Jul 25, 2011

Paris Jackson, Tinashe, Aimee Mann Help Raise Awareness for Linda Perry’s EqualizeHer at Troubadour Event​

By Geoff Mayfield / Oct. 13, 2022

  • Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann
  • Linda Perry

    Linda Perry
  • Tinashe

Geoff Mayfield
Thu, October 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM·5 min read

In this article:


“What we’re trying to present to everybody is that girls don’t just have to be sexy on stage,” said composer, musician, producer and activist Linda Perry from the Troubadour stage in West Hollywood, kicking off a fundraising event Sunday (Oct. 9) for EqualizeHer. “They can be very, very powerful behind the scenes.”

Launched in April at South By Southwest with philanthropist Alisha Ballard, wife of composer and producer Dan Ballard, the event featured performances by Paris Jackson, Aimee Mann and Tinashe, and was the latest effort to raise awareness of the initiative. Like nonprofits She Is The Music and Women’s Audio Mission, EqualizeHer seeks to create more opportunities for women throughout all ranks of the music industry.

We have Paris Jackson, Aimee Mann and Tinashe, three people who are making it in the business, and then we have five kids opening up the show, who have never been on a stage before,” Perry told the audience. “They’re going to go up there, they’re going to sweat it and we’re going to get them comfortable, to see what it’s like to play for people, to get instant reactions.

Last on the bill was the folk-inspired Jackson, who battled a cold to preview songs from a soon-to-be-released EP, a follow up to the 2020 set “Wilted.” Speaking with Variety, Jackson namechecks the likes of Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst and Radiohead’s Thom Yorke.


“I’ve always had a passion for music but I think I needed to get comfortable with being in the public eye with fashion and acting first,” she says. “After I had those experiences, I was ready to take on music. I love the fashion stuff, but for me that’s more of a job and music is more of a life path. … All of my songs at their root are folk but I’m trying on different production styles, so as of lately I’ve been trying more of a ‘90s thing, so a little bit of Nirvana, a little bit of the Cranberries, a little bit of Weezer, late ‘90s, early 2000s.”

As for the EqualizeHer cause, Jackson was more than eager to accept Perry’s invitation to participate. “Whatever I can do to get involved, whether it’s feminism or the environment,” she says. “Last night I was presenting at the EMA Awards (Environmental Media Awards). I just want to stay involved.”