KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related) Art Post #1 & 12


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wanted to share some artwork with you guys.. I have always loved many different aspects of art. So here is a small sample of different arts that I have done..

Michael Jackson THREATENED: (Film)
Story - MJ (A monster) is chased into an abandoned house, once cornered he THREATENS them..
^^ Comment on the actuall youtube page if u can^^

Thriller Wolf: (digital art)

Michael Jackson DANGEROUS TOUR: (drawing)

this is just some artwork.. All but Thriller wolf is old.. My number one passion is DANCE. I do not have any video to share with you. .But I would love to if I can find access to share..

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nice stuff:yes:

and i like any excuse to see that ghosts video footage..lol

some of the best dancing i have ever seen!

you've got TALENT, KOPV

thanks a lot guys.. I really would like to share a video of my number ONE passion.. DANCE.. But I don't have the connections and access to do that. If I ever do, I will share it with you.

Great stuff! Yeh! Have you added any of the artwork on MJ's main site yet, KOPV? You should got more peeps will see it (maybe even MJ!) :smile: I love the wolf one been meaning to add it as my siggy but might need to reduce size etc. Anyway I will get round to it soon. :smile:

thanks a lot guys.. I really would like to share a video of my number ONE passion.. DANCE.. But I don't have the connections and access to do that. If I ever do, I will share it with you.

would love to see .
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

thanks guys.. your kind words really touch my heart..

I am trying to find some time to do a new drawing.. It's been a while, and I need to really sit down and do another.. Once I do I'll share it with you guys..

thanks again
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

Beautiful work KOPV
thanks for sharing (hugs)
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

I just finished a new drawing.. I am trying to get a hold of a scanner so I can share it with you guys.. I hope you like it once posted.. check back soon!!

within the next days I'll get it.. Friday I think at the latest.
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

My newest drawing...... Just did in March 24th..

I hope you like:


Michael Jackson: Come Together 1988
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

That is awesome - VERY beautiful
Do you have a special feeling when you draw him?
I mean are you emotional about your art and more so
when drawing Michael ?
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

Awesome. I love the threatened video. Am loving the "(g)ame time" moment & timing in the video!!! :lol:
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

thanks for the comments you guys.. I really appreciate it. When you put hours and so much into something it always feels nice getting positive feed back. It makes the dedication worth it.

qbee- yes I do get a special feeling when it comes to MJ artwork.. ALL of it.. First and formost when I dance as Michael. Even more so than when I do my OWN stylized shows/performances. Though since I have been dancing like MJ since I was 3 and have developed simular dance habits and natural movements that comeout MJ-like. When I perform AS MJ, the feeling goes to another level.. SOMETHING about it. I feel like his dance is the 'perfect' dance.. The closer to MJ it is the more beautiful it is.

With drawing yes, but not as deep. It's more like sparks type feeling.

Making MJ related videos, simular feeling as drawing but a LITTLE less

with digital art, just a LITTLE less than video making.

It's all like layers.. #1 DANCE #2 DRAWING #3 film #4 Digital Art

those are my passions and my love in order.. I often do them MJ related
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

with all your kind comments you got me thinking what I should do as my next project.. :)

u guys really know how to make someone feel good.. thanks
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

Come on, KOPV. You're handsome AND a good artist? You just keep getting better and better!
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

KOPV...these are awesome...are you in the Graphic Arts as a career? If not, I would seriously think about it if I were you!
Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

thank you for the compliment..

no I have not really dove into it in the career aspect.. I just have a long for the arts.. actually my first passion is dance.. if I make a career out of any of the arts it would be that and/film..

In collage now I am studying film..

Ya I know the short film on the front page is very amature,that was something I made in highschool when I first started to learn about film.. It's the onlything I have on the computer because our teacher gave us a disc with our media arts..
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Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

I knew that werewolf looked familiar

Would it be so hard to give some credit to original artist or mention that you modified it? I can't believe you removed the "Paul Mudie '07" tag off instead. You can't say you made the whole thing! That artist must have spent days making that and you just threw few things on and now you got people admiring YOU. I hate that.
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Re: KOPV's ART (video/drawing/digital.. MJ related)

thanks again guys..

bumpidy bump bump..

I am trying to find some time to work on another project.. IDK when it I will find it though.. lol!