2000 Watts - Old threads, no passwords posted.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's been a few weeks since the password rule went into effect. There is one thread in particular where it seems people are wanting the password (Jackson's Royal Variety Show). I have that password in a PM message. Is it acceptable for me to share with other posters? Should I give the password to a mod to let them distribute it? It seems people have posted and several days later are still waiting for it.

Thanks in advance.
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As you've posted it in the community issues section, I'm guessing you want opinions from the community so i'll leave it for some community members to respond and decide on.

Otherwise I can answer your question for you :flowers:
I actually guess I posted this in the wrong forum, but I since this issue may occur again it may not be a bad idea for others to chime in. We'll stick with the group route. Thanks.

Personally, since the rule has been in affect for awhile, I don't think there's anything wrong with PM'ing other members with the password or simply making it available in the actual forum with a thank-you to the original uploader.
I'm happy with either suggestion for old threads that might not have been updated after the rule got a refreshing bump :)