Keep calm with pics of beautiful nature


MJJC Staff
Staff member
Feb 5, 2022
Starting this thread to post some pics of nature to help us calm down when things get too heated.


This is St Mortiz, Switzerland.
Starting this thread to post some pics of nature to help us calm down when things get too heated.


This is St Mortiz, Switzerland.
Perfect. This is just perfect. Makes it so easy to find stuff like this. You posted a beautiful photo that you took on one of your hikes but I'm too disorganised to bookmark it and every time I want to look at it I have to trawl through endless pages to find it again.

This is a beautiful image. Did you take it or is from Unsplash or something?
Perfect. This is just perfect. Makes it so easy to find stuff like this. You posted a beautiful photo that you took on one of your hikes but I'm too disorganised to bookmark it and every time I want to look at it I have to trawl through endless pages to find it again.

This is a beautiful image. Did you take it or is from Unsplash or something?
I took this one on a recent hike.
I took this one on a recent hike.
You are a really good photographer. The one you posted a while back is also fabulous. This is like staring at a beautiful photo of Michael - I can just disappear into it for minutes at a stretch.

Definitely feels very therapeutic. :)
I wanted to add a photo to the thread but don't have any photos of my own. Went looking for photos of Scotland or Wales (homes of various of my ancestors) and found loads of beautiful images, obvs. But nothing I wanted to use. There is something about generic photo - library landscape photos that doesn't quite connect with me. Not sure what it is but there is something missing. And, no matter how beautiful they are, they do always look generic to me.

I can find plenty that are free to use, just can't find any that blow me away.

wow! I would love to visit this place
The Lake District is beautiful although a bit overrun with tourists. Lots of issues re the impact of the visitor numbers. I've never been, I make do with photos, lol. But it is spectacular. Easily as good as Wales or Scotland, imo.
@zinniabooklover That last picture feels like an alien landscape. I had no idea England actually had mountains 🫢
@Hiker your second picture is the best, no trace of humanity.

I once had to take pictures for a college project, I had no clue what I was doing
@Hiker your second picture is the best, no trace of humanity.
Now just imagine, camping right there and waking up to this scene! When the scenery is so beautiful, no skills are required from the photographer.
@zinniabooklover That last picture feels like an alien landscape. I had no idea England actually had mountains 🫢
It's true that most of the mountains we have in the UK are in Wales and Scotland. But we do have some in England. Just posted a photo of Sca Fell which is in Cumbria (Lake District), approx 978m high, I believe.

We have lots of hill ranges - Pennines, Cheviots, various bits of the Cotswolds, Yorkshire Dales, the Border Country. There's lots of climbing to be had in the UK. The UK is small but there's a lot packed in there!
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The Malvern Hills are approx 425m in height which isn't much compared to the mountains Hiker has access to but I've walked the Malverns and, depending on the day, you can be walking through clouds! It's quite intense, lol.
@Hiker your first picture are that 3 different villages down at the lake or are they all part of the same?
@zinniabooklover all new to me, I always figured the only beauty in the UK was in Scotland. I think Ridley Scott has often filmed in Scotland for his epics and even for “alien” looking landscapes.

Never too old to learn, right
omg, the only beauty in the UK is in Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, mate, you couldn't be more wrong. Not having a go at you (honestly, I'm not) but, man, you just could not be more wrong.

I am aghast. I am flabbergasted. I am ...


<collapses on floor, feeling deranged>
wow! this is beautiful! I l love rolling hills. You can see those little steps going up to the top, must be fun going out there.
The Malverns are beautiful. Great place to walk. But, like I said, you can actually be walking through the clouds! Amazing. Great views from the top.
Must be surreal! Walking through clouds on rolling hills 😅 , dream like 😴
Sometimes it was just a pain, lol. Sometimes you'd be walking through rain as it comes straight out of the cloud which is quite different to walking through rain when you are at ground level.

That said, you are quite right. It can also feel surreal. Other-worldly. Beautiful. Mysterious. Yes, you're right - dream like sums it up nicely.