I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I am completely stupefied by some of the posts and remarks I am reading today. The "real fan" arguments are continuing unabated, and it is making me sick.

Either you're a real fan if you buy the album, or worse, if you don't.

It was a month ago today that "Breaking News" was first heard and this whole ugly mess began. One entire month of this shit.

I don't care if people are or aren't buying this album. There are many strong opinions about this whole project. Guess what? I respect everyone's decision. I understand. For this entire month, I was undecided as to whether or not I was going to buy the album. I wanted to do what I felt would be the right thing.

I am not an impulsive person by nature. In a situation such as this, I prefer to take a "wait and see" approach. And I did. I read the remarks from the Estate. I listened to a couple of the other songs. I re-listened to "Breaking News" to really let it sink in and to re-evaluate my feelings about it. I read both the "I support this album" and "I totally do not support this album" threads equally. I read about some of the Twitter comments and watched what the Cascios had to say on Oprah on Monday. And I've decided to get the album.

No, it is not because I need something to comfort me, to hold on to. I have said before that I was never all that excited about this album. It isn't the same as Michael being alive and releasing something of his own choice. I followed the original album thread that started in the spring, but only casually.

I cannot understand why any of us should have to be defending our decisions. All I'm seeing are opinions from others stated as if they are undeniable facts, and insults being hurled at those who do not share those particular opinions. It's called "agreeing to disagree." Someone please explain to me why this is so hard to do!

I know that it's so easy to say "L.O.V.E.." But this community, in my opinion, has let themselves become totally fractured over this entire situation, and I am incredibly disheartened.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. This place is a sanctuary to me. I joined here in 2008 seeking a place to connect with others who love and appreciate Michael as I do. I also wanted to be able to read news that wasn't nasty and hate-filled, like many links that I would find on Google News.

Then it happened.

When Michael passed away, I was gutted. I have trouble thinking back to the events of that day without getting sick to my stomach. The first few days afterwards are a complete blur to me. For the entire week after it happened I was going through the motions with a lead weight in my chest. If I hadn't had this place to turn to, I don't know what I would have done. Even with it, the pain is still there. I miss Michael very very badly. He is in my thoughts every day. But sharing memories and talking with all of you has made it just a little easier to bear. I'm just really sad about the way things have turned lately.

There is a bigger storm looming on the horizon, come January. What will come of us then?

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