To Catlovers

2 stories about mother cats who gave birth to kittens in places they couldn´t come back to
The kittens from the boat didn't survive,they were probably without food for too long and they were cold.
Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Cats in Syria

Syrian animals already battered by war and natural disasters did not need this umpteenth tragedy.


It's hot in several places now and animals need help.Cats, birds, hedgehogs etc all need water

It's international Cat day today
28 visningar 8 aug. 2023
In Tehran's Tulip Park, about 800 cats, most of which were left in the park by their owners, are being fed by independent animal protection groups.Nargis Velizade, a member of the Association for the Protection of Animals, told AA correspondent about the team they have formed to feed these cats.Stating that the team they have established consists entirely of independent animal lovers, Velizade said that in addition to the cats' nutritional needs, necessary treatments such as sterilisation are also met.Velizade concluded his words by saying "I would like to celebrate World Cat Day on 8 August."

Community Cat Coalition

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An Easy Fix to a Common Litterbox Issue
When I was new to rescue, I asked an experienced rescuer what to do about a kitten who kept peeing in my tennis shoes. Without even bothering to look up she replied, "Keep your tennis shoes off the floor." Okay, I felt dumb when she stated the obvious, but she was right. Problem solved.
Compromise is important to all relationships, but it is human nature to focus on the problem instead of the solution. This happened with Robert Redfurred and Sundance. These cuties were feral littermates who were trapped just in time. Just in time to be easily socialized. Cute and affectionate they found a home together and it looked like it was another happy-every-after story. Happy until Robert started peeing outside the litterbox. It wasn't all the time, but frequent enough to make the adopters second-guess their choice. The frustrated owners called the person who had trapped them and announced that they were ready to return him.
There are a lot of reasons why cats start peeing in creative locations, but this one is near the top of the list. What is it? Peeing on shoes or clothing that have been left on the floor.
Why is this so common? Your clothing is like the daily news to your cat. Their fine sense of smell can pick up the scent of all the other people, dogs and cats you interacted with that day. And it smells like their favorite person too, YOU. For a house cat, that is pretty interesting stuff. When crumpled on the floor, it is just too tempting for some cats. Is this being territorial, possessive of their owner or just a matter of a soft material in a convenient spot? Every cat is different so we can't give you a pat answer, but we can give you a simple solution. Keep your shoes and clothes off the floor! This is particularly important with kittens who are just learning the ropes of indoor living.
Robert's owner tried deterrent sprays, using a water pistol, saying "no" and even putting the litterbox near the areas were clothing tended to accumulate. Nothing worked. The solution? They bought a tall clothes hamper for each kid's room and kept one in the bathroom too. They sat the kids down and explained that this was something they needed to do if they wanted to keep Robert. And it worked. They important part is that they acted fast so it didn't become a habit.
Litter box issues are one of the main causes of cats losing their home, so be sure to educate new kitten owners about keeping laundry off the floor. A dirty clothes hamper may be all it takes to keep a cat in his home for life.
"Today I came across kittens that evil-hearted people stole from their mothers and left to die. Meteorology issued the heaviest rain warning of the last century for Istanbul tonight. Tiny kittens had no chance of surviving against the heavy rain that would fall tonight. That night, thousands of kittens failed to survive the heavy rain in Istanbul. The kittens who encountered this man in the morning of that night managed to survive. "

This is a huge problem around the world. One shelter wrote about 90% of the cats they took in were abandoned or surrendered.
A stray cat with her kittens found a way to a shelter and they like it there.If the people don't come to close. Mother cat has been spayed.

Community Cat Coalition

2 d ·

One unaltered cat … one year later, 30 cats
What’s the answer?
When a mom and kittens showed up in a rural area Holly and her family started feeding. And when they contacted the spay/neuter clinic that they had used in the past they found that they no longer had a community cat program providing free spay/neuter for ear tipped cats. A search for other local resources turned up empty. They couldn’t afford regular vet fees for these unowned, community cats –
they did their best to care for them…
Mama kitty and her kittens had more kittens, and then more kittens, and just over a year later there were 30! This just highlights the need for more high volume/high quality/low cost resources to support spay/neuter for community cats – and to help ALL of us better control the community cat population.
Holly and her family really wanted to get these cats altered and stop the population explosion, but it took them over a year to find help. During Covid, we lost all but one organization providing free spay/neuter options for community cats; hopefully other organizations are able to reestablish this all too critical service for the community cats – those cats who belong to us all!
Fortunately, Holly finally was able to connect with Feral Cat Spay Neuter Project and they referred her to the Community Cat Coalition for equipment and mentoring. More on getting this colony trapped and altered to come (and we do love happy endings!) ...but in the meantime, please support resources in your community and work to encourage your local animal welfare groups to provide resources to help
people like Holly!
"We used a training trap for one week to desensitize this trap-shy cat for TNR. Then we trapped him in our Dome Trap. "
There are bad people around the world who treat the cats terrible.But there are also people who take care of cats and feed them everyday, people make shelters for cats and give to caregivers, some work with fundraising others with neutering programmes
We have just helped rescue 15 elderly and sick tigers and leopards from a condemned breeding mill in Thailand and likely helped save them from death. But there are up to 15 critically endangered Indo-Chinese leopards and sick and elderly tigers that still need rescue right now or face life in a zoo (if they survive).
These are wild creatures who have lived chained and beaten their entire lives.
Last year, we told you that a horror big-cat breeding facility in Thailand had been shut down, and its resident cats were in urgent need of relocation to our partner sanctuary.

We were there in December when the first 15 rescued big cats arrived at Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT). Some were so sick, weak, tortured and emaciated that even one more day’s delay in their relocation could have made the difference between life and death.Two leopards and 13 tigers have now arrived at our partner’s rescue center in Phetchaburi in varying states of malnourishment and illness, BUT more remain at the breeding facility – animals quite possibly like Salamas.

The state of Salamas – a tiger who should have walked tall and proud – broke us all.

Lying on hay in an observation room at WFFT, her body was so sunken she looked like a floor rug. When she finally mustered the strength to stand, we could count every bone in her body.

Astonishingly, the WFFT team had not sedated Salamas before relocating her, afraid her body would not withstand sedation. Instead, they had gently encouraged her out of her prison cell into a transport crate – and she complied. She could barely lift a paw.
While her full history will never be known, it is likely Salamas lived alone in a concrete cell for around 20 years. She had never felt the sun on her back or grass beneath her paws. She would have had every one of her babies snatched from her right after birth – cubs are used as photo props for tourists, and then ultimately sold to trophy hunters or killed for their “valuable” meat and bones – and never given the opportunity to live free as a wild animal should.

Despite being kept captive and thus entirely reliant on her keepers, it is clear she did not receive the critical medical care and nutrition she needed.
The Thai authorities have granted our partner permission to rescue the next group of tigers and leopards, though they have not specified how many. What we know for sure is that the more we raise, the more we can save.

How many more like Salamas are desperately clinging to life as you read this?

One of our greatest concerns is that the owners of the facility are simply letting the animals waste away, as there is no longer any financial benefit to keeping them alive, as their operations have been shut down.
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