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Main character - ou should I say main bug - in Franz Kafka: Die Verwandlung

"Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up in his bed to find himself transformed into a large insect. He looks around his room, which appears normal, and decides to go back to sleep to forget about what has happened. He attempts to roll over, only to discover that he cannot due to his new body—he is stuck on his hard, convex back. He tries to scratch an itch on his stomach, but when he touches himself with one of his many new legs, he is disgusted. He reflects on how dreary life as a traveling salesman is and how he would quit if his parents and sister did not depend so much on his income. He turns to the clock and sees that he has overslept and missed his train to work.

It's the same with us. Tomorrow it's snowing, we'll have to put on winter clothes again.(((( And a few days ago I saw snowdrops blooming. I'm worried about them, but I hope they survive the snow.
They are very hardy. I bet they will endure.
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