Yvonne the runaway cow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Animal activists are racing against time to save a runaway cow named Yvonne from hunters and police who are aiming to shoot her. The cow has been happily wandering in the woods and along a Bavarian highway evading her captures since May, but her recent antics have put a bounty on her head.

Yvonne is an Austrian cow escaped from a farm where she was being “fattened up for slaughter.” Since then she has outsmarted authorities and an animal rescue group that has tried to round her up.

Yvonne appears to be so intelligent she even taught herself to graze at night, like a deer, so she can’t be easily seen.

According to ABC News International, Yvonne recently made a move that changed how authorities view her free roaming spirit. The cow walked onto the highway and almost caused an accident with a police car.

Law enforcement branded her a threat to drivers and ordered her to be brought in “dead or alive.”

The town assigned two hunters with tranquilizers and guns to track down Yvonne.

Animal activists from the Gut Aiderbichl Animal Sanctuary have been looking for Yvonne since her escape, but have now stepped up their efforts. The rescue group bought the cow for $988 from the town and plans to take her back to their sanctuary in nearby Salzburg; if they can find her.

They are combing the woods in all-terrain vehicles with infrared cameras, but may turn to a tranquilizer gun, if time runs out. According to Fox News they came close to capturing Yvonne, but she quickly “darted back into the bushes.”

If stalking the cow at night doesn’t reel her in, the rescuers may use another approach and appeal to her emotional side.

Hans Wintersteller, manager of the sanctuary told NBC, “His colleagues have purchased Waltraud, a former stall-mate of Yvonne’s, and a calf named Waldi, and hope the cow will see them and be drawn to them by a need for companionship. They also hope to appeal to Yvonne’s maternal instincts.”

Wintersteller’s team also put out a trap with food, hoping to entice Yvonne. He said there are multiple obstacles in capturing her.

“We see her two to three times a day,” Wintersteller said to Deutsche Presse-Agentur. “But this is thick forest with very, very tight spaces. That’s where she’s hidden herself.”

“She’s also got brains. She is clever in all sorts of ways. She is so smart she doesn’t emerge from her hiding place unless she knows the coast is clear.”

We hope Yvonne will able to tell who is trying to help her and who is trying to hurt her, but for now she continues to elude both her rescuers and hunters.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/race-to-save-yvonne-the-runaway-cow.html
I hope the rescue group finds Yvonne before the hunters, or before she gets hit by a car!

It's so funny that a single cow is outsmarting all these people - LOL! I never imagined a cow darting into bushes to hide from people.
Smart cow. :D


I hope they don't kill her. :(
A bull escaped from slaughterhouse for a while
But it seem they didn´t let him live
Another bull who didn´t want to go to the slaughterhouse was shot after one hour in freedom
But Molly the cow who escaped some years ago got a new life in a farm.
The farmers are vegetarians.

I read about another cow recently who escaped and then came to a sanctuary.
Go for your dreams.............
These stories make me want to be a vegetarian. Are any of you vegetarians? I try not to eat red meat often, and, when I do I try to get free range meat. The only problem is that I typically will eat things like steak at a restaurant, and I'm pretty sure that most resturants don't buy free range meat.

Anyway, have there been any updates on Yvonne?
This is clearly an extraordinary being and some people can only think about killing her.....
I hope the rescue group gets to her too. Poor thing. I hope she gets to live a long live, and die naturally.
Thats mean! i hope the rescue team find her first as well.

poor Yvonne :(
I hope they save her real soon. I can't believe just how horrible and cruel people are. To want to kill that poor cow. It is because of these kind of animal stories that makes me damn glad that I had stopped eating most kinds of meats. And this is coming from someone who spent the first 15 years of her life growing up on her grandfather's dairy farm. Where I ate my grandfather's cows all of the time. So I used to be a very big meat eater at one time. But now I just prefer to eat mostly either chicken, turkey, shrimp, and fish now.
It seems she is safe from hunters now

"Yvonne, a cow that has lived in the wild since eluding a trip to the slaughterhouse in May, has foiled all attempts to capture her. Now officials say that she's not to be disturbed."
"Yvonne has been at large since May 24. But she made headlines in late July, when she ran across a highway and nearly collided with a police car. That led authorities to deem her a threat — and they issued a call for hunters to shoot the cow on sight.
That order was later suspended, partly due to a public outpouring of support for Yvonne. But Monday, the local government made the suspension permanent — and forbade anyone to hunt her with deadly force.
"The Mühldorf district office requests that the animal not be disturbed in its current habitat," according to an official statement relayed by Der Spiegel."
Yay thats good that the authorities stopped hunters from shooting yvonne :)
Another cow who escaped the slaughterhouse, and it seems like they are going to make an animated movie about Yvonne.

"This past Saturday morning on a farm in western Germany, a cow who was being sent to the slaughterhouse ran away. The year-and-a-half old, 500 kilogram cow jumped and galloped over two barbed wire fences to the town of Sangerhof, two kilometers away. She next leaped over a hedge — and ended up in an ice-filled swimming pool.

The pool’s owner quickly alerted firemen. It took six people to help get her out; they first had to pump out some of the water so the very chilly creature would not drown. Gerhard Steinhauer, the farmer who owns the cow, then pulled her out with his tractor.

The “Kuhl im Pool” attracted plenty of media attention, with many animal protection organizations emailing Steinhauer not to send the cow to the slaughterhouse. The fire department’s phone was also ringing off the hook, says the newspaper General Anzeiger.

As of Thursday, December 13, Steinhauer said that he will spare the cow from the slaughterhouse and that he has been speaking to Gut Aiderbichl, an animal sanctuary. Steinhauer is only waiting to receive a health certificate from the district’s veterinary office.

He had been in part swayed after speaking to Michael Aufhauser, the director of Gut Aiderbichl. Aufhauser had noted that, since the cow had been able to survive such an ordeal, she certainly had the right to live — “which I agree with,” said Steinhauer.

Gut Aiderbichl is the same animal sanctuary that purchased Yvonne, the cow who broke through an electric fence on the farm where she was being fattened up for the abattoir. Evading all human efforts to find her, Yvonne roamed for three months in the Bavarian woods. Earlier this year, Reuters reported that there are plans for a Hollywood animated film about Yvonne’s escape and adventures. It is to be entitled “Cow on the Run.”

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/cow-plunges-into-icy-pool-saved-from-slaughterhouse.html#ixzz2FL4ET06c