YouTube deleting accounts...?


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I know that this probably one of those annoying chain things that random people start out of boredom BUT I just want to make sure.

I got about 20 messages on youtube saying this:

Youtube is deleting all accounts in December!
Dear Youtube users, This is a real letter from our Youtube Service Team, Rober and Angela.We are putting this because there is too much fake accounts, and robotsin our Youtube community.In order to get rid of them, we are going to delete every account that did not repost this bulliten, or send this all to all of your friends in a message.
BE WELL AWARE, that if you do not send this or repost it, your account will be deleted permanately. Sorry for the incovience! By the way we added some new features on Youtube, if you you reposted, and is gratified by us, Do not change the content inside, or else you will also get deleted.
-Youtube Service Team

Has anybody else here got this message and is this something that is true and is going to happen? Hear anything about it? I'm sure if it was a big issue, they would address it somewhere else other than through a chain message but, like I said, I want to make sure. :)

And I tried forwarding the message to all of my friends and it wouldn't allow me...
I have got fake messages before like this before. It is not real... I would probably go crazy without youtube bc I spend so much time on it lol.
completely fake. Don't worry about it. Those get started by "nuthinbettatodo" type of people as a prank to get people worried. First off, YouTube does not need people to reply to bulletins for them to know who is and who isn't using their accounts. lolz. If they were really clearing up, you'd see it all over the net news. So just ignore those. Some of them will push you to click on things which install malware in your system 32 folder (for Windows users) and in your application folder too.
lol. Thanks guys. I was just making sure but I know that generally these things are fake and ridiculous. I don't understand why some people waste their time doing that stuff. ha. The fact that they were checking for "bots" is what had me thinking because I know of other websites that would do that.
Hi Courtney, cause they have nothing to do with their time is the problem here. LOL!