YouTube Bans


The Queen HBIC
May 5, 2007
Las Vegas
YouTube has been banning users because of posting up Akon's new single "Hold My Hand".Longtime Michael Jackson Fan blackiense(Timo) was banned on YouTube.The album will be released later on this year,along with this track.:(

lol we know that:) At least i... and youtube doesnt need long time to do that:)
I guess that MJ and Akon request it... Wasnt the same with Thriller 25 few months ago?
Wait, wait, wait....

It's confirmed that an album is coming out THIS year? :unsure:
what ? ... michael jackson will release a new album THIS year ?
All this shows me is thatt Sony is serious about the song and that they want to reserve their right to release it when and how they want to. For all we know, Michael and Akon could have had their own plans about how they wanted to song to be released and fans or non-fans posting it on YouTube was NOT the way!

Akon said it will be a world wide spash (paraphased). I believe they want the song to be released all over the world at the same time. They want it to hit everybody all at once.
youtube make so much money out of all the other copyrighted files, the rules should apply to them aswell! its like they only pick and choose what they want, if every copyrighted video was removed from youtube the place would be a ghost town
But it is not Youtube that demaned removal of the song, it is Sony/ATV. Youtube would not have botheres lest they were forced to.
As most of you probably have already heard, youtube/google is being sued for $1 billion dollars so they are not playing games anymore, and that is probably the reason they are being so militant. They were also ordered to give up the user names and other info of all their users.
Golda, you are talking about that Viacom thingy, hah? Viacom is saying that Youtube has allowed their users to post footage of their tv shows and stuff and Viacom aint getting nothing for it. Viacom wants to be able to go after the users for posting their stuff. Sounds to me like Viacom is gonna start suing users like RIAA did users for copying songs.
Youtube does comply with those request. I think they have to, otherwise they can look forward to courdates.
Right, they cooperate WHEN SOMEONE COMPLAINS. But they don't sit at computers screens monitoring what folks post all day and demanding they remove it. They only response when an issue arises and that is what Sony/ATV has done....raised an issue.

Truth of the matter is, when Viacom gets those lists of usernames, what do you think they are gonna do with it? They are gonna go after the posters that are posting their stuff and sue them for copywrite infringement. It's like Youtube owns the parking lot but they don't have anything to do with a user who parks a stolen car in their parking lot. But they can be ordered to tell the police who the thief is.
Golda, you are talking about that Viacom thingy, hah? Viacom is saying that Youtube has allowed their users to post footage of their tv shows and stuff and Viacom aint getting nothing for it. Viacom wants to be able to go after the users for posting their stuff. Sounds to me like Viacom is gonna start suing users like RIAA did users for copying songs.

I hope Viacim dont get the names and passwords that would be disgusting, youtube are cowards they make the money from us and then when threatened they hide behind us
:mello:Well, this goes to show they are SERIOUS about this. The more you post the video, the more you postpone this single from releasing (if they are going to).. cause it does seem like they are going to release it if they are having it pulled down from everywhere so quickly. Just sayin'... you better wait til' it's officially out, before you do anything cause you will get banned for it lol. Youtube has a copyright rule, if you break this rule a few times,they might as well ban your account lol. I believe it's in their Terms Of Use, when uploadin the video. :ermm:
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