youre perfect women / man


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2011
its 3 am i cant sleep im bored so describe youre perfect women or man

blue eyes
big ole booty
round boobies
great smile

or lilly allen she is like the perfect women!!
My idea of a perfect man is my beloved Shahruhk Khan. At one time I would have said Michael Jackson as my idea of a perfect man. But ever since I had fallen so totally in love with Shahruhk Khan. And starting to love him more than I do with MJ. Shahruhk Khan is just so amazing that I could just spend practically forever just watching his movies. And not get tired of it. And I so wish I was the main actress in his movies. Especially if that main actress gets to dance with him. Like in his movie Veer-Zaara you have no idea how much I wanted to be Preity Zinta in that movie. She got to play his lover in that movie.
Perfect man/woman in my/our eyes =

+ Someone that I, WE (each other) can always count on to be there...through all trials, tribulations, all doubts, sorrow, happiness, and frustrations...

+ Someone I, WE can unconditionally, wholeheartedly trust and love to always be my/our best friend, confidant, good listener, communicator, has patience, and understanding of me/us...

+ Someone that excepts me/us for who and what I/WE are all about...

+ Someone that will always love me/us for me/us and never trys to change me/us into something or someone I, WE am/are not...

+ Someone that always supports me/us in my goals and encourages me/us in my/our dreams...

= Soulmate~~~Be Still My Heart...:wub:

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I define my perfect man pretty much the same way that Sdeidjs in the previous post. Personality rather than the outside.. though I would like him to be taller than me!
Someone honest,
Good heart,
Can stimulate me mentally, physically and emotionally,
Has a job LOL, :lol:
Romantic like leaving little thinking of you notes in places to find throughout my day, giving me cards or giving me flowers (my favorite:wub:),
Responsible but also spontaneous and fun.
My "perfect" guy would have to be able to make me laugh, first of all. If we dont have the same kind of sense of humor (or worse...if he doesn't really have a good sense of humor at all), it isn't gonna go anywhere, because I LOVE to laugh and joke around and if I can't do that with him or he doesn't "get" my jokes, I'd get bored pretty quick.

He should be smart and interested in things, be kind and trustworthy, have a good heart and good morals, be caring, loving and compassionate. He should be able to understand me, be patient, calm, be able to compromise, be able to talk things out rather than "yell" because I don't yell and I can't stand people who yell and to me yelling isn't a way to solve conflicts. He should be romantic. He should like kids and animals, and if he's a "kid at heart", he'd be perfect, because I love that quality in a guy. Oh and he should definately be a non-smoker or I won't be interested. He can drink, as long as he doesn't drink until he's completely wasted.

As for looks I can't really say much because a great personality goes a long way and he just has to look attractive to ME and have that "something". He needs to have nice eyes though. Eyes that "sparkle". I love pretty eyes. There has to be "something" in his eyes. He has to have eyes that are "alive". And he has to be taller than me. As for hair/eye color...well I do have a "thing" for guys with dark hair and brown eyes, but that's not a "must".

So that would be my PERFECT I just have to try to find him...:scratch::lol:
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my perfect man is someone who has a big cheesy as that sounds