Your very first video....

His confessions

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am not sure if this thread exist but I must tell you about my first ever video I saw of Michael and that actually made me a fan of him.

I was around 5 years old and newly moved to Sweden (I'm adopted), this was back in late 1989 and I was fortunate to have MTV (not alot of households in Sweden had MTV back then) most of my cousins were a fan back then (that's how it was, everyone was a fan of course) anyway I was watching MTV and 2300 Jacksonstreet came on, I remember the feeling of watching that video, I remember how mesmerized I was and the excitement I felt watching it, it hit me like a ball full of flames, I remember just Michael as this angel I saw like someone sent from god.

I could have become a fan of the Jacksons but Michael stroke me the most especially when he sings "Harmonies together we'll join hands and sing" something like that and that smile he had when he strutted around with his siblings.

That video stands close to my heart even to this day and that video made me a big, BIG Michael fan, if I hadn't watched that video I don't think I ever would have become a fan in the first place.

So what kind of video made YOU a fan, which video was your FIRST ever seen?


Very interesting, 2300 Jackson Street isn't really the typical way to become a fan. But even there his charisma shines through, I guess.

To me it was Bad. That was also around the time (ca. 1987-88) when MTV first came to my country and we first had it. (MTV Europe started in 1987, so I guess that was about the time for a lot of Europeans to have it first.)

The music, the dance, the dynamism. It was nothing like what I have ever seen before. Previously I have already heard the Bad album, so that was what really got me hooked, but seeing the video sealed it. LOL.
I don't really remember, but probably Smooth Criminal + Moonwalker. Michael was like this magic superhero to me and someone I wanted to hang out with :)
I didn't have MTV in 1989 but when I used to visit my godparents, he played Michael's shorts and music. I remember watching Thriller and probably Moonwalker when I was 3 years old. I was so impressed, captivated that I really thought Michael could turn into a werewolf and a zombie asking my mother how he could do that. :lol: I could say Michael really got me when I watched Billie Jean Yesterday, Today & Forever by chance a year later and since then I wanted to watch all his shorts and I felt ecstatic every time I found a song of his on the radio.

None of my family members, neither relatives are MJ fans so it was hard to get his stuff and knowing more of his work. I had to demand my parents to buy me his records and I found Dangerous. But the Thriller album and its shorts were my first exposure to Michael. :girl_in_love:
It was the Bad video when I was 8 years old. Back in the spring of 1988. It was that video that cause me to have this huge mad crush on him. Which only lasted for 4 years. 4 years later I saw his In The Closet video. And fell madly in L.O.V.E. with him. Over 20 years later I am still madly in L.O.V.E. with him. Plus it was the Bad video that cause me to find out about his skin disorder. And that really made me happy. Because I finally had someone in my life that I can relate to. Cause I also have skin disorder as well. Of course mine is not anything like his.
Thriller was the first video I ever saw.

I have these really early memories of being terrified by it at the age of like 5. My grandad always put it on when he came over to visit us. He passed away in the Summer and we mentioned it at the funeral.

But like any kid alive in the 80s and early 90s, EVERYONE loved MJ. So in addition to Thriller, everything from Bad was a big part of my childhood, and a few of the Dangerous videos too.
Mine was "Black Or White". I was in kindergarten at the time... I would literally go running whenever the face morphs came on, I thought they were horrifying. :p