Your Threshold For Leftovers?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How long will you go before throwing out leftovers? How old can the food be and you'll still eat it? My husband sent me an email from his work saying that his brother is using chili from the Superbowl to make some other type of meal and asked if we wanted some and I was like, EWWWWW! That's over a week old now! I don't want to eat that! For me, depending on the food, I won't eat it after 3-4 days. That's just gross! Some foods can be frozen and therefore last longer but when it is just sitting in the fridge and not even well covered for 8 days, no thanks!
Excellent question and one that has been on my mind. I have a package of bologna at work and I am not sure how long it can last in the fridge.

Yogurt lasts long in the fridge so I never have a problem with having some many weeks later.

Cooked rice lasts several days.

Raw meat absolutely should be frozen as soon as possible.

My bagged salads always wilt and turn bad much too soon.

For me, if it doesn't have a funny taste or smell I'll eat it.
I throw out leftovers on the 4th day they're in the frig. As far as I know, anything after 4 days is a crap shoot for how safe it is to eat. And even if it is safe, it can still be awful. I just won't do it after 4 days.
Depends on the food. Rice I'd eat until the 3rd/4th day. Meets I wouldn't touch by the 3rd day. Fish I wouldn't eat after the day of cooking. Potatoes (particularly mash) I could eat forever :p
Different foods definitely have different expiration dates so to speak, but what I find interesting is peoples different tolerances for old food. Like, for me I couldn't possibly go longer than 3-4 days if it's unfrozen and others will eat over a week old chili like I mentioned before. Crazy!
For me, if it doesn't have a funny taste or smell I'll eat it.

i usually go by this rule.

e.g. i've eaten a 5 week out of date yoghurt, and it was perfect. (yohurts first existed in order to preserve milk, so it makes sense). meat etc can be iffy, but other stuff, well it just makes me mad when people throw stuff just cuz the label tells you too. hmm leftovers, we don't usually have many, as my dog gets first dibs lol
Guys, you always have to be aware of the bacteria factor. Pay attention to expiration dates. Refrigerated left overs should be eaten or thrown out after 48 Hrs. Foods frozen no longer than 3 months. Be extra careful when buying raw fish,especially shell fish. Always check fish for freshness, and fishy smell. Don't purchase rusted, dented or swollen can foods.

Mom is a chef. I read everything, even her books about FOOD PROTECTION.
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