Your thoughts on the early 00's


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Alot of people like to call the 00's the worst decade ever but looking back i didn't think the early 00's (2000-2002) was that bad. The music was still good and TV was decent. I think the reason being was because that the early 00's still felt like the 90's, and it wasn't untill about 2003 when the 00's really started to take off

Same thing will happen with the decade we're in now. Now it still feels like the 00's but in 2012/2013 i think that the 10's will start to take off

So what's your views on the early 00's?
Not my favorite period of time. First of all George W. Bush was somehow elected president (and his reign would only worsen from here). Then the horrors of 9/11/01 (which was not just a day but an entire year). I would say that was pretty bad. The quality of pop music took a serious downturn. Not a great time.
Well there were terrorist bombings in nearly every country in the World.............

And we've also seen the most crippling global recession that has destroyed opportunities for millions of young people around the World..........

As a MJ fan, I look back with so much anger when you think about the amount disrespect and injustice........

But otherwise, the previous decade wasn't too bad!!!!!
For me I had absolutely hated 2001. Because not only did I lost my grandmother and my favorite aunt that year. We also had 9/11 happen. The only 2 good things that had came out of 2001 was Michael's MSG Concerts and his Invincible album.

And I also hated 2003 mostly because of what went on with Michael then. What that idiot Bashi+ did to Michael with that interview. Then having that child molestation allegations surface again with him. I remember 2 Saturdays after it had happen. I had gotten so violently ill all because of what went on with him then. I had to spend the rest of that Saturday in bed because of it. And I hardly ever get sick. I really took it hard when I had heard the news because I remember the 93 allegations like it happen yesterday. I had spent the next few days or so just crying almost non stop. Over what was going on with him then.
I'm not too fond of the 00s either, for the reasons everyone else has already stated, mainly, the Bush reign/entire collapse of the American economy, the war of terror he launched against the Middle East, with oil as the usual goal, etc. Then, of course, there is the damage he did within the country (brilliant ideas like no child left behind--technically, no child is left behind if everyone else stagnates with him, right? Give the guy some credit). Obama isn't proving himself to be any better, either. However, on his defence, at least he didn't start this mess.

Since I don't listen to much mainstream music, the trends in the decade didn't much affect me. However, some mainstream music of the early 00s was pretty good (i.e. Evanescence). While not the most impressive act I've ever heard, the band look like freakin' geniuses compared to the crap which parades as music these days (Gaga, Bieber, etc.)

Of course, the entire situation with Michael from '03 to '05 was horrible to watch, and part of the reason why I can't really say anything positive about the decade.
I'll say this much, I don't enjoy being a young adult/adult during this time period. I'd rather go back to the 90s. I wouldn't be reliving those times every day with music/shows from the past, if I enjoyed the 00s. :p But I hope you're right, and things start to change, but I kinda doubt it.
Well, from a Michael/Music perspective I liked the early 2000's, I was still pretty young though..I think it had an interesting feel to it..It's also the time when I started to become a fan of Michael which was great..It really started to go downhill in 2003 though, in all sorts of different ways..

The culture of the early 2000's had it's own identity, just like 90's/80's/70's ect..Since the mid 2000's, I feel that there has been a real loss of social and culture identity..I'm not sure with the way things work today that we'll ever get any sort of kind of identity like they have been in the past..
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It was probably the worst time of my life, but more for personal matters. Guess that kind of taints that period of time for me though.
I can say when the millenium hits, my friends left me alone every single day, I have excessive anger towards them I hated them for not treating me like a friend, they treated me like I'm diseased ridden or what. In spring of 2002 while I was freshman in high school that I made speech about my life and why I have autism, around the same year I grew to love Spongebob. I thought my speech can get through everybody in high school including my old friends, but that didn't matter, it's still the same and I still hated them for not listening to me, they came up with a lame ass excuse to get away from when I try to approach them and talk to them.
As for me I grew up in the 90s as a nice loving young kid...but in the early 00s I was a young adult/teeanger I remeber when Michael was at MSG for the first time in years performing all of his hits. Then 9-11-01 just changed my life forever I'm not saying all the terroist acttcks. But you see how people was in shock & in tears when the wtc crash 10 years ago.:angel: