Your purpose?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys!

What do you think are your talents and which ones do you feel destined to use? :)

Have you ever thought "what's my purpose in life?" just like how every one in the past, famous and non famous have asked themselves this question? They were all here for a reason, and we are all here for a reason too! We don't have our lives throw away! Animals on the other hand are a completely different because some of them only have one purpose, and like Michael, I respect nature because that is here for a reason.

Anyway, here are the talents which I feel I am destined to use! :)

1. Painting - I'd like to use my painting skill a bit more, to do painting for designers.

2. Singing - I've been told that when I sing in my real voice I sound like Robbie Williams. I'd like to put it to use and a make a professional career out of it in the future, however, I wouldn't like to tour my album.

3. Imagination - I've been told I use a good imagination in my poems, so I'd like to carry on using it but only when I feel inspired.

4. Impersonating Michael - I discovered I had the talent to impersonate Michael's voice in 2003, and I want to carry on using it to record a tribute album dedicated to him.

What is your purpose? :)
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I write songs and some poetry. I'm not very good at it. I would love to improve and use a wider range of vocabulary. The songs and poems I write are very personal, they're about my experiences and my feelings, also I like to write about issue of the world today.
I also love to sing, but I'm not very good at it I don't think. I used to be in the choir and cor cerdant ( that's a choir which recite a short story) I used to compete in the Eisteddfod ( that's a huge welsh competition that happens every year, many schools take part,there's all kind of competition, writting competitions, composing, singing, recite in a choir, recite solo, a duet, solo singing, dancing, disco dancing, which I took part in, creative dancing, solo dancing, and so much more and of course it all has to be in welsh!)
Sorry, I went on a bit. :D

I would love if someday someone will sing my songs, That would feel amazing just to hear someone with a beautiful voice turning my words into a great piece of music.
Well, I used to sketch pretty well (mostly portraits) but that was back in the 80's. I lost interest. But when I recently tried to pick it up again I couldn't do it. My hands wouldn't do what my brain was telling them to do. I guess I gave up too quickly. You gotta use or lose it.

I used to love being in chorus and music class and art classes in school. I loved being in school performances. But was much too shy to pursue that for a living. I was pretty good with creative writing in college...Not sure how "talented" but I was ok.

That's pretty much my pattern in life - I have tried many things but give up in frustration much too quickly (lack of confidence).

What's my purpose? Right now it's to remain employed and to pay the mortgage and bills and have food on the table! The realities of adulthood. :D
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To make music and videos, to help others and make people happy
I think my purpose has to do something with languages and maybe...hmm, helping people? I love poetry and writing, it's the way I can really express myself. I have studied languages -swedish and also finnish, which is my native language- for several years at the University, and this month I'm going to find out if teaching language would be my purpose in this life. It could be: it combines both my love to languages and my interest to helping people.

Right now I'm just really, REALLY anxious because of my forecoming lessons. I have never ever teached before. But we'll see how it goes! Hope things turn out just well.