Your pain makes a beautiful sound! :-)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
This is a poem written by George O' Dowd that I found!
George O'Dowd is aka Boy George!! 80's!!
He wrote this poem for Amy Winehouse whilst he was in prison.
When I read it I likened it to our MJ.........

Please read and say if you agree!

''It was easy to make them love you.
All you had to do was sing.
Now it's not enough to listen
They want to know everything!
Each day another rumour,
Ugly headlines in the press.
Your'e a genius, your a car crash
It's hard to say what you do best.
But when you sing
The whole world gather's round,
It's a glorious thing,
Your pain makes a beautiful sound''

This was written by George. I can see similarity for our MJ in this!!:yes:

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But for our MJ ''nothing compares to you'' Just thought of that song! :)
Who wrote and sang that?
Must make me a u tube for MJ using ''Nothing compares to you'' song!! :)
I can see how it could be applied to Michael Jackson.

However, I don't see how it could be applied to Amy Winehouse, who is neither a genius nor a singer. I've heard crows who have a more pleasant voice than she does.