Your opinions on this MJ idea before release of new album


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think of this idea.

The album is set to be released and MJ does a interview and talks about the album.

What do you think of this MJ interview comment idea?

Interviewer - So MJ what are your goals for the new album?

MJ - I just want to make music for ppl to love. In the past i used to worry about sales and trying to outsell Thriller.. Sales are not important to me anymore. I just want to make music for ppl to enjoy and love.

The question most likely won't go like that but my point is for MJ to make this point over and over about not focusing on sales anymore and just simply making music for ppl to love and enjoy.

I think when MJ starts making comments about outselling Thriller thats when critics start to over critic him and expect perfection from the 1st single. If that 1st single isnt blockbuster hot he will get blasted with negativity. But if MJ comes off as very humble and not talking about breaking records then i think the media, critics wont be as critical and expect so much from him. This will give the album a chance to grow on ppl and the sales naturally will come.
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Well Michael hasn't actually ever said in any public statement that his goal is to outsell "Thriller" and he's actually always said his goal it to just create the best music he can, so, I think this scenerio has already gone down.
no offense, but how are WE supposed to know?

too many threads on the new album really...
hahaha but wouldn't it be fabulous if Michael DID outsell Thriller with this album?
If that were possible?
Well Michael hasn't actually ever said in any public statement that his goal is to outsell "Thriller" and he's actually always said his goal it to just create the best music he can, so, I think this scenerio has already gone down.

I think it's pretty obvious that Michael has been trying to outsell thriller. Even with Bad he had said he wanted it to be the biggest album ever and wanted 100 million copies sold. IMO MJ tries to outsell thriller with everything he's done. But i believe now with the music industry the way it is today, he realises that it's not possible right now.
What do you think of this idea.

The album is set to be released and MJ does a interview and talks about the album.

What do you think of this MJ interview comment idea?

Interviewer - So MJ what are your goals for the new album?

MJ - I just want to make music for ppl to love. In the past i used to worry about sales and trying to outsell Thriller.. Sales are not important to me anymore. I just want to make music for ppl to enjoy and love.

The question most likely won't go like that but my point is for MJ to make this point over and over about not focusing on sales anymore and just simply making music for ppl to love and enjoy.

I think when MJ starts making comments about outselling Thriller thats when critics start to over critic him and expect perfection from the 1st single. If that 1st single isnt blockbuster hot he will get blasted with negativity. But if MJ comes off as very humble and not talking about breaking records then i think the media, critics wont be as critical and expect so much from him. This will give the album a chance to grow on ppl and the sales naturally will come.

Or just keep reiterating the fact that he is a musician, and loves making music. It makes him happy to share his music with the rest of the world.
I think it's pretty obvious that Michael has been trying to outsell thriller. Even with Bad he had said he wanted it to be the biggest album ever and wanted 100 million copies sold. IMO MJ tries to outsell thriller with everything he's done. But i believe now with the music industry the way it is today, he realises that it's not possible right now.

I don't agree at all, I think Michael reached his goal with Thriller, and I think he may have felt the pressure to make an album that was bigger and better and that is understandable , but I don't think that was his goal. There have been interviews where he states that he doesn't have to beat Thriller, because it's his record and it has been for a long time. I'm thinking his goal with Bad was just to let people know that Thriller was not coincidence, and he did that and has continued to do that.:wub:
First off, Jackson should never do a televised interview again. If he wishes to get a point across, this is what should be done. Release a cd of new material, then include a dvd inside that same package. In that dvd, Jackson could answer whatever questions about the trial, his life, in the studio recording the tracks, things like that.. By including this special dvd, you accomplish 2 goals. You make each new album count as 2 discs sold and you give the public more than the average downloader can get. This exclusive content could be unprecedented. We don't get to see Jackson in the process of recording in the studio. People would focus on Jackson, the artist, the creative force, rather than his eccentric personality. Jackson doesn't have to outsell Thriller. That's everyone else's job to outdo Thriller.. He is Thriller.
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I think it's pretty obvious that Michael has been trying to outsell thriller. Even with Bad he had said he wanted it to be the biggest album ever and wanted 100 million copies sold. IMO MJ tries to outsell thriller with everything he's done. But i believe now with the music industry the way it is today, he realises that it's not possible right now.

Uh uh. Michael never said that. There was an article from "Rolling Stone", published around 1987, which reported Michael had a note taped to his bathroom mirror which had the number 100 million written on it. But Michael never has made any public statement announcing his goal was to outsell "Thriller". What's more, I don't believe he's attempted such a feat since "Bad" was released. I think when he realized that "Bad" wasn't going to do it, he just said "oh well" and continued to make the best music in the world. And besides, "Bad" has a record "Thriller" never had, with the most number one singles off of any one album in history.
the only interview that i want Michael to do is with """Lary King""" this man loves Michael very much , but i don't want Michael to be in the studios of CNN but in a place from Michael's choice.
I think michael should try his best at writing new songs that will turn into classics, which is considerbly hard these days but if theres one person who has proved over the years (whether or not his album sales have decreased) he remains one of the most influentual song writers of our time!
So all I say is Michael should take as long as he likes to write songs they don't write themselfs over night, but when I say take as long as he likes i dnt mean another 3-4 years, I mean a realistic length of time :)
BabeBemine said:
Interviewer - So MJ what are your goals for the new album?

MJ - I just want to make music for ppl to love. In the past i used to worry about sales and trying to outsell Thriller.. Sales are not important to me anymore. I just want to make music for ppl to enjoy and love.
I can see him answering something like that in terms of sales, but I don't think it's in him explicitly expressing his past ambition to outsell Thriller (if he actually had any).

As for the last sentence, I'd add the point that he wanna make music both for himself and people.
the only interview that i want Michael to do is with """Lary King""" this man loves Michael very much , but i don't want Michael to be in the studios of CNN but in a place from Michael's choice.
Larry King loves him like that? Then, yeah, it wouldn't hurt. IMO, he should do several carefully chosen major media interviews. Not a longtime fan, and watching these past interviews, I can't help gettin mad at these rude interviewers. Besides that, it'd be nice to get the DVD that tupacavelli4life is talkin bout.
Well Michael hasn't actually ever said in any public statement that his goal is to outsell "Thriller" and he's actually always said his goal it to just create the best music he can, so, I think this scenerio has already gone down.

Actually before the invincible album was released MJ did say it was better than Thriller and it was the best album he has ever made. He did not mention sales but comparing it to Thriller and calling it the best album he has ever made then ppl start to expect to hear that and might over criticize you. Especially critics who rate the album and offer there reviews.

My point was stay away from saying its the best album you have ever made and its better than Thriller. Just keep things simple and say you want to simply make music for ppl to love.
What do you think of this idea.

The album is set to be released and MJ does a interview and talks about the album.

What do you think of this MJ interview comment idea?

Interviewer - So MJ what are your goals for the new album?

MJ - I just want to make music for ppl to love. In the past i used to worry about sales and trying to outsell Thriller.. Sales are not important to me anymore. I just want to make music for ppl to enjoy and love.

The question most likely won't go like that but my point is for MJ to make this point over and over about not focusing on sales anymore and just simply making music for ppl to love and enjoy.

I think when MJ starts making comments about outselling Thriller thats when critics start to over critic him and expect perfection from the 1st single. If that 1st single isnt blockbuster hot he will get blasted with negativity. But if MJ comes off as very humble and not talking about breaking records then i think the media, critics wont be as critical and expect so much from him. This will give the album a chance to grow on ppl and the sales naturally will come.

this sounds like you are too affected by critics' opinions. why must album growth with people depend on what the critics say? why should i care what the critics say? they are not gods to me.

i don't care whether MJ does an interview or not...and i don't care if he has confidence in his ability. that's not arrogance...he has never shown arrogance.

so...nobody is going to agree on how MJ should promote a cd..

he has the natural ability to be humble...and..i think we shouldn't define what humble really is at this point.

all of this smacks of people being disappointed in Invincible because the critics told us to think of it as a bad album..

since when did critics have so much power?

well..sorry but you asked for opinions, and so i gave one.
Actually before the invincible album was released MJ did say it was better than Thriller and it was the best album he has ever made. He did not mention sales but comparing it to Thriller and calling it the best album he has ever made then ppl start to expect to hear that and might over criticize you. Especially critics who rate the album and offer there reviews.

My point was stay away from saying its the best album you have ever made and its better than Thriller. Just keep things simple and say you want to simply make music for ppl to love.

As I recall it, Michael said he thought, in his humble opinion, that it had more to offer then "Thriller" and he actually compared it to the Nutcracker suite in that it would take people time to appreciate it. And as I also recall, it was the interviewer who brought "Thriller" up, not Michael.

Here's the exact excerpt:

Q: "Invincible" hasn't enjoyed record-breaking sales. Does "Thriller" cast too big a shadow?

A: Absolutely. It is tough because you're competeing against yourself. "Invincible" is just as good or better than "Thriller", in my true, humble opinion. It has more to offer. Music is what lives and lasts. "Invincible" has been a great success. When "The Nutcracker Suite" was first introduced to the world, it totally bombed. What's importatnt is how the story ends.

See, it's the media that keeps bringing "Thriller" up and comparing it to everything Michael does. That's not his fault. He can't escape it because they won't let him and they enjoy dogging him with it. They'll say, "Oh, your latest album may have sold 30 million copies, but it still isn't as many as "Thriller"." On and on. They won't let up and Michael HAS produced better work then "Thriller", I think. It's not like you take an album like "History" and think he's aiming for radio freindly music or commercial success. Michael creates to the best of his abilities, which is the best music in the world, and he also just happens to be the most successful in the world. Michael knows it will sell, not because of good PR, but ultimately because it's just plain amazing music. PR gets the word out, but the music is what sells itself eventually. That's why "Invincible" still sold 10 million copies, even without PR and actually with the machine working against it.

I think it's kind of insulting, well it actually IS insulting to Michael as an artist to insinuate (not saying you are, but many people do) that Michael doesn't care about the artistic value of his work as much as he does the commercial value. That's not true. I think Michael takes interest in the quality of the product first, before ever giving any attention as to whether it is commercially viable or not. That comes later. But when he's creating, he just is concerned with whether it's good music or not. I think so because Michael has said so, as have others who have worked with him. He's an artist, not a pop star. People forget that because he's so phenomenally succssful and famous. But he's a creative genius and his entire goal in life in to create the truth.
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As I recall it, Michael said he thought, in his humble opinion, that it had more to offer then "Thriller" and he actually compared it to the Nutcracker suite in that it would take people time to appreciate it. And as I also recall, it was the interviewer who brought "Thriller" up, not Michael.

Here's the exact excerpt:

Q: "Invincible" hasn't enjoyed record-breaking sales. Does "Thriller" cast too big a shadow?

A: Absolutely. It is tough because you're competeing against yourself. "Invincible" is just as good or better than "Thriller", in my true, humble opinion. It has more to offer. Music is what lives and lasts. "Invincible" has been a great success. When "The Nutcracker Suite" was first introduced to the world, it totally bombed. What's importatnt is how the story ends.

See, it's the media that keeps bringing "Thriller" up and comparing it to everything Michael does. That's not his fault. He can't escape it because they won't let him and they enjoy dogging him with it. They'll say, "Oh, you're latest album may have sold 30 million copies, but it still isn't as many as "Thriller"." On and on. They won't let up and Michael HAS produced better work then "Thriller", I think. It's not like you take an album like "History" and think he's aiming for radio freindly music or commercial success. Michael creates to the best of his abilities, which is the best music in the world, and he also just happens to be the most successful in the world. Michael knows it will sell, not because of good PR, but ultimately because it's just plain amazing music. PR gets the word out, but the music is what sells itself eventually. That's why "Invincible" still sold 10 million copies, even without PR and actually with the machine working against it.

and, of course, what the critics 'cleverly' overlook is that with each new wave of MJ fans..people are still buying Invincible wherever they can find it, and reporters are, of course, not going to report it.

i like to compare it to sales of good cars vs. bad cars. if you hear too many commercials about a car, you can bet, it's a crappy car and is not selling well..and people don't like it. but, if you don't hear about a car, it's usually a quality car, and everybody likes it, and it sells itself. i can't tell you how many great cars are on the road that i never see commericials about..and, few cars i see on the road that i hear too many commercials about. indeed..the best items sell themselves...and nothing can stop that. and it doesn't matter how long it takes for the item to sell, as long as it keeps selling.

the worst that critics can do to MJ is dog him about thriller. unfortunately, for the critics...thriller is still MJ's album. he is still the success matter how they try to twist things.
Mike should go on TRL or a Nickelodeon or Disney show and talk to the new generation. Let them get to know who he truley is. He should just do a special with him getting questions from kids and teens that haven't had a chance to get to know him or see him in person. If he can just be a down to earth humble guy and joke around with people when they ask him questions, people will see that he is a good guy and his new album can take off from there.
Mike should go on TRL or a Nickelodeon or Disney show and talk to the new generation. Let them get to know who he truley is. He should just do a special with him getting questions from kids and teens that haven't had a chance to get to know him or see him in person. If he can just be a down to earth humble guy and joke around with people when they ask him questions, people will see that he is a good guy and his new album can take off from there.

i think people already know he's a good guy. i think their sixth sense is in operation, whether they want to conveniently admit it, or not.
What do you think of this MJ interview comment idea?

Interviewer - So MJ what are your goals for the new album?

MJ - I just want to make music for ppl to love. In the past i used to worry about sales and trying to outsell Thriller.. Sales are not important to me anymore. I just want to make music for ppl to enjoy and love.

Well, from what I understand, MJ never really made a big deal about sales of his CDs. (I could be wrong). That was mostly the media assuming that he was into sales. I remember reading something from that liar JRT about MJ being into sales of his cds. Well, I doubt that MJ was ever into that. I mean, he did Thriller and it sold so many cds so I doubt he gives a damn about sales. I think that the answer that you posted is something MJ would not say. I can't see MJ "give in" to what the media assumed about MJ and sales. MJ makes music so that people love it, dance to it and enjoy it.

Mike should go on TRL or a Nickelodeon or Disney show and talk to the new generation. Let them get to know who he truley is. He should just do a special with him getting questions from kids and teens that haven't had a chance to get to know him or see him in person. If he can just be a down to earth humble guy and joke around with people when they ask him questions, people will see that he is a good guy and his new album can take off from there.

For what? MJ shouldn't go anywhere where he is not welcomed. The new generation is created of spoiled messed up kids that are into material crap, reality shows, Lil Wayne and HSM, and loves some Perez Hilton. If they can't tell that MJ is a good guy just by listening to his music or the interviews that he has done, that is their own problem, not Michael's. Mike has a sense of humor, he has a good time with people, heis social, he likes a lot of cool things. It is not his damn fault that the hating ass media loves tro focus on things that are not true about him. I remember when Harritte (sp) Cole from Ebony magazine was on the Today show talking about Mike on the cover of the magazine. That Medeith (sp) Vierra woman asked her some dumbass question like, "Is he is a normal guy?" and Harritte (sp) answered the question very well. (I forgot the answer.) I remember watching that thinking, "what a stupid ass question". The media and many of the public, believed the negative hype on Mike. Mike is such a really decent dude. Read his interviews, esp, the Ebony/Jet ones, watch his PHMs on youtube, even that terrible LWMJ mess. MJ is more humble, good and reasonable than half of Hollyweird. hell, 90% of Hollyweird.. So, MJ doesn't have to do anything for anyone. MJ did enough.
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i think people already know he's a good guy. i think their sixth sense is in operation, whether they want to conveniently admit it, or not.

True that.

Michael would probably like the idea of taking questions from kids. But he already comes across as completely humble and down to earth in interviews, highly intelligent and extremely nice.
Well, from what I understand, MJ never really made a big deal about sales of his CDs. (I could be wrong). That was mostly the media assuming that he was into sales. I remember reading something from that liar JRT about MJ being into sales of his cds. Well, I doubt that MJ was ever into that. I mean, he did Thriller and it sold so many cds so I doubt he gives a damn about sales. I think that the answer that you posted is something MJ would not say. I can't see MJ "give in" to what the media assumed about MJ and sales. MJ makes music so that people love it, dance to it and enjoy it.

For what? MJ shouldn't go anywhere where he is not welcomed. The new generation is created of spoiled messed up kids that are into material crap, reality shows, Lil Wayne and HSM, and loves some Perez Hilton. If they can't tell that MJ is a good guy just by listening to his music or the interviews that he has done, that is their own problem, not Michael's. Mike has a sense of humor, he has a good time with people, heis social, he likes a lot of cool things. It is not his damn fault that the hating ass media loves tro focus on things that are not true about him. I remember when Harritte (sp) Cole from Ebony magazine was on the Today show talking about Mike on the cover of the magazine. That Medeith (sp) Vierra woman asked her some dumbass question like, "Is he is a normal guy?" and Harritte (sp) answered the question very well. (I forgot the answer.) I remember watching that thinking, "what a stupid ass question". The media and many of the public, believed the negative hype on Mike. Mike is such a really decent dude. Read his interviews, esp, the Ebony/Jet ones, watch his PHMs on youtube, even that terrible LWMJ mess. MJ is more humble, good and reasonable than half of Hollyweird. hell, 90% of Hollyweird.. So, MJ doesn't have to do anything for anyone. MJ did enough.

I'm just saying, it couldn't hurt.
If I were him, I would release a really goody Christmas single that would be remembered for generations to come(like John Lennon's "So This Is Christmas")! I think a Christmas tune of his own would sell like hot candy!