YOUR OPINION: Religion taught in Science Class


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
One time during a Science lesson, my teacher started talking about religion, as if it was a part of the subject. I put my hand up to voice my opinion that ‘religion can’t be taught Science’, because creationism and evolution are two completely different theory’s, only one of which, evolution, can be proven with science, where as creationism can not. Because the teacher took offence to that, I was sent out of the class. Just for stating my opinion, just as he was.

So should Religion be disscused as apart of Science? Should religion be apart of the curriculum in general?
I have no problem learning about Science in RE and vice versa.
I think the two link in with each other as you have to explore the other posibilities, I don't think you should be sent out the classroom for stating your opinion though.
Teachers can be very unfair and biased at times...
Wow the teacher made you leave just for expressing your opinion? I don't really think they should teach it in Science but I'd have no real issues with it either.

I would, however, have an issue with being asked to leave the classroom for expressing an opinion. Have you told anyone higher up about it, like an adviser or the principle?
It happened a few years ago. Im pretty over it :)
not sure why religion would even be discussed during science. science is a science class and religious education (whatever its called now) is a class on its own.yeah if someone mentiones it you can state religion is based on belief science on fact etc.but the two things are pretty seperate

and your teacher seems to have an agenda. maybe they should become a R.E make a compaint against them *edit* saw it was years ago*

Should religion be apart of the curriculum in general?
brainwashing shouldnt be but theres nothing wrong with giving students a general knowledge of religions and what they believe. knowledge is power.
In my opinion...I think the teacher was wrong for sending you out of class for expressing your opinion...That is your right....freedom of speech. I think it is ok to discuss both science and religion in a class. People have there own view on the subject of is always good to be able to have a respectable debate on the two, For me personally...I believe that when they removed religion and God from the schools...schools became a more dangerous place to send children to every day. Schools have become war zones for our children....I think they need to take disruptive rude students out and over bearing teacher out and put God back in....The world would become a better place again.
I think a good mixture of both with a healthy level of respect for both views wont do any harm, I got taught R.E. in School against my own will because it was part of my time table and it still didn't change my opinion about religion I still done the work and everything but I don't think religion should be a subject in School it isn't fair to force it onto Children who don't believe in God or Jesus.
Though I'm a believer in God, I don't think it needs to be taught in Science class. If people wants to listen to Religion, they should have their own class where they can debate and learn about it.
No one needs to leave the class, because of their opinion. And no one needs to listen to it as long as they don't want to. If they do, they can get some opinions. If they hurt, then seperate Religion from Science, so no one gets hurt.

Bless you.
Well without knowing the context and exactly what your teacher said, and what you said I can't really comment. I'm wondering what you mean when you say it was taught 'as a part' of Science? I'm also wondering if it was a faith school you attended, for example St. 'something'?

Anyway, I don't think there is a problem with talking about both views or debating about it respectfully. This is done in schools as part of the curriculum, whether it takes place in an RE class or Science class I don't think matters. It's easier than inventing a Debating class or another class where you're allowed to talk about the two subjects together. As you progress through education everything is not in its own little box.

It's not about forcing opinions, or censoring either side. It's just about learning about the world. People can form their own view with information from both sides. RE was never taught to me as trying to get me to believe anything.. in fact debate was encouraged and I attended a Catholic school.

No I don't think religion should be taken out of the curriculum. I think it's good to have knowledge of all cultures and religions whatever your personal beliefs are, to promote tolerance, and prevent ignorance and prejudice. That is why when I was at school I wish we had learnt more about other faiths for example Islam, because I've witnessed people from my school now with some really harsh bigoted views on Islam and people of that faith when they probably don't even know anything about it. Knowledge is important. Ignorance/prejudice can be dangerous.

We all have to learn things at school that we don't like :D and certain pupil/teacher confrontations happen. It must have had a pretty big affect on you for it to still be on your mind a few years later.
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but I don't think religion should be a subject in School it isn't fair to force it onto Children who don't believe in God or Jesus.
isnt it important to have a general knowledge of things though?. RE lessons when i were at school were nothing about forcing anything on anyone it was about teaching pupils what certain religions believe in.not saying this is the truth you must beleive it. i dont beleive in god but i did R.E upto GCSE (brits will know what it is!) becasue i had an intrest in learning what different relgions believe. you cant argue your opinion if you are ingnorant on what the subject is about. and teaching a general outlay of the religions helps to stop prejudice especially now with all the islamaphobia etc thats about.

but i dont agree with religious schools at all. its segregates children which leads to problems later on. and if pp want to brainwash their kids into believing something then they should do it at home not in schools

n my opinion...I think the teacher was wrong for sending you out of class for expressing your opinion...That is your right....freedom of speech. I think it is ok to discuss both science and religion in a class. People have there own view on the subject of is always good to be able to have a respectable debate on the two, For me personally...I believe that when they removed religion and God from the schools...schools became a more dangerous place to send children to every day. Schools have become war zones for our children....I think they need to take disruptive rude students out and over bearing teacher out and put God back in....The world would become a better place again.
considering how much christain fundimentalisim there is in America that argument hardly fits with the society it has.
In my classes. we were taught in Science class about Creationism and Evolution. People speak as if everything from religion is based on faith. Religon should be based on "evident demonstration of realities though not beheld" meaning because of how you see things unfolding over a period of time, you expect that they will continue on in that course. Any religion simply based on faith and nothing more is not credible.

Like Em said, there is nothing wrong with having an overall education adn knowing what and why some believe as they do even with respects to science. In my class my teacher spent 1/3 of the time on philosophy, a 1/3 on religious teachings, and a 1/3 on the evolution theory for th efirst part of our class before we spent the rest of our time on Evolution. My teacher and I disagreed a lot, but you have to learn to respect others views and this cannot take place in an atmosphere where people are not allowed to express themselves. So that part was bogus.

Science has long been influenced by religious ideals, right or wrong this happened, so to say that science and religion are not connected in any way is to deny history. now sometimes this influenced science in a bad way, but understanding religious ideals and how they are connected to science and how they themselves have evolved is important. but that would as Rockin said depend on the context.

Even though my teacher was an evolutionist, I appreciate him taking time out to explain to the class something that represented my opinion. I went to public school as well. And I also appreciated learning in detail about evolution, where the theory came from, who were it's proponents, etc. Education is not our enemy, even if it is something you do not agree with.
In many instances they do. As a matter of fact. At least in mine. I can't say about all.
My point is, that theres a fairly thick line between the 'big bang' theroy and 'a magic man in the sky that created everything'.
When people speak of God and creation, they act as if the creator of physical law has to break his own physical laws in order to create things. Whose to say that the big bang was not something used by God himself to get things rolling.

It was like I was watching the history channel about the Isrealites eodus from Egypt. And they were saying that about the time the Isrealites left Egypt there was a huge earthquake in that area that could have caused the Red Sea to "split". Everyone always thinks of God as some Bearded guy with a wand performing magic that breaks the laws of nature. People were on there argiung it couldn't have been an earthquake because God did it. Why can't God use an earthquake. Why does he have to break his own laws he set in place to accomplish his purpose. The person on the show made the point that it is not the method that is the miracle but how the method was used. It was not a miracle of method but of timing and execution.

If I was in a science class and they started talking about a man using some magic wand to create the earth, I would say that doesn't belong here. it makes no sense and does not marry up to a scientific line of thought. But if we can use science as a basis for understanding how God accomplishes what he does, that I do not mind as long as it is talked about as part of an overall scientific theory discussion. To blindly deny all things scientific just because you want to make it diametrically opposed to all things religious is a fantasy. Many scientists believe in God and use science to further understand him.
you get this overwhelming feeling that if something is beyond your mind's understanding, you'll get petrified. being a control freak is where it's at.

but everyday life tells you, that many things are beyond your control.

yes, this has everything to do with this topic.
not sure why religion would even be discussed during science. science is a science class and religious education (whatever its called now) is a class on its own.yeah if someone mentiones it you can state religion is based on belief science on fact etc.but the two things are pretty seperate

and your teacher seems to have an agenda. maybe they should become a R.E make a compaint against them *edit* saw it was years ago*

brainwashing shouldnt be but theres nothing wrong with giving students a general knowledge of religions and what they believe. knowledge is power.

I agree with this.