Your most beautiful Michael Jackson memory

Honestly even though this gotta be one of the hardest moments of Michaels life I think June 13th 2005... It's one of the happiest days of my fandom. Great, GREAT relief. Tears of joy, pure JOY. It has finally ended. All these troubles, all this suffering.

No words to describe emotions on that very special day.
Bringing my Michael Jackson CD into my art class one day and the whole of my class enjoying Michael Jackson playing :wub:

Running home from school to watch MJ at the press converance and glued to the T.V. Sky News for 3 hours, then of course seeing Michael arrive, and his speech

The morning my dad had been on the internet since 6 oclock trying to get me tickets, then finding out at 11 oclock we got them!

People approaching me in town when i wear MJ clothes/badge

Trying to Moonwalk in the supermarket as a child :D

Playing on GTA Vice City in 2002 just to here Billie Jean get played on the radio

13th June 2005 - you should know why

:) i love michael jackson :wub:
Honestly even though this gotta be one of the hardest moments of Michaels life I think June 13th 2005... It's one of the happiest days of my fandom. Great, GREAT relief. Tears of joy, pure JOY. It has finally ended. All these troubles, all this suffering.

No words to describe emotions on that very special day.

that was one for me, too.
I dont know about most beautiful, but I know my WORST memmory.. I am really ashamed and I think about it everday how stupid I was.. *****.
I think one of the most beautiful memories of MJ for me was when he was acquitted. I remember watching it on the news, and being so touched when I saw that man raise his hand to his fans one last time, just before going into the building to hear his fate. That was probably the most important day of his life, and it was his fans he thought of at that very moment. :boohoo: I will never ever forget it. Back then we got so much crap from people for being MJ fans, but that one moment made it all worth it. You really do feel loved by Michael.
When i saw him live in concert in 1996
I will always remember that night forever :D
hmm i have many good memories, some of the best were being in the court room sitting behind him, then passing him on the highway and just the general smiling and waving etc but being so close was magic. that was just a wicked day!Then saying a prayer with randy jackson outside neverland that was magical.

Then id say outside the hotel in Munich in 1999 when i was 13 when he saw my banner and said he loved it and wanted it. And he kept blowing kisses and staring, i dont know what all thats about but he just keeps staring?? :cheers:
everytime ive seen him he just stares
:rofl: haha
sittiing in the exc same seat where mike sat when he came down to exeter in 02, this was on me sis wedding day. And buying my frist mj concert ticket.
I would not say I have any "beautiful" memories of the guy, but there are memorable moments in his history for sure. Personally, as said in another thread was his rocket to stardom after Thriller. The man was on top of the world, and every media outlet was beating a path to his door just to get a glimpse. Granted, he is pretty reclusive now ...
My most beautiful memory of being a fan is probably the day I became a fan. "Sigh" watching him do the moonwalk on the Motown 25th anniversary back in May 16,1983. Got to see the height of Michaelmania and Thrillermania which will forever be etched in my mind. :wub:
seeing him wave at me when i was down and out and homeless.
This touches me so, everytime I read it. I guess because I've been in a homeless shelter too. I can imagine the lift it must've been.

I have a few but I guess the first one is when I was a young adult, living a new life and feeling so lost, sitting in my room just crying because I didn't know what else to do and picked up a magazine. Reading through my tears I started reading this artlcle about Michael Jackson where he talked about God and the importance of reading the Bible. Immediately when I put the magazine down I went and found a bible a guy gave me before graduating from High School. I opened it and discovered that God is truly a comforter through His Word. My mother and grandparents had planted the seed of Spirit, and picking up the bible that day helped it to grow. I appreciated that and always will, and the fact that at that time in his life, its what he had decided to do with his fame. He even took it a step further and talked about how to talk with God. Seeing something simple as a butterfly and letting God know how amazing it is. It gave a real meaning to Praising God. Its very important. God loves it when we praise Him for His wonders!

Thanks, Michael. I'll always love you for that. Always.
Honestly even though this gotta be one of the hardest moments of Michaels life I think June 13th 2005... It's one of the happiest days of my fandom. Great, GREAT relief. Tears of joy, pure JOY. It has finally ended. All these troubles, all this suffering.

No words to describe emotions on that very special day.

I think one of the most beautiful memories of MJ for me was when he was acquitted. I remember watching it on the news, and being so touched when I saw that man raise his hand to his fans one last time, just before going into the building to hear his fate. That was probably the most important day of his life, and it was his fans he thought of at that very moment. :boohoo: I will never ever forget it. Back then we got so much crap from people for being MJ fans, but that one moment made it all worth it. You really do feel loved by Michael.
Yes, these ^ are soooo true :yes: what an amazing time :yes:

I would not say I have any "beautiful" memories of the guy, but there are memorable moments in his history for sure. Personally, as said in another thread was his rocket to stardom after Thriller. The man was on top of the world, and every media outlet was beating a path to his door just to get a glimpse. Granted, he is pretty reclusive now ...
That was CrAzY! and soooooo amazing, like, beyond amazing...too bad I wasn't alive for the Thriller era :(

My most beautiful memory of being a fan is probably the day I became a fan. "Sigh" watching him do the moonwalk on the Motown 25th anniversary back in May 16,1983. Got to see the height of Michaelmania and Thrillermania which will forever be etched in my mind. :wub:
My parents told me about Motown 25 and how AMAZING everyone thought it was *sigh*
This touches me so, everytime I read it. I guess because I've been in a homeless shelter too. I can imagine the lift it must've been.

I have a few but I guess the first one is when I was a young adult, living a new life and feeling so lost, sitting in my room just crying because I didn't know what else to do and picked up a magazine. Reading through my tears I started reading this artlcle about Michael Jackson where he talked about God and the importance of reading the Bible. Immediately when I put the magazine down I went and found a bible a guy gave me before graduating from High School. I opened it and discovered that God is truly a comforter through His Word. My mother and grandparents had planted the seed of Spirit, and picking up the bible that day helped it to grow. I appreciated that and always will, and the fact that at that time in his life, its what he had decided to do with his fame. He even took it a step further and talked about how to talk with God. Seeing something simple as a butterfly and letting God know how amazing it is. It gave a real meaning to Praising God. Its very important. God loves it when we praise Him for His wonders!

Thanks, Michael. I'll always love you for that. Always.

wow...what a beautiful memory
My memory of mr jackson and a personal thing you know:

A couple of years ago, I got the message I would not have the chance to get children. I've got a disease and sometimes it makes me very sad.
While I was crying, the song 'I have this dream' came trough my speakers, I didn't know I had a playlist turned on at youtube.
I heard this melody and it took me to a whole other world, far far away from that room where the silence could be heard. No more tears were crying, but the inner child of me was playing with something that I can't describe in words.

That was the day that God and Michael were making a sign.
Maybe I can't have children, but I can help those who suffer all around the world.
When I'm older I will help those children.

I'm thankful for Mike that he made songs like 'heal the world, man in the mirror' because of him I know what I have to do in my future.

That's my memory of Michael.
A slight different from the rest of the fans.
My most beautiful memory is also the single moment that I decided to become a fan of Mr. Jackson.

About a year ago, I heard some trashy gossip on tv about Mr. Jackson, and it got me curious. I was always a little bit afraid of him, even though I laugh now when I think about it.:lol: Not because of the rumors though. Just because there was something about him I couldn't place that made him different than every other hollywood superstar. So, I went out and started listening to and buying some of his music. I liked what I heard. I worked my way up to the Invincible album and played 'Speechless'. When the song was over, all I could do was sit on my bed and cry. It was the most beauiful thing I had ever heard or felt in my life. Every good feeling I had ever had in my life and forgotton all came back to me in that one moment. It was like being hit by a train, it was so strong. That was when I realized why Mr. Jackson was different than all the other celebrities I had seen in the magazines and on tv. He was human. He cared. He made mistakes. He laughed. He cried. He never was too busy to think about and cherish others. I honestly didn't believe people like that existed anymore. It also helped me realize how many years I'd spent being bitter, angry, and distrustful when I could have been happy and making others happy. I knew that if the world could still have someone like him in it, then maybe there was still hope for all of us. So I decided right then and there that I would try to be more like him. More human. I guess what makes it a beautiful memory for me is that for the first time I could really say that I loved someone unconditionally without doubt and without regret. Even if it's a total stranger that I will probably never see or talk too. He made me want to believe that it was okay to believe :heart::flowers:
I have a few beautiful memories about Michael...

The day he was acquitted wasn't exactly beautiful, but was the day I experienced the most crazy and contradictories feelings... I was so nervous, and then I started to get sad, and suddenly I was feeling so happy and relieved!

After that, when Michael made his first appearance after the trial, in Japan. When I saw the crowd screaming his name, and applausing him, it felt so good... I felt so proud of him! My dear Michael was still the king! What a joy!

When I saw the first pics of him holding newborn Prince in his arms I had tears of joy in my eyes too...

And I have many other memories... Michael has been making me happy for all my life. :)
That September evening at the Tavern On The Green. Seeing the look on my friend's face as he realized he was dancing next to his Idol, Michael Jackson. That was so very priceless ... worth every penny that I paid for the tickets to the MSG anniversary concerts and after party.
Such beautiful, inspiring stories...

seeing him wave at me when i was down and out and homeless.

Incredible vncwilliam

I was a young adult, living a new life and feeling so lost, sitting in my room just crying because I didn't know what else to do and picked up a magazine. Reading through my tears I started reading this artlcle about Michael Jackson where he talked about God and the importance of reading the Bible. Immediately when I put the magazine down I went and found a bible a guy gave me before graduating from High School. I opened it and discovered that God is truly a comforter through His Word. My mother and grandparents had planted the seed of Spirit, and picking up the bible that day helped it to grow. I appreciated that and always will, and the fact that at that time in his life, its what he had decided to do with his fame. He even took it a step further and talked about how to talk with God. Seeing something simple as a butterfly and letting God know how amazing it is. It gave a real meaning to Praising God. Its very important. God loves it when we praise Him for His wonders!

Thanks, Michael. I'll always love you for that. Always.

Superb, SoS :flowers:

About a year ago, I heard some trashy gossip on tv about Mr. Jackson, and it got me curious. I was always a little bit afraid of him, even though I laugh now when I think about it. Not because of the rumors though. Just because there was something about him I couldn't place that made him different than every other hollywood superstar. So, I went out and started listening to and buying some of his music. I liked what I heard. I worked my way up to the Invincible album and played 'Speechless'. When the song was over, all I could do was sit on my bed and cry. It was the most beauiful thing I had ever heard or felt in my life. Every good feeling I had ever had in my life and forgotton all came back to me in that one moment. It was like being hit by a train, it was so strong. That was when I realized why Mr. Jackson was different than all the other celebrities I had seen in the magazines and on tv. He was human. He cared. He made mistakes. He laughed. He cried. He never was too busy to think about and cherish others. I honestly didn't believe people like that existed anymore. It also helped me realize how many years I'd spent being bitter, angry, and distrustful when I could have been happy and making others happy. I knew that if the world could still have someone like him in it, then maybe there was still hope for all of us. So I decided right then and there that I would try to be more like him. More human. I guess what makes it a beautiful memory for me is that for the first time I could really say that I loved someone unconditionally without doubt and without regret. Even if it's a total stranger that I will probably never see or talk too. He made me want to believe that it was okay to believe

DianaJS :yes: amazing

ALL of the contributions are amazing. For myself, I would have to repeat what others have already said - the concert I attended and also the strong emotions of V day, the overflowing of tears at the end of it all is something I will never forget.

Having said that, I think the best memories are to be created. I truly believe the best is yet to come :D
My special moment was at the History Tour. When he did Earth Song and hang over all the Fans. I saw him soo near It was an amzing feeling and his Eyes are sooo dark magic .

I love you mike see you July :)
Probably my greatest memory of MJ was being in New York on opening night in 2001 when the Jacksons came on and did "Can You Feel It" to open their act. Michael came in on the second verse sounding amazing and it was a great moment! Spiritually uplifting. Being a lifelong fan since '83 and never seeing the man live, that was a priceless thing. The Jackson's Live CD was one of my first CD's I owned. Track 1 is where they opened the Triumph Tour with "Can You Feel It?" which I always loved as a song and video.

My second top memory was probably early in 2008 when I discovered at the precise time I was born, I was in the same city as Michael Jackson. The Jackson 5 performed a Friday night concert approximately 2 miles (Civic Arena Pittsburgh) from the hospital where was born in 1974. How awesome is that?
That is awesome :D
makes me wonder, what was Michael Jackson up to on the 19th of April 1994 at 9PM...