Your Goals/Aspirations...?


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
For years...I have so desired to one day be able to create/implement...

1.) All The Children of The World Charities

2.) The Dailey Deeds Foundation for the Elderly

3.) I am also working on/hoping to get some of the State/Federal Laws improved with the State of Ohio Attorney General and Legislation for our precious elderly.

4.) Be an music industry attorney, humanitarian...

"Music is the education and power to help change/heal the world..!"

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
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Record Producer - bring class and talent back to the charts!

and find another girlfriend who will make me happy & do the same in return =)
  • To be gay and beyond
  • To reach ideal weight for my height, which is 65 kg. Almost there now
  • To maintain good health
  • To marry my love one
  • To have a really, really successful video production company
  • To be a very successful businessman
  • To be ridiculously rich
  • To volunteer myself at SPCA, orphanage house and homeless shelter
  • To help the current state of homeless and poor people by helping and providing better amenities, education, job and future
  • To be a better person than the day before and the day before that
  • To travel around the world along with my SONY video camera
My aspirations and goals...Well, to be happy with my life, first of all. Find "Mr. Right" who LOVES me and UNDERSTANDS me and accepts me the way I am and have a family with him. (Seems more like a "hopeless dream" or a "fantasy" at the moment though.) I'd want to study something at the university again, but just as a "hobby"...just "for fun". I am extremely happy being a registered pediatric nurse and I am not considering changing my profession....but my brain is craving for more information and another "intellectual challenge"...I love to learn new things, so it would be great to get to study something again on my free time. And I hope I can be as good of a person as I can be and avoid becoming jaded and cynical with time, should I not find "the one"...

I guess that's about it.
  • Gain an ongoing position in the school I'm already teaching at
  • Develop an exciting unit of curriculum that looks at disablities and adapting them into a physical education environment.
  • Travel the planet, meet friends and see the things I've always read about or seen photos of.
  • Continue to develop myself as an educator and to continue making my work place an exciting, challenging and enjoyable place to be.
  • Return to university and complete a doctorate in my field (perhaps in Adapted P.E)
  • Have a go at lecturing within a university.
  • Continue to play golf at a competitive level and to explore progressive oppourtunities
  • Develop a more financially friendly option for young people wanting to take up the sport.
*Become a published author.
*Travel around the world and experience different places/cultures.
*After I graduate high school, go to college and study literature, creative writing, and philosophy (I'm thinking about going to Shimer, a "Great Books school" in Chicago)
*Volunteer and make other people's lives better. I would really love to join the Peace Core/help children in Africa.
*Become an active environmentalist, spread information about global warming, help conserve rainforests, etc.
*make more friends, fall in love
*painting and draw more often, and maybe illustrate or design the covers of my own books and sell some paintings
*Learn to be happy again and find some way to manage my depression.
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My Goals and Aspirations?

1) To make each of our 5 kids feel like they are "The" only one on the planet when they need to talk with me.

2) To make sure my husband knows everyday (after all this time), that he is still THE ONE.

3) To take the time to tell the people I love, how much they mean to me, while they are still on the planet earth!
Golly Gee Wilickers...

Mr.Jackson truly has very beautiful fans/admirers....

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"