Your Funniest Michael Jackson Moment


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Virgosationalgirl, started a thread like this on another website; so
I though what a great idea. so I'm starting one here:

My favorite funniest MJ moment was when he told Gloria Allred to "Go to Hell".

If you haven't seen that moment, click on the link below:
From This Is It

Michael - (On the cherry picker) - Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Michael, he's a cute funny soul :) I really like him in the unauthorized interview too.. He has so many cute actions in that interview. For example, I realised that he likes tying his shoe lace number of times at the fountain. That's funny :)

this interview is so cute and funny
especially when latoya goes
"its cold michael"
then michael jumps a bit and goes "its magic!!"
hehe so cute nd funny

Ohh that is soo goreous! Any reason why sound is cut in the song though? Love it :)

one of my all time favourites! I always die laughing with him! :wub:

Haha I always crack up laughing with him too even though I dunno why he's laughing haha I just love him happy like that :wub:

Ohh and the 'I love to tour' one is good too haha :giggle:
Haha I always crack up laughing with him too even though I dunno why he's laughing haha I just love him happy like that :wub:

he's hearing some sort of electronic beeping a video game, it sounds like!
"Were sizzlin'"

Ahaaaa I died at that
That or when he said he loves to tour when he was lyin and he chokes up laughin after sayin it haha
oh theres too many. Michael was such a fun person. Theres so many adorable moments I could go on and on :lmao:
Ohh that is soo goreous! Any reason why sound is cut in the song though? Love it :)

yeh ive always wonder that i think maybe because it was unauthorized so they couldnt show them singing but i dunno
wow there are so many!!! I love all the things that have been posted..

I always lmao when I watch this:

@ 1:29 "that was interesting" and then keeps singing lol

listen to what Kenny sais to Michael at 1:45 and on.. and then a little later he just starts beatboxing :lmao: ..not in the mood to listen lol.. and then in the very end..
"Michael did you fall of the stage"
