your favourite video game at the moment

It's a tie between GTA San Andreas & Half Life 2. Yeah, I'm still playing these old games. I love 'em!
^ I love San Andreas as well! One of my fave games is Silent Hill: The Room! Love old games too :p
I guess we all know :D
MJ: The Experience..
I was also a big GTA: San Andreas freak before.. the game is old for me now, but I love the memories that I had with it..
But most of all: SIMS 2 was my favorite game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I played it everyday.. from 2005 to 2009.. from morning to night.. everyday, I was a psycho freak that time xD.
Hmm... I guess I have others...
And we have Call of Duty in my school.. I play it and it's fun :D and I am a girl LOL.
I love to play Starcraft :lol:. If I remember good I've been playing it since 1999 maybe and now I have a new version.

Waiting impatiently for my The Experience order :woohoo:.
Right now it is Super Mario Galaxy. I just got the game on Friday. And I just L.:heart:.V.E. the game. Like I knew I would since I do have a major passion for astronomy. But some parts of it is pretty hard for me. Like the ray surfing in the Loopdeeloop Galaxy. I keep dying in that.
I must go with God of War here :D
Oh, and I like GTA Vice City as an addition.
I was thinking about how fun San Andreas was last night.

I have been playing NBA Jam and I tried out Undead Nightmare a few days ago.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2.

I love the game so much I played it for more than a few hours each time.