Your Crushes!

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
Does anyone else sometimes forget that little thing that makes you stop to think what your saying BEFORE you say it!!

I've been crushing on this guy for a while. Only problem is he is a security guard and they're not allowed to date or even be friends with regular employees. We flirt back and forth. Anyway Today a friend of mine calls me over in front of him and says "hey your boyfriends married" She was talking about a DIFFERENT Guy who I dont even know and I looked at the security guard and said. YOUR MARRIED?? His face got so red and Apparently mine did too. His face was priceless. I dont know what he was thinking. The girls were just laughing at me and I embarrassed my friend that I was talking too.

I dont know how to recover from this lol. Thank god im off the weekend.
hahahahahaha! A few years ago, this guy contacted me on Myspace, we were mutual friends with a lot of people but never met. We started to text, talk on the phone and we decided one day to meet up with a bunch of friends. I saw a guy that looked like him, and walked up to him saying "wow you look soooooo much better in person!" I didn't mean it as a rude thing, just he was hotter in person. Only thing was, it was the wrong person. The guy I had been talking to watched the whole thing, it was horrible. He ended up being a great guy and I still hang out with him, just as friends though lol. I think that ruined it for him.
Hmm...unfortunately I haven't had a crush on anyone, except maybe a little crush on a girl called Lola in primary school.

Makes me wish the high school I went to wasn't boys only. But then again, relationships at that age don't tend to last long anyway.
Hmm...unfortunately I haven't had a crush on anyone, except maybe a little crush on a girl called Lola in primary school.

Makes me wish the high school I went to wasn't boys only. But then again, relationships at that age don't tend to last long anyway.

I would of HATED to go to a all girls school!!
I had the same "crush" from 2nd Grade to 12th Grade. 10 YEARS! My friends made fun of me constantly And not once did I speak to him lol. I was too shy. 9 yrs after I graduated I just added him on facebook and I was nervous to even do that
hahahahahaha! A few years ago, this guy contacted me on Myspace, we were mutual friends with a lot of people but never met. We started to text, talk on the phone and we decided one day to meet up with a bunch of friends. I saw a guy that looked like him, and walked up to him saying "wow you look soooooo much better in person!" I didn't mean it as a rude thing, just he was hotter in person. Only thing was, it was the wrong person. The guy I had been talking to watched the whole thing, it was horrible. He ended up being a great guy and I still hang out with him, just as friends though lol. I think that ruined it for him.
LOL :toofunny: omg I think i would have just left. what did the guy you mistaked your friend for say?
I always have a crush :love:

Never been without one since I was 6 years old. lol At the moment it is the hot guy who makes my coffee ohh the things I think about doing with that guy :lol: *not that I would, only if im in a relationship with a guy im inlove with* :blush:

The attraction feels very mutual... We had our first real conversation (aside from all the eye contact and grinning before lol and the pause he gives with those eyes as he hands over my latte aw) the other day when I asked him how good his coffee is and what coffee he uses :lol:

"We make our own blend... what do you think about it? Too strong or weak?" Me; "Its perfect, just in between and I'm fussy with my coffee too"

He was soooo cute!! He got all lost for words; "That was to have here? Ah yeah *laughs*", me "um no take away", him stumbling his words; "haha um err yeah take away I mean" and laughs as I smile at his cuteness :happy:

In 2 minutes he told me he was going away in 6 weeks backpacking around Europe!!! He has family in North Italy and he even told me his age "You know being 24 years old, bla bla" haha

Now I won't see him for a whole week cause I'm going away! =( Then I will only have 5 weeks till he leaves!!! Nooooo.... !!! lol
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^ Aww :D

I didn't have a crush in a long time until few weeks ago when I met one guy on a cruise.. we hang out and he was really sweet and seemed to like me too but I never heard of him afterwards :mellow: Even though we're friends on facebook. I guess it just won't be anything more.
No one atm. =/

Which, I suppose, is best.
I'm too busy with school right now.
Or maybe that's just an excuse to make me feel better about it...

...I'm incredibly lonely.

Because I'm not the type to date just for the sake of dating and not being alone.

I would of HATED to go to a all girls school!!
I had the same "crush" from 2nd Grade to 12th Grade. 10 YEARS! My friends made fun of me constantly And not once did I speak to him lol. I was too shy. 9 yrs after I graduated I just added him on facebook and I was nervous to even do that

I go to an all girls school. The only bad part about it is the girls, they're catty and biotchy. Otherwise, the education I'm getting is amazing. :) lol.

Aww, that's cute about you crushing on someone for that long. And you never spoke to him!? Wow I never would have been able to do that. I would have went crazy. lol.


There was a boy I liked for quite a while. I liked him from 2nd grade to 7th grade. We were like best friends but then he treated me like garbage in middle school. I liked one guy in between while still liking him. I liked a few guys in 7th grade: 2 of my good guy friends at the time who were in my class, and I dated someone else for about a month. lol. Then I dated this one guy freshman year for 2 months. But the guy I'm currently dating, I've liked for a while, since about 7th grade but it was nothing serious. Just a little crush, but he was too old for me back then. I always just admired him from afar but he was shy anyway. I didn't go for him at the time though, because I knew I was too young. But things worked out later on and he's a great guy. The best guy I've ever dated/liked.