Your 'connection' or things you share with Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I don't mean spiritual or anything but more like facts that makes you feel connected to Michael somehow or some interests you share.

Here are mine:
- We both have the same Chinese Zodiac which is dog.
- I share my b-day with Diana Ross
- In Smooth Criminal it sometimes really sounds like he asks i'm ok (My name sounds a bit like Annie in English)
- We both seem to be fans of the Harry Potter books

That's all i can think of right now.

What are yours?:flowers: I think everyone has atleast something:yes:
I've had to put up with the most bitchiest "friends" throughout my whole life to be honest.

I'm not close to my Mother one bit, in fact, I can't even remember the last time I hugged her.

I will add more later, because right now I can't remember much!
I've had to put up with the most bitchiest "friends" throughout my whole life to be honest.

I'm not close to my Mother one bit, in fact, I can't even remember the last time I hugged her.

I will add more later, because right now I can't remember much!

How is Michael not close to his mother?!
me and MJ are both Virgos, our birthdays are 2 days apart.
We both like claude debussy :)
We like to remain "childlike"
Love children and animals.
I am in the music profession
-the dad issue
-incredibly misunderstood. (ie: I'm actually not a bitch, just shy when meeting new people)
-yet, I am an actor, so when I'm onstage and playing the role of someone else, that is when I feel most comfortable.
-struggle with appearance/self-confidence

others... can't remember them all right now and/or don't wanna get too personal! heh.
- We are both born in august
- We love animals
- Loves classical music
- Movies
- Nightowl (don't know the correct word?)
OMG where do I begin with that. We had so many things in common. Here is just some of the things me and Michael had in common:

We were both born on a Friday during a full moon

We were both born in the early morning hours (Well thats what I had read about Michael. Don't know if it is true or not.)

Our birthdays falls on the same day of the week every 4 years

We are both an 8 in numerology

We are both earth symbols I'm a Capricorn and he's a Virgo

We both have 7 letters in our last name ending with a N

We both have a love for the number 7

Our favorite colors is red and black

We were both tease about our noses when we were younger

We are both child like

We both love animals and children (Though I prefer animals more than children)

We both have problems with our fathers (I have not seen or spoken to my father in over 8 years. Which would explain why I had always consider Michael like a father to me. Because he is the kind of father that I have always had wanted.)

We both have a love for Charlie Chaplin and Elizabeth Taylor

We both have a love for chicken (Though I had lost the taste for it when he had died. Before I practically ate chicken almost every single day.)

There are other things but I don't want to spend the rest of the night posting them.
I share Virgo sign with him
I have skin problem and have to meet doctor every two weeks :( (for me not vitiligo) and my skin sensitive with sun ray
I love children and want to have my own
I love dancing
My mother very strict on me like his father strict on him
I write the same way (how to hold pen)
My initial name is NJ which N is half of M :) haha and I remain to use J for my surname to match with Michael surname (actually my family use C not J for surname)
I love Monopoly too
How is Michael not close to his mother?!

He has had problems with his Dad but was close to his mother, wasn't he? That's the same with me, except I'm a girl and I'm closest to my Dad but not my Mum.
Far too many things to name. give me some time to make my list :) I think the main thing though, is our general outlook, perception, and wonderment of things. The world, children, family, friendships, music, dance, art...
We both live in California now
We both lived for a while in Ireland
My father's name is Michael
My dog's name is Ben (love when he sings that song...)
Can be very shy at times like Michael
um... the dad/family issue....... kinda .
i am born in august.
i remain childlike ..
um i love children ,i love being a mother
been told i am compassionate ./have empathy towards people .
i like to think im creative ....
i kno im emotional ..
um i cant think of anything more right now though.

add ~ohhh i love sparkly kno all difrent kinds of sparkles ...and things like that .
Both Virgos
Both end of August(me the 30th)
Love to sing
Love to dance
Love most creative things
Love to help others and love animals.
Often get lonely, as don't relate to many people.
I'm also a perfectionist - down to star sign though I think.
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Shy self-loathing Virgo
Loves animals too much
Likes the Salvation Army
This is hard for me to talk about but I feel like I must. Growing up I was very abused as a child by my father. I was a victim to domestic violence, scars I will never get out of my mind. I dont really talk to him much now. If I do its pretty painful to even have a conversation. Im scared of him quite frankly. :no:

Im coping with this loss very hard because even though I was very attracted to Michael, I looked up to Michael as a father too.
I have alot of things in common with Michael.. so many
Sometimes people even say I am so much like Michael.. :cheeky:

I am an entertainer
Lived in California
Love to Dance
Love Music
Love Disney
Love Peter Pan (my fav disney movie)
Love of Animals
Love old movies, charlie chaplin
Like to Dress up
Love to Help Others
Both have summer birthday
Am Childlike
I am very sensitive
We both a big fan of James Brown
We both have brown eyes
We both like Orange Gatorade
We both like popcorn
We both like cookie dough ice cream
We both like mexican food
We both like frosted flakes
We both like the simpsons
We love the arts
Im a perfectionist..
I get lonely sometimes..
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Michael and I are both the same sign, Virgo.

We're both dancers and entertainers. Music and dance are basically a HUGE part of who we are.

I feel like my spirit is very much like his because I have a big heart and love people and children. Because of this, people have betrayed me and treated me like utter shit for being a good person, just like people did to him. I can feel people's pain like it is my own pain, and I am EXTREMELY sensitive as well. If I had the kind of money Michael did, you can BET your ass that I would've been as giving as he was.

There's probably more, but I'm too tired to think of them right now, LOL.
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loners in a way when in private
from g-town in.
wanted to live in california
summer birthdays..woo hoo
I am very soft-spoken - people always tell me to SPEAK UP!
I am very shy and a bit naive too, that's why I try to stay away from social gatherings or anything like that
I have a weakness for people in need and for helpless children especially orphans I'd do anything for them
I'm very determined to do something good with my life, I want to live a purpose driven life and live for others too not only for myself
and I suffer vitiligo too I have to avoid the sun
we both like hot/chili stuff
we both like movies
we both like gum!
we're both concerened for mother earth ;)
Both born in August
Love for animals and children (I love animals more then most adult people)
Feeling lonely very often
Love music
Love to dance
I love to go to family parks go on rides
I'm shy in front of people I've never met before

Guess there will be more but I can't think of it now