Young people standing up for the love of Michael Jackson

Re: Young people standing up for the lovwe of Michael Jackson

I certainly agree. Thanks for posting this clip. That Girl did a great job!!!:clap:
Re: Young people standing up for the lovwe of Michael Jackson

Awwww! She's adorable!

**And oh shoot I LOOOOVE her jacket! :D**
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He has a nice voice... I haven't listened to this song in a while, so I'm startin to realize how great and inspirational it is. Makes my heart soften.
Thanks so much Dats! Sometimes we fans lose sight of what is really important when it comes to Michael Jackson. It is about the every day people (talented or not) who recognise and respect what he has given us through his music and performances and philantropy.

Youtube, and whatever comes after it, will help safeguard this man's incredible legacy.
Thanks for posting these tributes to Michael...Still inspiring young people positively. Yay Mike! :dancin: I am sure there will be more to come in the not so distant future. :sc_imbad:
seriously, how old is that girl? In the first video I thougt she's like 11 years old, now I think she 18:eek: but she's such a beautiful voice!
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yeah..more people show LOVE to Michael
how adorable she is
the way she sang like mj is so cute and got her style too
really enjoy her performance b^^d
young asian people REALLY love Michael. i never realised how popular he was in the asian community. mind you, i knew he was popular but not to the extent that so many children are influenced by a 50 year old man. it is a bit creepy, like if a kid was into another 50 year old artist that much, it would be highly disturbing. in his case, it is no big deal. we think nothing of it and move on. you dont see many ten year olds that know an artists catalogue, when half the music in it, is twenty years older than they are. that is some powerful influence. it makes it clear why some people are threatened by that influence. not all of those conspiracy theories were that far away from the truth.

big props to the thread starter, we need some uplifting points of view and there is nothing better that a child's viewpoint on things.