Young Mike sure was a charmer... :D


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Peepz, you have to check this article out-->

I almost died laughing.... Michael was acting like some playa who knows his way around girls....and this was when he was around 13 years old.... :lol:

MJ: I can dig it! I think that if you dig a chick enough to ask her out, you're crazy if you don't want to kiss her. And, if she accepted the date, she likes you and probably wants to be kissed. So, I couldn't think of any reason why you shouldn't! I think I'd like to wait 'till the end of the date before I kissed her, though! I think most girls are afraid you're comin' on too fast if you kiss them right away. But, if I could tell that chick I was with was just waitin' to be kissed, I wouldn't mess around wastin' time! I'd take her in my arms, bend her face back to rest on the back of her seat, and slowly lean toward her, gazin' into her eyes and talking in a slow, smooth voice. Then, I'd press my lips against hers, gently at first, then harder and harder until we're both lost in a soul kiss of true love.

Damn... Michael sure don't play around... :D

Did Michael really say that? or was it some publicist?

Any old fans here who can verify this? :lol:

This article seriously made my day....

I've heard that Michael was a little ladies man and a big flirt when he was younger but it's another thing when you actually see it... :D
Aaaww....our perfect charming, loving, handsome Michael.:wub:

Seriously, where can I find a man like that?!
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Man, Mike was always a playa. He knew how to do!
Peepz, you have to check this article out-->

I almost died laughing.... Michael was acting like some playa who knows his way around girls....and this was when he was around 13 years old.... :lol:

MJ: I can dig it! I think that if you dig a chick enough to ask her out, you're crazy if you don't want to kiss her. And, if she accepted the date, she likes you and probably wants to be kissed. So, I couldn't think of any reason why you shouldn't! I think I'd like to wait 'till the end of the date before I kissed her, though! I think most girls are afraid you're comin' on too fast if you kiss them right away. But, if I could tell that chick I was with was just waitin' to be kissed, I wouldn't mess around wastin' time! I'd take her in my arms, bend her face back to rest on the back of her seat, and slowly lean toward her, gazin' into her eyes and talking in a slow, smooth voice. Then, I'd press my lips against hers, gently at first, then harder and harder until we're both lost in a soul kiss of true love.

Damn... Michael sure don't play around... :D

Did Michael really say that? or was it some publicist?

Any old fans here who can verify this? :lol:

This article seriously made my day....

I've heard that Michael was a little ladies man and a big flirt when he was younger but it's another thing when you actually see it... :D
Haha:D thanks for posting. This brought a smile to my face.

I think he WAS always a playa like that, a lovely playa many women find attractive. It's a matter of the degree of showing that. That cool playa, prankster, fun-loving funny guy all combined in him. And it just showed a lot more when he was in Jackson 5 cuz he seemed to speak more directly at that time. Remember? Mike quickly answered "I like they legs big" when asked about the kinda girl he liked. He mentioned personality but it came later than that classic line:D:rofl: And what about the way he said that? The tone and everything. Oh you can't forget his tone when he was saying "What do I like most about gals?":rofl: The lil playa was pondering.

The playa in him did clearly show again to fans when he was in his 40s. As people get older, they're likely to lose some inhibitions and become less shy. He was still shy (in a cute way:wub: for a 40-something man) during the period, but I feel he did become less shy.
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