Young Justin Timberlake

If I remember correctly on t4 he said he didn't get into MJ until he was like 17 or 18 and he likes Michaels producing, lol. But his true idol is someone else... I guess he forgot about this and his VMA performances from the early 2000's! I like Justin but why does he try to ignore Michael now? I guess its since the superbowl.
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Watching JT as a kid is how you can tell that a lot of his talent is aquired skill more then innate ability.
Yes, I saw that. I thought of what MJ was doing at his age. MJ would have wiped the floor with him them, how old was he? I recon MJ was already signed to motown at that age. Don't think anyone would have spotted Justin for a superstar then. Just kid stuff at the time. Not bad though.,