you tube- bad comments people to avoid etc


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
Has anyone had a message sent directly to their email following a comment they left for Michael?
I had the most upsetting and revolting message sent to me- which is unrepeatable on here.........username was ''dobsondale'.
Needless to say I deleted it and blocked that user

It's so awful that people are so full of hate and want to use you tube to insult our angel Michael.

I will have to change settings to prevent private messages to my you tube as cant face reading their shice again..

anyone had the same prob?

MAJORITY love Michael.............only come across a few 'haters' ..........but just having 1 hateful comment sent is 1 too many....

Soz Mods if repeating thread...:(

awww Jenny I own a youtube with 720 subscribers and has had over 500,000 views. I have had my share of hate mail and the past two years have collected a full list of blocked users. Its terrible they have nothing better to do then harass us. We as Michael fans have to put up with alot of bs. But it just shows how strong we are because we never give in to them. I always just ignore the bad stuff and delete their comments. Every once in a while there will be a bad egg.
Yeah I guess unfortunately you are right. This must have happened so many times that it's unmentionable. Silly thread- oops :-(
I'm allowed to say that cos it's mine- I started it............
Please when you get a min post me a link to the one of you playing the told me AGES ago about it,but sorry to say I didnt add it to my favs..........
I don't know if you have already done this, but I would say to set it up so that all comments left for your video(s) have to be approved by you first. I did it that way and I get an e-mail when someone wants to comment. I haven't had anything nasty or distasteful at all.

There is something intrinsically wrong with someone who looks up videos of someone they supposedly hate, and then goes out of their way to make their dislike/hatred known.
I don't read the comments anymore, I just end up getting annoyed and in arguments which are going nowhere. You'll never change their minds so I don't bother trying anymore. I just wish that Michael's official channel would moderate it properly though! Or, at least disable comments.
I don't know if you have already done this, but I would say to set it up so that all comments left for your video(s) have to be approved by you first. I did it that way and I get an e-mail when someone wants to comment. I haven't had anything nasty or distasteful at all.

There is something intrinsically wrong with someone who looks up videos of someone they supposedly hate, and then goes out of their way to make their dislike/hatred known.

Arh 2 things to say in response to your comment:
It wasnt MY you tube video........ ( I have yet to fathom out how to do that.....and trust me I seriously am working on it!!!)
And secondly it wasnt even a Michael you tube vid...that I commented on, so guess I was putting myself in dangerous ground............although it wasnt the 'author' of the vid who said this vile comment.........guess it can happen anywhere unfortunately:doh:
It was on a you tube of Harold Faltermier.Axel F...........!
I said that I remembered this song on hol with an old school friend, happy memories of the 1980's! Then added RIP Michael Jackson.......etc....cos MJ was VERY much part of my 80's music enjoyment.......

Nuff said. ;D
I don't read the comments anymore, I just end up getting annoyed and in arguments which are going nowhere. You'll never change their minds so I don't bother trying anymore. I just wish that Michael's official channel would moderate it properly though! Or, at least disable comments.

Arh I guess that it's not their faults as these comments can come in at any time of day and night...........they remove when they can...........
I always send a message to say plz delete xyz persons comments as highly offensive etc........... I am sure they hate it as much as we do.

I ' thumbs down' bad comments........or click as spam then it hides.......