You Had A Will Of Iron...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I find again in my heart that it is time to write to you once more Michael.

This time not because you have passed and left us heartbroken, but because we are all trying to pick up the pieces of the tragedy and march forward with our lives. To find closure, decent reasoning, and to find who is responsible.

The intimate details of your passing are coming out now, and people are searching for justice. They are searching for the answers and the truths, but all we will ever know are the "truths". The only ones who really know what went on that day are you and your maker. I don't believe even the Doctor has the slightest idea what exactly happened for sure. He just knows in his heart, I am sure, that his own negligence is a contributing factor to your passing. Not the only one, but the largest piece of this puzzle. Many fingers will be pointed at many different people, but the longest and most pointed of all seems to be waving right in the direction of your Doctor. Can you believe it? A man you trusted with your own life, and he let you down...What was going on?!

In your lifetime you were able to take enjoyment from sorrow, happiness from desperation, and excitement from the boring. You were able to light up a face that once was covered in tears, to bring laughter to those who had no reason to laugh, and don't forget you could make a girl faint on contact ;)

You, dearest Michael, are what I like to call a hero. A role model. An exceptional human being in a universe of people who are willing to settle with just 'existing'.

"People will always pass judgement no matter what you do, so it really doesn't bother me, everybody is strange to somebody."

It breaks my heart piece by piece everytime I hear someone rip your name. I want to stick a bar of soap in to mouths when I hear you being called the horrible 'p' word or 'c-m' word. It makes me sick to my stomach to hear that you are still thought of on such terms. As if you did something to them, the people who think that they have some right to continue defaming you, even after your passing. Who do they think they are? Yet, I know that although your feelings would be hurt, you would find ways to move on. To just shrug your shoulders and strike them off your Christmas Card list (haha) and fall more and more in to your own world.

"You have to have a will of iron. If the whole world says "No!" you say "Yes!"

You built an entire fantasy land, not for yourself, but for those less fortunate than yourself. Yes your house was there, you ate your breakfast and lay your head there at night...but the hours inbetween you gave your own home away to the public, to the sick, to the needy and the less fortunate. You made sure that every need was met, every desire was fulfilled and no child went home feeling the same way they came. Every child left knowing that even if everyone else in the world turned their back on them, Michael Jackson would be there to 'have their back' and make sure they were taken care of.

"Be the best...not second best or third, but the best at what you choose to do."

How can anyone not see what we, the fans, see?
How can anyone ever for a second think that you, a life saver in more than one sense of the word, a mentor to many, many people, deserved an ending like you received?
How can the people who tortured you and hurt you so, justify what they did?
How can the people who are caught red handed sleep at night? Look in to the eyes of their own children and family members and claim their innocence?
How can they even close their eyes and see your face, and not want to come forward and be honest with themselves and the world?

You were human Michael, and I know you weren't perfect. I am not claiming you to be a man with no flaws, no mistakes. I am not claiming you to be a saint. I am just claiming you to be what you were. Giving, loving, caring, respectful. You were what every human being strives their whole life to be, but many of us fall off the wagon. You were the inspiration to many of us to get back on that wagon. And now that you have passed, we must be the wagon, since you are no longer there for us to look up to, to hop back on.

We are hurt. We are angry. We are struggling. We have always wanted what is 'ours', which we thought was you. But you were not 'ours' to have. You were your own, you belonged to your family and your children. You belonged to your organizations and your music. You were not 'ours'. But we are not selfish to think that you were. We were so blessed to have 'had' you while you were here. You gave so much of yourself away that we all felt we 'had' a little piece of you. When you passed, so did our 'piece' of you. It is now that many people are seeing you as the person that you are and were. The person that we all knew you were, but could never convince others to see.

You were not a product. You were not a name. You were not a commercial, or a tour, an album, a wardrobe, or a dance move. You were not a 45' lean, a fedora hat, a moon walk, or a piece of curly hair. You were not a signature, a book, or a movie.

You were Michael Joseph Jackson. Gary, Indiana native, 50 year old man. Father, son, uncle, brother, cousin, grand son, god father. Jokster. Prankster. Super Soaker expert. Water balloon genius. Selfless. Provider to your children, lover of your family, giver to all.

"In the end the most important thing is to be true to yourself and those you love and work hard."

You are not just another name in History books marked under 'Drug Overdose'. Your fans will not stand for such a thing to happen. You will forever be known for your achievements. Your death will not overshadow your life. Your life will outshine your death forever and for always.

We love you Michael. The truth will prevail. Your name will shine bright. The wrongs can not be undone, but they can be brought up to the front of the line now, and the right things can start to be done.

"Lies run sprints, but truths run marathons."

We love you Michael,
Thinking of you always and forever,

Once again Casey you've left me fighting back the tears :cry: ... but I love you for it.
oh my speak heart.we love our spoke my feelings.I am so sad for michaels children.I am sad for everyone to be without such a great and pure man.we do have him in our soul..but i want him here,with us.with his children having dinner.sharing their day with their daddy.
im so broken.
you blew me away once again casey.. i love the way you write. this was really beautiful, it says everything that i feel. you described michael as a man so beautiful, and you really speak of the man we all love. i miss him so much :(